Saturday 5 November 2011


It's been such a good few days. Thank you to everyone who visited the stand, brilliant to meet so many lovely people. Our job is fantastic, but knowing you lot actually enjoy watching us makes it even better. Also thank you to everyone who brought us chocolate, cake, cards and of course my lovely little soft toy!! So cute. I'm now chilling out in my hotel room before tea with my slendertone belt on!! It's hilarious. Don't really care if it works or not, just feels funny!!!

I'm going to pop on some random photos, just because!!:

Me and Andrea, pulking a couple of the winners for our prize draw. Andrea literally folded over 900 raffle tickets so we could do it properly!!

The tickets were prepared

We attempted to enlist the dogs help. They were rubbish at picking winners

So we had to do it!

Winners have been notified, and we'll pop pics of the goodies! Another prize draw or maybe a competition this time - will be announced on the web site shortly :) xxx

Keep an eye on it

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