Thursday 5 January 2017

Let Leonie Loose - DecoArt Spritzers and Carabelle Stamps

I hope you managed to get hold of the cool stamps and DecoArt goodies I had on my show yesterday. I do have a massive soft spot for Carabelle....can you tell!!  And DecoArt do such a wide range of really cool products, it's tricky to know where to start.

For this post I have used the spritzers.  These are water based, but permanent, so when you spray them and then heat set them, you can spray over the top with another colour, and the original colour/image doesn't move.  It means they are fantastic for layering. I had a quick play with creating difference backgrounds first of all just to experiment with the inks and see how they reacted with each other:

Using my Carabelle stamps, I stamped and embossed using white embossing powder

I used some of the extra card which I'd spritzed and over stamped using one of the cool little characters

I then used the purple interference paint and painted a wash over my stamped card.  I love this, as you can still see the colours and the white embossing powder....

but you still get the wonderful sheen from the interference paint.  Cool.

I liked it so much....I decided to do it again on my cool little character using the blue interference paint

Sorry, bit of a rubbish picture!!  Anyway, I matted and layered everything up.  Added a stamped and embossed sentiment, and then added dots using black gesso.  I actually cut out part of the star from the element of card I cut away, and decoupaged this over my original star...this gave me a platform to stand my little cute character on


  1. Wow! Fabulous! I have the show recorded and will try and watch tomorrow. xxx

  2. Morning Leonie, I love this card, I love your tutorial, brilliant !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  3. Such a funky and fun card. Creative Blessings, Tracy x
