Saturday 27 October 2012

Happy Crafting days

Had a lovely evening the other friend Emily, wanted to do a little bit of crafting as she had a few cards to make, so Rachel, Emily and Catherine and myself got out the stuff and cracked on.  It was really nice, and we have decided to really try and do this once a month.  I love evenings like this, as obviously with crafting being a "job" sometimes you forget just how fun it is.  I love showing everyone how to use stuff, and re-finding stuff as well!  Obviously, me being me, I have already decided we can extend this to a craft group!  I know, just leave it to a few friends popping round rather than making it another job.  I do get carried away.  Anyhow, here's the girls hard at work :)


  1. Looks like a fab evening! Genevieve and I have had to miss our last few Thursday pizza and crafting evenings and both are suffering severe glitter withdrawal!!!!

  2. Oh well Jell looks like a fab evening
    Mary xxx
