Sunday 27 January 2013

Saturday at C&C

Wow, it feels like our trip was so long ago already!  Doesn't it always do that.  And now the snow has completely gone as well - and been replaced with floods again.  I do hate the floods, it really restricts where I can walk the dogs.  And man, do I end up with muddy dogs!  Ah well, roll on spring.

I actually remembered to get my camera out of my bag on Saturday (I have a habit of carrying the thing round but forgetting to take photo's!).  I took a few of the lovely cards Sam made.  She is so talented, I hope you managed to watch her show (and follow her blog).  We had a chat as well, nice to have a good catch up.  I had quite a few shows with Debbie as well, we were a little bit giddy.  It's really sweet as she was full of beans and really excited.  I'm looking forward to doing a workshop with Debbie soon, I will make sure I post details on here so you can hopefully book and come along.  For now however, here's the photo's, and I will be back at C&C bright and early tomorrow morning.


  1. A workshop with you and Debbie?! Now that would be fab!! x

  2. Thank you for sharing the cards Sam made. Lovely shows and really enjoy watching you. Looking forward to hearing about the workshop with you and Debbie.

    Linda xxxx

  3. Thanks for sharing Sam's cards..she is so talented, I wish we could see her more on C&C! Carole Z X

  4. I loved Sam's cards, so refreshing from so many programmes that are just cut and stick down. I love Ali's mucky shows too, so different!

  5. AGES since I've managed to get to your blog. SO much has changed! I thought you were still down in Kent! I'm thrilled to see you have a shop now, and your own stamps. See you on tv sometimes. Good to see you doing well, Leonie.

    Hope you still have the dogs!

