Wednesday 13 January 2016

Hey, 35 days left. Crafty Countdown....

And a good day to you.  How are you today?  It's rather chilly here in Peterborough.  I got up to walk the dogs this morning, and Teela (my little old girl), took herself back to bed.  She did get up for the walk - I think she rightly figured there was no point standing around whilst I faffed about getting ready.  She's pretty smart. I'm still hoping it snows - I have sledges waiting and ready :)

Now, back to the craft.  So yesterday I did my splatters.  I really liked the simplicity of that card.  Today I decided to faff a little bit more, and take the gauntlet thrown down by Sue Bowen (thank you, Sue), who said she would try my rather violent slamming technique, if I try the one she likes.....lets play

I started with a piece of white watercolour card stock, and two distress ink pads:

I created a soft blend with the colours using cut and dry

I then used a mask over the top and bleached out the ink just using water.  The top you will see has lost a lot of the definition from the mask - that's because I went in quite heavy with my sponge and to much water.  For the rest of it I just gently spritzed the mask with water.  Take the mask off and lay a piece of kitchen roll over the top.  This draws up the water and the ink.

Next I used the blue ink pad (salty ocean) to stamp a pretty border stamp onto my design

I then used some washi tape over the top of the stamp design - well over half of the design.  I don't use washi tape much - but I do really like it.  I like the translucent effect it has, the way it tears, the way you can overlap it for a more opaque finish (did you know opaque used to be spelt opake - why change something that really didn't need fixing!!).  I then stamped a Tim Holtz tree over the top of my tissue tape.  Initially I wasn't to sure if I liked this, but I've warmed to it now

I used acrylic paints, really watered down, to colour my tree.

And now, the paint and straw!!  Of course I love this technique - but I'd forgotten about it.  That's the beauty of craft isn't it - there's so many techniques for us to rediscover :)
I watered down my paint, and then used a dropper to drop blobs onto my card.  I then took a straw and blew the paint.  The finer lines, when blown, give even thinner and more detailed sprays of colour.  It's very addictive (again, thank you for reminding me Sue).

I did have fun with the dropper (pipette).  Sometimes it delivered paint bubbles.  I left these on the card to see what they would do when they popped.  To be honest, the effect wasn't amazing, but the bubbles looked cool.

When I was happy with my paint, I cut my card down, and then stamped my sentiment directly onto the card

I went round the edge of the card with a black ink pad, and then matted it onto a piece of white card.  I then matted this onto a black card, and added a little bit of the washi tape.  As I'm planning this to be more masculine, I figured the washi tape was a nice alternative to ribbon or gems. 



  1. love the background! Great card x

  2. Beautiful. Leonie,
    You are very clever! Xxx

  3. Another fabulous piece. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  4. Oh my this is fabulous! I have to agree with the sentiment which is beautiful.
    Linda xxx

  5. Think that this card is beautiful even if it is meant to be more masculine. I too had forgotten about blowing paint with a straw and the amazing effects you can get with it.

  6. Really lovely card Leonie, you have a marvellous collection of stamps, and you've given me an idea for a card for my brother's birthday...thank you xx

  7. I haven't blew paint through a straw since I was a kid, arhh the memories, may just have to dig out my paints and have a go lol

    Happy Crafting

    Pam :)x

  8. Another stunner I think its all about just trying things out..if it works..fab..if not you have the fun of doing something else to tweak it back. X

  9. Another stunner I think its all about just trying things out..if it works..fab..if not you have the fun of doing something else to tweak it back. X

  10. You always manage to bring us some thing not main stream. Love that you are using such simple tools to create wonderful original cards.
    M F Mxx

  11. Absolutely love it Leonie great effects
    Hugs Julie xxx

  12. What super ideas Leonie and a lovely card you have created. Best wishes keep warm Jackie x

  13. I love it. I haven't done this technique since oooh! my kids were little (the youngest is 31 now and about to be a mum herself!) Where's my paint and straws! It's reminded me too of (seeing the bubbles) of a technique we did with paint mixed with washing up liquid in an old ice cream tub, blowing through a straw to create bubbles and then laying paper over the top! I can't remember the recipe of the mix now

  14. It's great to see the old techniques still in use, it takes me right back. My 12 year old niece showed me the tree she made using this method, so they're still using it at schools, at least they are in the south west. Interested to hear about the original spelling of opaque too. Tippex was branded as snopake back when I started work, I see where the name comes from nie. Lovely to see you creating again, can't wait to see you back on the telly.

  15. Hi Leonie.
    Thank you just Brilliant.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  16. Lovely to see your inspiration flowing freely Leoni, just doing it as it comes using simple things for fab results. X

  17. first time i have commented,new to your site,love the card,can you remember the stamp you used,love the effect thks valerie,newish crafter

  18. Love that blowing technique too. Great card...sentiment's fab. xx
