Thursday 29 August 2013

A little Birdy

Hi again crafters.  Ill have to make this one a quick post as I am trying to print off my sisters wedding invites, pack parcels for my lovely web site customers...oh and get ready for work!!  All go.

This card again was made using one of the lovely spellbinders dies again, but this time I have cut the smaller lattice die twice and placed then together, they over lap perfectly so you can not tell they are actually two separate dies.  They create two panels, which I have simply mat and layer with card and then pretty papers from Tonic.  I cut some of the extra images out from the papers to decoupage to give dimension to my project.  I used one of the matching toppers with a sentiment on and then my trusty cosmic shimmer PVA to finish my project.

Although you have now missed the POD, the spellbinders dies are still available, and the cosmic shimmer is available on my web site.


  1. This is a stunning card Leonie. Love the lattice die.
    love Val in Spain x

  2. Thank you Val, I got carried away with this one, it took me ages!! x

  3. Beautiful card Leonie I love the little birds on the latticework. It's simply marvolous. You must have taken ages to make it.
    Best wishes from Katie-Louise

  4. This card is really stunning, Leonie. The more you look at it, the more you see. A really inspirational design. Melissa x

  5. Beautiful cards. I've never tried it, but I have seen it done and it looks so good. Love Sue
