Tuesday 15 July 2008

Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre - QVC event

Just got a quick chance to do a very speedy blog update (we are still in the process of moving - been at it since Friday, there's an awful lot of craft stuff!!). I'd like to say a big thank you to all the people who came to the QVC event, it was lovely meeting everyone, we had a great time.

It was great working with PI again, this time for Kathy, who was lovely. And watch out for Claire and Kirsty (the DO girls), they are both fantastic to get on with and their work is great, I've popped a link to Kirsty's blog (but I'm sure most of you may have already visited - very inspirational). Have a look on the DO web site to find more about Claire and her work.

Now at this point I could continue to waffle about everyone being lovely, but it will sound like I'm doing an award speach at the oscars!! I will just say it was great.

Now my blog has been a little neglected, I'm sorry. I haven't managed to reply to any of your kind comments or keep up with the fab Friday. Hopefully we should (well we have to be) out of our old house and completely in the new one on Friday. It may take a couple of weeks to get us on line (gulp, withdraw systems setting in), but I'll find a way!

Keep you comments flowing in and when the boxes are cleared I'll be able to have a lovely time reading and visiting your blogs.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about us Leonie - get yourself comfy in the new house and we'll still be here when you get back on-line xxx

daisy said...

Hope the move goes smoothly & that the new house soon feels like home.

Take care xx

caroline said...

good luck with the move and for the start of a new chapter in your lives in a new home xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a fun time!!!

Good luck with your move Leonie:):):)

Emma Williams said...

Hi Leonie
Just wanted to say good luck with the move and *fingers crossed* that it all goes well and hassle free!

Kirsty Wiseman said...

hugs and squidges to you too.
I loved your beautiful family frame that you made........ it was such a wonderful pleasure to meet you. I wanted tot take you home in my pocket xx

Joy said...

Hey Leonie, hope all's going well with the move! And hope you'll be online again soon. I mainly wanted to say a big THANKS for inspiring me to start ATC-ing and starting my own blog.

Take care
Joy x

hazel said...

It was lovely to meet you and Dawn and everybody else at the QVC event. I had a fantastic time. I hope the move went well and you are now settling in to your new home. xxx

Dawn Wheeler said...

Arr Leonie ,what a stressful time LOLxxx as least you are having a good time in between moving and mixing with some fabulous people xxDawnxx

Unknown said...

Left you a little something on my blog Leonie. Deb x

craftyhils said...

Hiya leonie,Thanks for making the Craft Event so enjoyable for so many like minded people.
I wish you, Nicky ,Teela ,and Dylan all the best for your move to Canterbury.
Did you find any forgotten crafty things during your mega-packing?
I often find much loved older items, discarded in favour of the newest trend,and start to use them all over again.
Do you think this means we all have too much stock.....or like CAKE we can never have too much!

Love from Hilary in Fair Oak xx

sharon said...

Leonie I'm missing you! But I did really enjoy craft day and treated myself to the TSV before it sold out - lot's of scope with that kit to include your own ideas and stash I thought. You have a mention over on my blog! xx

craftyhils said...

Thanks for Making the craft event brilliant.
Thanks too for signing my treasured ATC book
Hope you are settled now, and look forward to the Blog being up and running....we all miss you!
Love Hils in Fair Oak xx

Dawny P said...

Hi Leonie. We came to see you on Saturday at Dawns - pink hair and I was with my fab friend Terrie B and her lovely fella Scott - I said I would find your blog and that I would say to you .... 4 boobs lol xxx So now I did - heehee. Hope you had a great 2 days that were full of fabulousness. Bet yer knackered now chick!! Hope to meet you again some day cos you are sooo funny and I just saw your stuff on here and it is fab too, so I have linked up - hope that's ok so I can see what's new. Hugs, Dawny xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Leonie....
only me!!!!lol...
Was lovely to meet you on Saturday...:)
You are a real sweetie:):):)
My poor hubbie got dragged along...but he loved meeting yourself and Kirsty Wiseman!!!!
He`s off tending to his sheep as I speak..LOL...
`Thankyou` for the wonderful Company.....

Brunelsold said...

Hi Leonie
I love this blog,everyone can manage all events with outstanding facilities in this conference centre Bristol.

Larry said...

Great QVC event is great, of course.

I think it's unfair to compare a conference centre with great dramatic effects to open source event that are run by volunteers though.

My opinion on a related topic Warrington Conference Centre can be found on my blog

Anonymous said...

Hi, I always think very few inspiring blogs are exist on the web about conference centre Preston. one of your blog impressed me. thanks for the great tip and share.