Wednesday 3 October 2012

Beautiful Face stamps

Well, what do you think!! How many posts is this in a row....not bad eh. It won't last long I'm sure. I have been busy as well. Work has been cropping up of course, and then we had a lovely cheese and wine evening. Quite a lot of both! Lovely though. I'm not generally a white wine fan, but found a really nice one (obviously haven't a clue what it was now). Work was good on Monday, Jo was back and it was really good to see her. Jo, Dean and myself had a really good morning catch up, a proper coffee morning goss. Jo is looking so well, it must be strange coming back to work, I imagine quite heart wrenching. Other than that I have been busy getting my orders sent out. The "Loving Ribbon" free P&P offer has gone down a storm. It has made me think about what to do with P&P in the future, I'm considering offering it on all orders over £10 as a trial. What do you recon? We all hate paying P&P don't we, I'm completely the same. I think this is something I need to amend - I'll be honest, I'm not sure where the bit is on my web site to let me change it - so don't hold your breath. I did however, find a button that let me add bank transfers! Whoopee, so now you can pay by cheque, transfer or paypal. Always handy to have more options. And then, for todays crafty think, one I've already popped on Facebook, but want to share it with the bloggers as well, as I know your not all on fb. This is such a beautiful stamp, which I'm very happy to report is now in stock (hopefully I'll manage to get it on my web site in the next few days). I distressed the background and then stamped with a really cool stamp from Sam Poole, type alphabet. I then over-stamped in black, the beautiful face. It's such a clear image, brilliant for over stamping. I dried it completely then stippled on a little versamark and sprinkled on a little embossing powder to give it texture. The words are also with this set of stamps, and anyone who knows me probably knows I thoroughly believe this is true - some people get rather offended when their crafting is described as playing, but playing is a way to experiment. Maybe those who get offended don't actually play, maybe they just stick and stay safe. Nothing wrong with that of course. Anyway, before I have to go digging round for my soap box...back to the card!! I was actually working on the base more than anything with this card. I wanted to use my fusible fibres in a different way. They are generally sparkly and bright, so don't work well with distressed effects. So, I used them with my Eco Paints, and Vaseline, and only allowed a little sparkle to come through, this gives you texture, but also a tiny bit of shine! Okay, back to packing parcels PS when I wrote this I did put in paragraphs, but my preview is cramming it all up together - don't know why unfortunately, hopefully it'll post it properly.


  1. Hi Leonie love your style of crafting and I've just found your blog looking forward to see what you come up with next. Caroline xx

  2. Hi Leonie, Met you at Aly Paly and watched you do a demo similar to this, was great fun and like I said to you then, those who don't like to play still have time to book that Saga holiday hey
    Great post and demo, lovin ya style..
    All the best
    Kim Robertson xx

  3. Brilliant sentiment on the card!

  4. Hi Leonie, love this card...beautiful! Carole Z X

  5. I share your love for that sentiment, Leonie :) Why grow up I say! Getting older doesn't mean you have to get staid & nor behave in the way you feel, does it, haha?
    (Nanny) Jac x
