Sunday 2 September 2018

Another birthday then.....

First, I’d like to say thank you for all the lovely comments regarding me joining the clarity team. It’s so exciting, and couldn’t come at a better time. I read all your comments, thank you 😊

Before I crack on with work, this weekend saw another birthday. It’s a birthday month for our little family. Charlie, my auntie, me, then mum. All within the week. And of course the first lot of birthdays without my sister. It was a tough one. Thankfully I spent a full day with Charlie. He’s such a wonderful child, and he made me realise I want to be the best person I possibly can for him. I want to have adventures, explore and make sure he’s a happy bunny. I’ve also taught him great stuff like cold beans, blowing bubbles in his milk shake and dipping crisps in his soup!! Haha, his dads loving it!!

I did have loads of fun with the girls as well. I’ve said it before, and hopefully I’ll never stop saying it...I’ve got some good mates. Such a tonic.

Now, work. I’m sitting to design this evening, and have a great LLL show planned for this Wednesday, so will be back in my lovely workshop here in sunny Brighton, to prep. 

In the meantime, I figured I’d share some photos, as I know Ive been rubbish putting my makes on here recently. This week I’m going to try a bit harder....go on, put on your bets. Let’s see how many days I can achieve!

Here’s some cards made using the fabulous stamps from AALL and create. I love their designs, they’re so cool. 


  1. I reckon Charlie’s gonna get a pretty well rounded up bringing if crazy Auntie Leonie’s got owt to do with it! Great to see you smiling again chuck. Up and onwards from now on! See you soon D & B xxxxx

  2. what a fab post leonie..being positive is hard but when you have that little cutie to nurture it's gotta be worth it

    take care lovely lady x

  3. Lovely photos Leonie. Friends and family matter so much, especially through difficult times. It's good to share all the good times too. Charlie is so lucky to have you as an aunty, I'm sure you'll spend loads of fun times together.xx

  4. Glad you had a fab birthday. Can't wait to see your work with clarity, so exciting 😀 you've brightened up many a day for me Leonie xxx

  5. morning Leonie - I have followed you since QVC and you have always been a pick me up tonic - I am originally from Manchester and loved your accent .I do not understand who or why folk would be unkind - yet clearly you have experienced negativity . Maybe my age but I was always taught if you cant say something nice say nothing .surround yourself only with people who renew your spirit not crush it - I suppose being in the public eye though you deal with people who think they can make comments and judgements but that is their weakness and flaw not yours - take care of yourself and of course many happy returns jx

  6. Lovely photo. Charlie is growing up fast soon you will be showing him some tricks with alcohol lol 😜

  7. Leone you are such an inspiration... Have followed you for years... You shine through all the difficult times.. Sending you hugs and warm wishes for your continuing strength... Xx much love.. X

  8. Hi Leonie, I met you at Inspirations last July and enjoyed your demo's and lovely personality. This year I got to meet the lovely Phil Martin who like yourself is so friendly and down to earth, no airs and graces, just genuine. I have no idea what has been said by anyone, although I feel there must have been something from the comments people have made, but I would just like to say that I am sorry you have been upset especially as you have had to deal with such a sad loss. I wish you all the best for the future and know you will be a great success. Keep your spirits up dear lady and I am sending a big hug for you and your family. xxx Pauline Hickey.

  9. Very Happy Birthday to you all, wow what an expensive week. What a little sweetie Charlie is. x

  10. Hope you all had a Happy birthday, the first year after loss, with all those 'first' occasions is so hard to cope with as I know you already know. I read this today and thought of you

    You will make it either way, but if you want to make it to the other side, past function and mere existence it will be some of the hardest work you will ever do in your life. You wont surface without scars, you wont learn to breath again without nearly suffocating to death, and you wont be able to say that could never happen to me, because it did. But you will rise and you will find you will come through this.

    Much love

  11. Hi Leonie
    I am late catching up with the news. I am delighted to hear you have teamed up with Barbara. Can't wait to see what you come up with. You are an inspiration. I love what you do. Keep up the good work.
    A big HUG from Chris. X

  12. Lovely photos Leonie. These inspirational pieces are just so fabulous and fun. I'm looking forward to seeing your designs from the Clarity team. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  13. Well done huni, this first one was always going to be the hardest for all of you. Keep on being a great aunt to your lovely Charlie and all will be well in the end, make sure you teach him crafting in all things, and keep on loving that wee boy xx

  14. Belated Happy Birthday Leonie. Looking forward to seeing what you will be doing on Wednesday and also your work with Clarity. Sounds exciting and a good time to start a new project.

  15. Happy belated birthday wishes! Good to see the lovely happy photos - Charlie is a cutie and what a cool Auntie he has! Cool cards too! This first of everything is always the hardest - take care all of you. Hugs xxxxxxx

  16. Beautiful photos Leonie, your a really cool auntie to have for your little nephew. Don't over work your self lovely lady take some me time xxx

  17. Well done Leonie, great to hear about the Clarity position, Happy birthday, may be late but don't get on here much. Missed all the horrible notifications but rise above them and keep being your beautiful self. good night and god bless xx
