Monday 8 August 2011

Days off include.....

Filming!! Excited today, we are doing some educational clips for my web site!!! Eeek. And we have stamps in the pipe line, which are lovely. Very flippin excited don't you know.

Poor Dylan has been in the wars, the vet thinks it's a bite. He's got quite a big puncture wound. He does play rough with his mum and bro, but that's taking it a little bit to far. Me and Dawn think he's probably run into a stick or something. He seems alot better today.

Righto, I'm late, so best stop messing and sort myself out!xx

- Leonie


  1. I can't wait to see your stamps! I've been holding off ordering anything until they arrive.

    Good luck with the vids - and hope Dylan recovers quickly!

  2. Exciting stuff. Hope they aren't that dodgy range you mentioned a few years ago!!

  3. Stamps at last. Bet you're excited.

    Love Val Rich

  4. As Ron Weasley would say "Bloody Brilliant", can't wait for your stamps to be available Leonie, you are very talented and I am soooooooo excited. I hope Dylan has recovered.

    See you soon
    Linda xxxxxx

  5. Looking forward to seeing your stamps. HopeDylan is OK now

  6. Looking forward to seeing your stamps. Hope Dylan is OK now
