Thursday 7 August 2008

Flickr update

I've taken quite a few photo's of club member ATC's and uploaded them on the Flickr, 1st of many posts to get up to date!! You will have to excuse some of the quality of my photo's, it looks like I was drinking when I took them (I wasn't I promise!! - probably have been better if I had to be honest).

Now I need to get my pencils out, I'm learning how to draw. Me being me I've left it till the last min, I start college on the 1st September (urgh, get butterflies every time I think about it now). I'm starting at the beginning, one of my books tells me how to hold a pencil - think thats going to take me a week to get the hang of - and drawing a straight line, puh I'm doomed!

Watch out for more photo's, babble and the Fab Friday Challenge, back tomorrow.


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