This piece was created by Anne Brooke. She’s called it Harold, and her inspiration was the wonderful watership down. It’s a collage of up-cycled papers, with machine embroidery and hand stitching

Look at the work that has gone into this! Incredible. The artist is Georgina Bellamy, and she has called her piece The Bandar-Log. Her inspiration was the Jungle Book. This is goldwork in 3D.

I loved the colour and texture of this piece. It was created by Margaret Charlton, and she has called her work Willow Patterns. It’s a combination of printing, stencilling, collage with hand stitching using machine threads

I love this. The artist is Amanda Wright, and she’s called her work Hope. She has used hand embroidery using 2 ply machine knitting wools and cottons onto canvas backed with bonding lining

I’d love to have something like this in my home. It’s so interesting to look at. The work has been created by Cas Holmes, and is called Edges of Australia. It has been created in scroll form, and she has used materials flounder or given to her on her travels around Australia. It’s a combination of drawings, found cloth, paint, gathered ephemera, machine and hand stitching.

And finally, can you believe this has been made mainly of French knots! Seriously. How cool is that. The artist is Janet Payne, and it’s called Celebration.
So sad we didn’t get chance to see the rest of the work on display, or take more photos. I think you can tell just from the few I’ve shared here, the calibur of work in display. Next year, there’s no way I’m missing anything !