Tuesday 5 January 2016

43 days now!!

Howdy crafters, and thank you for popping onto the blog.  Before I start with the craft, look at the state of Teela:

She realised Caz was home, and just scrambled onto the settee, on all over her!!  This photo is mid yawn, but she looks like she's singing.

Anyway, craft.  Today, I just noticed a couple of papers and some die cut flowers from an old Craftwork Cards kit

You see the mask printed on the paper.  I decided to fussy cut this out, and then took a quickie glue pen and followed the line of the mask, which I then covered in fine cut glitter

I then took a skewer and trimmed the top off, and made a slit in the wood with a craft knife.  I coated the stick with gold gilding wax

I then threaded two pieces of metallic cord and twisted them round the stick.  I did add a bit of glue to make sure they didn't slip

Now I had a play with the layout.  I decided to use this paper with the feather on, but when I looked at the feather and decided to fussy cut that as well (glutton for punishment)

I glued this onto my card.  And then reaslied I didn't want to do that at all!  I wanted to put a piece of paper under the feather, so I eased it up gently and added my paper underneath

You will see the paper I picked has a lovely border around the top and side, but I had to chop off the bottom so it would fit on the card

Thought I would, at this point, show you the ridiculous space I am working in!!  Ridiculous

I then took the piece of paper which I had trimmed off, and fussy cut the edge from it

I glued this to the base of the paper - oww I did actually edge all the pieces of paper before I glued them down, with a blue ink pad.  I also used this ink pad to add a little colour to the end of each flower petal.  I didn't glue down all the feather down, so you can see the fussy cutting (which you will be able to see in the shadow).

I popped the pieces on to see how it all looked

And then begun to glue everything in place.  I added some really pretty acrylic flowers from - I'm having a name blank as I write.  I'll try and come back to that one!!  Got it!! Anyway, I glued the flowers so the top one just sits slightly under some of the parts of the feather

I curved the mask and then glued it in place, together with the decorated stick.  The sentiment was a stamp from The Dreamees, which I stamped using the same ink used around the edge of the papers.  I'm really happy with this, I think the mask looks beautiful. I added a little more of the metallic cord, which I glued just under the edge of the mask, and allowed to fall onto the card.


  1. Leonie, I just love the way you explain everything! I also love the fact that it's paper, glue and a trimmer, plus lots of fussy cutting I know but I don't have a lot of craft supplies and I think i can apply what you've shown me. Sometimes I get disheartened because I don't have dies and punches but now I can see I don't need them at the moment. Thanks very much!

    1. Don't be disheartened Aine, you really don't need lots of supplies, just a real good chance to play. Most crafters like to get the most out of their supplies and love share their tips, and hopping around people's blogs is perfect for inspiration

  2. Really enjoy reading your posts, I craft exactly the same, and generally have a right good chat with myself, asking my opinion and alsorts.

    Happy New Year to you x

  3. This is brilliant Would never have thought to use one of the masks in this way Aine and Claire are right, you don't need to have loads and loads of crafting stuff to make something beautiful

  4. Oh Aine, I'm so pleased I did this post, and you liked it. That's the beauty of just having a play with paper, you can really create something wonderful - and it doesn't have to cost the earth, or require loads of different products. I'll see if I can do just a paper one tomorrow as well for you :) xx

  5. Hi Leonie.
    Thank you so much for showing what can be done with paper and glue.
    I hope you are feeling better now.
    Take care Kitty.

  6. You have shown us all what an amazing card you can create from very little(also in a very small space!) I'm sure that I have this kit buried somewhere in my crafty stuff and you have inspired me to go and find it. Oh and maybe borrow your idea.
    Again thanks for sharing all you thoughts as you work through the card,it is so helpful.
    Good luck Aine with your crafting ,if you follow Leonie's example of creating with paper and a few bits and pieces you will have made something amazing too.

  7. What a lovely post with everyone giving Aine encouragement. Love what you have done Leoni using simple paper crafting techniques to make a lovely creation. I think we all get caught up with the hype of buying more stash and forget we've got so much we don't use x

  8. Thanks for sharing your thought process again Leonie. You are such an inspiration showing what can be done with just a few items and not needing all the latest pieces of equipment. Have a good day best wishes Jackie x

  9. I just love the card and agree with the above comments, it can be disheartening when you are trying to craft on a budget. I am also glad to see your craft space looked a lot like mine. M F Mxx

  10. Gorgeous creation Leonie love the elements and very different too, never feel disheartened Aine we don't need to have lots of craft stash to create gorgeous projects.
    Hugs Julie xxx

  11. This is stunning! I would never have come up with this, so clever Leonie. Hurry back, we miss you love Carol xx

  12. WOW this is stunning! I love the gorgeous mask and flowers.
    Linda xxx

  13. Oh Leonie this is beautiful I can just imagine you let lose with Graphic 45 papers.
    Will be glad if and when you are back on TV. Doing the count down .
    Jane xx

  14. OMG fabulous I never thought about cutting the mask out. It's beautiful with the stick. It's come together beautiful well done real inspiration xxx

  15. Hello Leonie ,
    Oh I do like this one! Love the mask and the gilded skewer! Brilliant idea.
    I have a lot of card rather like this and it just sits there as I mostly use plain card stock now? Thank you!

  16. Fab card, are so clever!! Counting the days until we see you on our screens again......trying to get my craft room sorted out (what a mess) and yes I do tend to craft in a space similar to your's even though I am lucky enough to have two many machines is my stock phrase, couldn't live without them though.

  17. Beautiful card Leonie. A great tutorial too.

  18. Stunning! I love the way you explain things as you go along xx

  19. Lovely - very creative and great tutorial as always.
    Anne x

  20. Oh I just love this and your workspace is brilliant, I think most of us end up with the same amount of space or less lol.

    Happy Crafting
    Pam x

  21. This is def a work of heart..can see you really enjoyed making this one. X

  22. This is def a work of heart..can see you really enjoyed making this one. X

  23. Wonderful, only just discovered your blog. Hope you will be able to still do the blog occasionally when you are back on TV. I love it.

  24. Stunning again. Will be trying this technique out with some crinkly card bits I have in the bottom of a box, bet it's not a patch on your creation though.
    M F Mxx

  25. Wow just love this!! I have this paper kit and think I may follow your lead. It has been shut in a cupboard for sometime, but I think it's time for it's re-emergence. Love the detail you give us Leonie. This is what I missed when you were on c&c when everything was on the hard sell. It's all about the craft xx

  26. Beautiful love how you explain it the feather looks really life like have heaps of craftwork cards must get them out this one in particular great that you are crafting you are inspiration

  27. Gorgeous Leonnie! Thank you for the photo's, I have to do this too because I keep forgetting what I've done! I couldn't believe how far I was behind til tonight! Amazing projects. It's been a joy looking at them xx Love Karen xx
