Sunday 28 October 2018



Just wow.

Well, okay, I need to write a little more than that!! I couldn’t post yesterday as my app refused to work. It’s still playing up, so I’m hoping this actually posts and doesn’t disappear into the ether.

We arrived yesterday and hit the ground running. Which was perfect, as otherwise we would have all collapsed on bed and woke up at stupid o clock. Instead we went to a textile factory. The work is sensational. They are so talented. India is challenging - as we know - in that we see these amazing fabrics being printed and hand stitched. Months of work. For which the artists will receive very little. And then we here the customers are designer labels who sell them for a small fortune. The division of wealth in the world is sickening.

But it is humbling. Everyone looked happy. They seem so chilled out. The kids loved us being there. Smiling, chatting and fearless. Obviously that was my perspection. The reality maybe very different. But it felt like an incredible privilege to be there.

The sights are amazing. Driving around india is hilarious. But, when we had to cross the road, people do kinda stop. I say kinda. You have to take a leap of faith at times, but it’s mad yet fabulous.

It looks manic, yet the feel is a certain calm. The beeping is okay. The pushing is fine. It’s all no problem.

Block printing. Amazing. Loved it. The workers helped us out (although going “off piste” wasn’t the way!!). We then went to see the blocks being hand made, which again was mind blowing.

We have a really inspirational group of people travelling with us as well. It’s so nice to be surrounded by so many interesting people, from so many different backgrounds. I’ve loved getting to know people and heading their stories.

I’ll share some  photos, but there’s so many, so I’ll have to wait until my blogger is working properly.  Have a look on Facebook and Instagram, if you can, I’ll pop lots more on there over the 10 days.

I knew I’d love India.

I do.

I love this place


  1. Have an amazing time. I am looking forward to seeing your photos. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. Enjoy every moment of this exciting timex

  3. Glad you are enjoying yourself. Look forward to seeing your photos

  4. Lovely to hear of your adventures! So glad it's going so well and that everything is so - well, WOW! …… enjoying sharing in the joy, just reading about each day xxx
