Tuesday, 31 May 2011

D day

Haha, d day. The day the system melted!!!

What a brilliant day. It was really emotional, after all that time and everything we've been through it was so good to have my old mate back, and on c&c turf!! Never thought that would happen. Brilliant. We had a really fun and busy show. That melted everything. The phone lines, the web site! The emails!!! Unbelievable. Talk about gremlins! We were invaded.

Whacked now, have a day off tomorrow to prep my workshop, hooray. Back in Thursday, and Friday morning to do the pod shows. Oh, and Saturday. Haha.

Thank you to everyone who tuned in and sent us some really lovely messages xxxx

- Leonie

D day

Hehe, who'll be watching?xx

- Leonie

Friday, 27 May 2011

Exciting stuff!!!

Well, exciting stuff.....loads of it.

First I have to say another big thank you to everyone who sponsored us. I don't think it's closed yet, so if you didn't then we are still begging for your cash, please take your time to visit my just giving page:

I'm really looking forward to our first Peterborough workshop. We've ordered plenty of goodies to play with, so it's going to be fun. Plus, there will be absolutely gorgeous cakes to buy (and eat....I'm doomed). Cake and crafting. Is that not a perfect day! There are places still available, so if you do want to join us you can book via the web site:

Talking of the web site, it's looking better! We have been putting on card samples, and products. There will be special offers, competitions and web links, so keep visiting to see it grow. I know this is particularly stupid, but as yet I'm not sure where my emails are going!! I know, duh, so I really do apologise if you have emailed, but they could be in space and I wouldn't know. I'm trying to get help, so will hopefully find them soon!!

And get this, man soooooo excited. The first set of stamps that I am bringing out are nearing completion. This is fabulous news. I'm not going to tell you the name of the first Artist Collection to be released, but trust me you are going to be blown away. The art work is fantastic.

Soooo excited.

And then, of course, next Tuesday is going to be really good fun, isn't it funny how things happen. Me and Dawn on Create and Craft. Fantastic. We're sharing a dressing room as well. I can leave her little silly things (hehe).

So, loads of things to look forward to, mega busy, and at the moment really sleepy, so I apologise for sentences that don't make sense, but I just can't be bothered reading it over! Lazy bird eh.

Good night one and all, seeya on the box tomorrow, thing my first show is at 1pm (or 12!!). xxx

Saturday, 14 May 2011


Thank you thank you thank you, to everyone who has sponsored us. We have done so well with the money raised so far - the final figure will be announced soon. Really chuft.

So, the jump. Well, it's the most exciting thing ever!! I loved it. But it was so scary. Nat and myself had to go an hour before everyone else for a refresher in our training. We were told he would be one of the last to jump due to the clouds - so we sat down ready for cake. Not got a bite when the call to tell us we had 25 mins and we were jumping!!! We got in our suit, by the time we were boarding the plane my mum, step dad and sister were there to see us off.

We climbed 13000 feet, had our memories tested on the way, and then we were ready. Right, this is the fun bit. The doors open. You have to stand with a toe over the door - your not allowed to hold on to anything as it may inpeed launching yourself out. You tell both your instructors your ready, look to the wingtip. Rock out, in, then chuck yourself out of the plane!!!! We had two instructors jumping with us. The suits are made so they have extra padded parts on them which the instructors hold onto - to make sure you fall straight rather than plummet! We had to go through the steps we had been taught, then at 6000 feet you lock on, give the signal, then pull your shoot. And then your alone. It was a wonderful feeling when the shoot opened. And then the view, the peace, wow, it was fantastic. Okay, my steering matched that of my driving, and I ended up in a wheat field, but who cares. Amazing.

It was the most exciting thing I have ever done, and then watching all the professionals after made me want to do it all again. So I am! Hooray. Hopefully on the 17th June!! This time not for charity, just for fun. Imagine passing your exams to skydive anywhere in the world.

Now I'm just waiting for the video and photo's, which I'll be sharing with everyone. Thank you again, I am so pleased everyone has been so supportive, especially as this was all to raise money for Sands. I did was to put a photo of Jacob on my page, but wasn't quite brave enough to take that step for some reason. Strange isn't it.

Look out for the photo's and our next challange. What can we do to beat that??