Sunday 3 January 2016

45 days left..

Cutting it fine again this evening arn't I!!  I've no excuse.  Well, I have, but it's a bit rubbish.  Today I started going through my photo's to do the little year momento.  It took me hours, and I haven't yet printed one single photo off!!  Honestly.  First my computer had updated and my photo thing had changed, so I had to learn how to use it again.  Then I obviously started tidying up my photo's and deleting loads.  I realised I don't take that many photo's, so needed to look on Facebook - you know the story.  Facebook = 3 hours of your life suddenly disappears.  Yep, that.  I have started making a map of what I want to put on my canvas though - so I feel I've made a start.  Phew.

And then I decided I would take the challenge set by a message on facebook by a lady who messaged me (thank you Joan), and asked me if I could do a video clip showing how to revamp a Christmas card.  So, I choice a lovely card from my our cousin Alice and the family:

I eased off the reindeer 

and then cut out the merry Christmas, so I can use that next year.  The main thing I wanted to use though, was the glittered frame, so I cut this out keeping some of the shading

I used some Tonic dies, the Royal Frame and Butterfly Insert Set, and Simply Screens Clematis die, with one of the sentiment die.  Doesn't the frame from the Christmas card fit incredibly well!  So, I decided what elements I wanted to use, but then I had to decide how I wanted to fit them together.  Again, I find taking photo's the best way of deciding as I can look at the photo's to work out what looks best - as opposed to relying on my memory :)

I decided to go for the tall card, and cut out a panel for the screen die to run down, so the screen is open.  I love this look, as it shows how beautiful and elegant the die is

I also inked the edge of the frame die, just subtlety, to make it stand out from the base 

I attached the frame onto my card, using 3D foam

And then added the frame taken from my Christmas card, together with the sentiment

Next, embellishments.  Again, it takes me a while to decide what to go for, so I took photo's to help.  This part always takes me such a long time.  I do like less is more though, so decided to just go for the ribbon, but did add some Tonic Nuvo Crystal drops to finish

I was finally happy, and took the card to my little light soon as I get down on the floor to take photo's one of the dogs spots their chance

I did manage to take a photo of the card as well!


  1. Love how you show all your different versions. Could sometimes use a light tent so you've gave me something to think about. X

  2. Love how you show all your different versions. Could sometimes use a light tent so you've gave me something to think about. X

  3. Hi Leonie.
    Thank you a lovely card have fun.
    Take care Kitty.

  4. Great ideas Leoni and clever use of a Christmas card. Love the light tent such a clver idea on dark days. Is that an Otlight I can see, I wonder x

  5. great Leonie got my crafty juices going now 😁

  6. great Leonie got my crafty juices going now 😁

  7. Love this and the different variations. Great idea too. Enjoy your day.
    Linda xxx

  8. I woul never have guessed that this was a recycled card! Love all of the photos at different stages I may just have to pinch this idea as I swap and change my mind so often Plus sometimes after I've taken a photo for my blog I can see ways of improving it e.g. the layout

  9. Stunning Leonie love the variations,
    Hugs Julie xxx

  10. Leonie your job is done - inspired x

  11. Again love working my way through all the steps and thoughts you have gone through while making your card. It is so inspirational you doing this,I am finding it so helpful and am learning so much.
    Being ignorant have never heard of a light tent. Being cheeky any case you can explain?

  12. Hi Leonie,
    Only just found your blog and have loved looking back at your posts. I love the way you show the different steps you take, and taking photos is a great idea - I may just nick that idea!
    I know what you mean about looking for photos - computers always seem to want to spend your valuable time by doing updates!
    I've not heard of a light tent either, sounds a good idea though.
    Can't wait to see how you progress with your project.
    Nicky x

  13. I just love reading your blog posts its like your here in the room talking to me (Hope rhat don't sound creepy Soz...) Lol Love the photo's and how you show the reader how you come to your final decision :) Thank you Leonie :) x

  14. Gosh you're good Leonie! What a transformation! Thanks for this inspirational post. xx
