Thursday, 11 December 2008
I've been attempting to catch up with my new ATC kits (printer broke though, so got held up), busy with QVC kits and also working on my Uni project. Really chuft with that, as soon as I take photo's I'll share it with you. Considering I'm definately not a big fan of doing decoupage, or cutting out for that matter, I have decided to do a Christmas siloette, all cut by craft knife. I'm quite chuft with it. I have cut into a book to create my frame, and set a light in it, which glows through the little cottage window!! Tomorrow I'm doing a screen print, so I will have a flat piece as well as the 3D image. It's brilliant to do something so completely different.
We are going away for a week tomorrow, so I thought I'd better do a quick catch up. We are off to Wales for a week. My wonderful mum and step dad have booked us a week in a cottage, the dogs are going with us so we will be getting lots of good walks in, eating and chilling. There's no TV, so I'm taking Uni work to play with, and lots of games and books. Can't wait. When we come back it's craft day, so straight back into the thick of it! Already been working on the TSV, I like it.
Well gang, better get some sleep, up nice and early.
Sunday, 23 November 2008

I've been tagged by the lovely Clare ( Now, if accepted, I have to list 7 random facts about myself - then of course tag 7 not thought about this for long, just going to dive on in!! Gulp....
1. My first pop concert was to see Toyah Wilcox. My dad took me, I was so excited. Not sure how old I was, or if dad was a secret fan and that's how he got the short straw to accompany me!
2. I spent my first birthday in hospital having an operation cos I have a wonky head!! Honest. I have the stitches to prove it. I think one of my neck tendons was to tight, so my head leaned to one side. The idea was to loosen it to straighten me up. Didn't work that well, it's still wonky, but the stitches are great.
3. I used to work in a Solicitors office, where I started a Legal Executive course. Unfortunately when my mum and dad split up my course suffered and I gave up. Funny the paths we almost take isn't it - imagine me as a Legal Exec! haha. Met some great people at Woodcocks, especially one of my best friends and partner in many crimes, Mandy xx
4. I just have one fab little sister, Marianne, and a step brother and sister, Douglas and Sam.
5. For my 21st birthday party my mum made me a Greenpeace Birthday cake. When she lit the candles the ships sails went up in flames! At the same party we had games like musical statues, great.
6. We used to have a ferret called Snowy. He was lovely, but did bite my toe once.
7. Me and my mate Lisa once went to learn Karate - we only went for one lesson as the teacher was abit smelly and we felt daft! I'll never be a black belt.
Now, for my 7 tag victims.........
Love tag xxx
Whooo Charity and Angelina Fibres!!
As for the blog candy, I wrote all your names on little pieces of paper and let Nicky draw the winner, so congratulations to JOANNE, your goodies will be in the post this week!! Hooray.
I've also managed to put my recent photo's of some work I have done with Angelina Fibres and metal flakes on Photobucket, and I'm really hoping when you click this link it will take you to my slideshow!! haha, who knows however, it may took me yonks and I'm not 100% what I've actually done!
Now I've got some catching up to do with newies for my ATC club, and also blog awards (more whooo's), so best be getting on.
Thank you again to everyone for your help.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Charity Auction - The Final Fling (and Blog Candy, mmmmm)
To bid, please just add a comment to this post with the amount you are bidding. Keep an eye on the comments, as you may be out-bid.
The photo's are lovely, and would be great for any fan of any of the above - or even make a great surprise Christmas pressie for a fan, completely unique. All the proceeds raised will be going to the Prince's Trust, in conjunction with the Corporate Challenge being run by Halliwells.
To thank everyone for taking part, all people placing a bid will be placed in a raffle for some fab blog candy - FREEBIES!!!!

There's a mix of ribbons, papers, stickers, rub-ons, little book, flowers and stuff!
Thank you, and good luck
Monday, 17 November 2008
Pass the Word.........
Saturday running from 9am - 9pm to give everyone a fighting chance.
The auction will be for photographs and card signed by (and of) Dawn Bibby, JJ, myself, Catherine Huntley, Anna Griffin, Amy Shaw, Rosemary and Nigel Merry, Donna Dewberry, Carol Smith, Kirsty Wiseman and last (but absolutely by no means least) our lovely Clare Curd. Phew. Now Rosemary and Nigel did scarper before I managed to grab them to sign the card, but I have got photo's of them (not running out of the building!!).
I will be asking people to place their bid on my blog - so you will be able to see them as they are posted, and know what you are up against! All you need to do is leave a comment in the normal way, with your bid. Keep checking the comments to see if you are winning. Sounds easy - fingers crossed it goes as smooth as it sounds, gulp.
I'll be reminding everyone before the games begin, and don't worry, I will be getting the pictures printed properly, not doing them myself (my blue's not working so everyone would have weird liney heads!).

Happy Birthday DAD!!!

We didn't have a big enough cake to support all the candles required though - hahaha.....sorry dad.
We had a surprise meal for him on Thursday night, which was great. Didn't manage to catch up with everyone properly (never do at meals do you), and we had to go home the same evening so I could make Uni in the morning, but it was still great.
Uni has also been great, we have been doing printing - screen printing, mono printing, dry point and something else that you use a smelly spray with! Brilliant fun. Me and Ashley were swots, and went in an extra day (whooo). We had a good giggle, and managed to work! Fab.
Only one whinge, my stupid car's not working properly - again. Grrr. It cuts out every time I slow down, so I'm attempting not to slow down - or jump starting on the move. I look like I'm kangarooing all the way down the road when I'm stuck in traffic. Looks like it's back to the garage, boo hoo, I'm much to skint to be having my car fixed!!
Just a couple of photo's of work I did on a kit that was in the last QVC show, love the papers in this one.
The photo's of me and Carly were taken by Paula, she's as good with the camera as she is with her crafting - brilliant xx

Me and Carly on Dawn's Portugal crafting holiday, having a well earned cheeky beer (mmm in the sun, how lovely).

Wednesday, 12 November 2008
QVC was good on Tuesday, feels like we haven't been in in ages, and I think Dawn was missed as the show went brilliantly. It was great having the competition winners in, the ladies. A big hello to Debbie, Louise, Leanne and Sue if your having a read. Sue shared some lovely paper folding with me, which I am going to perfect and pop on here. It was really good fun, I had a chance to be in control of the "real" mike - power!!
Now on a completely different subject, does anyone ever notice or read the links list people put on their blogs. I know I hardly do, I'm running an opinion poll to check this out. I recon no one does, so rather than putting blogs on there I'm going to pop blogs I have found in the main body of text, and I'd love you to recommend some good one's out there as well. I think we should try and aim for those not at the top of the list - as they have already been discovered - lets find some hidden gems.
The one I want to share with you today is a blog by Jukie.
Her cards are really lovely. I was really moved by Jukie's post when her mum passed away. She has a really important link regarding Bowel Cancer which I've promised myself to check out.
I like the way Jukie writes, and how her cards have developed over her blogging - she really shares her crafty journey. Have a look, and remember to share more gems with us readers.
(whooo, see in bed before daftoclock xxx)
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Fancy a Challenge?
Now for this one I took an idea I saw on the Hero Arts blog. They used a card which someone else had made for inspiration, using the same layout but using different materials. The ATC I have used as my template was a trade I received from Maggie.
In Maggies card she used a simple printed background and added a stamped image, embellishment and a hinge.

For the challenge you need to take this layout and create your own ATC. These are my ATC's:

For this ATC I used a stamped image which I matted then attached to my card. I used paper to create my hinge and just one brad. I added a flower to the bottom right corner as my embellishment.

For this one I decided to make a Christmas ATC still using the monotone theme. I used a Christmas Tree sticker as my main focal image and an exclamation mark as my hinge. In the bottom corner is a snowflake sticker.
I'm looking forward to seeing your ATC's, alot of you send them via the ATC club - so I get to see them in the flesh!!
Update on my bird feeding obsession - the Great Spotted Woodpecker visited the garden again today. He's beautiful, with that fantastic red flash of colour. He scares off the Starlings, and they seem to fear nothing. I'm trying to wean myself off buying bird feeders now!

Saturday, 8 November 2008
Book Binding and Printing
The full time students did their presentations today (as they are ahead of us so already finished this unit). Quite a few of them expressed that they were not really interested initially in this section as they found books boring. What a shame. I love books, the feel, smell, illustrations and the invitation of the author into their world, to spend as long as we wish, whether to learn, escape, laugh or cry. Just one of the many, many things I miss about not having Jacob here with us, is I can't read to him. All those fantastic stories I can't share.
I have loads of idea's, again! I want to create something magical, so have started by asking people to write their letter to Father Christmas - and record themselves (or get someone else to record them - easier really), whilst they write, a close up of the formation of the words. I'm looking to have a film running whilst I do my presentation of people writting, I'll slow it down so we can see the construction of each letter. Sounds fun!! If anyone fancies participating then please email me - all letters to Father Christmas are welcome!! I will be using the letters as well in my final book (haha, I'm not just going to make people sit there and watch people write). Has anyone seen the Letters from Father Christmas by Tolkein. Magic.

Thursday, 6 November 2008
Flickr and charity update.....
I got lost again today. Went for a walk round Blean woods, and wandered aimlessly for an hour and a half. I like getting lost, it allows for exploration and discovery. I found lots of muddy puddles and eventually my way back to the car - hooray. It was good fun, and the dogs had a fantastic time.
Another up moment, getting on with my ATC club. I've been so busy with the charity thing I've not had any spare time, but fingers out and the trades are getting posted. I've updated the flickr account, so I hope your all checking it out to see some lovely cards by my talented club members.
I have another kit to offer you for the Prince's Trust:

As with my other kits there will be enough elements to make 3 cards, plus extra stamped images to make more. The stamped images will not be coloured in, that's down to you I'm afraid. There will be full instructions and extra tips. All the money raised will be going to the Prince's Trust. The kits as usual cost £2.50 plus 50p postage. Please email me if you would like to put in an order:
I have picked this stamp to celebrate Lindsay joining the blogging community. Lindsay Mason is the designer of these, and many more, wonderful stamps. She really is a talented and lovely lady, so pop along and have a look at her blog:
Finally for tonight I have updated ebay with a few more kits for the Prince's Trust. I'm coming to the end of by freebies, so don't delay in getting a chance to grab a bargain and help raise lots of pennies.
I will be auctioning the photo's and the signed card next Wednesday, so keep an eye on my blog for further details.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008
QVC cards
The first ones are taken from the lovely(and such good value for money it's unbeliveable) paper and embellishments kit (item number 587417), you get a choice of traditional or contempory. Great selection of papers, acetates, chipboard shapes and fab ribbons. Loved it.

My favourite was the Christmas Tree paper,this is from a full sheet of 12x12 paper, which I have popped onto a card and cut round the tree, attaching another piece of paper inside the card.
I liked working with the acetate as well. I did use the snowflake on a scrapbook page, but to be honest I'm really rubbish at taking photo's of my pages, something I need to work on. The Christmas Tree acetate is great, and I've used this for making quite a trendy card (photo's not to brill here either I'm afraid).
I'll pop some more on tomorrow.
There are still kits left for the snowman card for the Prince's Trust charity, email me if you would like to put in an order:
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Update, and more Charity stuff
Also I have a new kit to sell for the Prince's Trust - again there are a limited number so please email me if you would like to place an order, the kits will be sent out on a first come basis ( The kits are £2.50 each, plus 75p for postage (will combine postage if you order more than one). Each kit has enough product to make 3 cards. The images are stamped, but not coloured in - you will have to do that bit. There are full instructions and tips. To overcome my previous boo boo with the postage, I have set up a PO address, so this time payment will be accepted by cheque or postal order, but I'll give you the details when you place an order.
I'll have some more cards to put on may blog later this week, I've been busy doing some for QVC - I'm on tomorrow at 1am!! Urgh, hows that for a nasty old time of day. At least I get a nosey at the TSV, and the roads will be quiet! Got some nice kits actually, but obviously sworn to secrecy.
We finished our first assignment at Uni! Had to do a presentation. Now is this me or what - bad morning got wet through walking dogs then realised (once in Uni), that I hadn't saved my presentation on my memory stick, but on the computer - duh again!!! Luckily Nicky was at home so could come to my rescue.
It went well, but I was so nervous....funny I'd have thought I'd be over that by now - but nope! It was good though, everyone made excellent stuff. Brilliant..
Well, I hope you are still with me on the charity thing, it's coming to an end in a couple of weeks, so I'll be auctioning the photo's and card - possibly next week I recon. Whoo

Monday, 27 October 2008
There's more
Tell you what, all those folk out there doing ebaying for a living it's not a quick and easy do is it! Even the trip to the post office takes an hour (and when you see the que, urgh - why did they close down the post offices - idiots).
Getting there though, and the totals adding up, so it's definately worth it. In process of completing more card kits as well.
Been doing my Uni project today - got a little ratty with the plaster bandages.
Plaster everywhere! My nails look like they've had a pretty good french polish.
Right, time to really try and crack on with my ATC club....
Sunday, 26 October 2008
More Charity news
Here's the latest link:
I've been cracking on with my Uni project today. I've been using wire and plaster strips. My hands feel like I've been playing with pins, and the plaster took longer than anticipated, but I've got the first bit done. I have to get the other 4 bits done tomorrow to give it time to dry then I can paint it. I also tried latex on leaves - how fab. It picks up every detail. I want to latex everything.
Hope everyone had a good lie in today with the clocks going back (yeah, we remembered).
Friday, 24 October 2008
Anyhow, Uni was great. I made some leaves. How lovely, spending the day playing on a fab embossing sewing machine making leaves. Smashing. I need to finish them off with some stitching, but loved it.
I've also updated ebay with yet more stuff, doing well, getting through everything. People are getting some cracking bargins, so it's worth having a look. I've been abit daft, didn't think about the postage which is going directly to the charity - good for them of course, but bit costly for ole quick thinker here. What am I. At least I've realised now, so hopefully I'll be able to work it out. Duh.
The link for the new ebay stuff is:
Thanks for all you supporting, keep having a nosey, as the photo's and card will be auctioned from my blog, not ebay.
Thursday, 23 October 2008
More Charity stuff....
Thursday, 16 October 2008
More Charity goodies....
Here's the latest link for my products on ebay:
Sorry, photo's are abit rubbish, but need to get posting on ebay this evening, and times ticking on.
Did some Uni work, mainly thinking again! My journal is full of thinking not doing - my pencils are just to nice to use really - they smell great.
Decided what I want to do for my first project - it's a weight off my shoulders. I'll get some photo's when I'm done - only have two weeks so uh huh....
Anyhow, here's some pics:

The swirl paper is great to make fabulous gatefold cards, just cut round the swirls and add glitter.

Oh no it isnt.......
It's here instead..
Justgiving Page now set up!
Right, back to work.
Link for the Justgiving page is on the right.
Saturday, 11 October 2008
More stuff added
Thank you all for your support, I hope it goes well as it's something I want to continue. Next time for Sands I recon - there are so many Charities out there thought arn't there - where do you start.
Anyhow, have to get my act together, we're off to see Elbow tonight - so excited they are fab. I'm the elected driver, so I'll be nice and sober - boo.
A Blue Christmas (if you've got an empty stocking!)

Everything you need (apart from adhesive and scissors) to create 3 lovely cards. Full instructions, extra tips and coloured photo to help you. The colours of Stockings and papers may vary from the photo. These kits cost £2.50 plus 75p postage.
Thank you
Friday, 10 October 2008
Charity Auction
There are more to be added, but I'm falling asleep, so think thats it for this evening, but have a look at the other items selling. The kits are going really well so far, thank you folks. I'll be catching up with my emails tomorrow to let everyone know who's lucky.
Please keep checking my blog for new kits and auctions.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Card Kits for Auction - may the challenge commence
Rules: 1. There are a limited number of kits available, which will be sold on a first come first served basis.
2. To purchase a kit please send an email to Please state the kits you want to purchase by their title and the number of kits you require. I will let everyone know if they have been successful or not.
3. Payment will be made by cheque or via the Just Giving site (still in the process of setting this up, but please don't worry, I will have it sorted before the end of the sale)
4. Once payment has been made I will dispatch the orders by 1st class post
5. If you purchase more than one kit I will weight the parcel prior to posting and charge the exact price of postage
5. All the money raised (apart from the postage charge) will be donated to the Princes Trust
Decoupage Tree

This kit uses beautiful paper by Anna Griffin, you will received all the materials needed to complete 3 cards, with full instructions and colour photograph. You will only need adhesive and scissors/paper trimmer to complete the card.
The kits cost £2.50 each plus 75p for p&p = £3.25
Christmas Stocking Delight

This kit uses a cute Christmas Stocking die cut. The colours may vary in each pack, but each pack will create the same card. The kit will have all the materials needed to complete 3 cards, you will just need the adhesive and scissors/paper trimmer to complete the cards. The kits cost £2.50 plus 75p p&p each.
Tall Trees

This kit uses the beautiful Anna Griffin papers and a lovely Christmas Tree die cut (the colours will vary in the packs, but will all co-ordinate). The kit title isn't very impressive, but refers to the card which is a tall one! Again you will have all the products required to make 3 cards, with you just needing adhesive and scissors/paper trimmer. The kit costs £2.50 with 75p p&p each.