I'm off on my holiday today, hooray. What perfect timing, after our busy Craft day. A big thank you to Paula who was a great help and wonderful company as ever. It was a really good day, Amy and I did the early shows, which helped Dawn recover from the late night launch. We were all in really good spirits so the day went swimmingly.
I'm only away for a week, so when I get back I'll be fully re-fueled and be able to get my backlog of ATC new members sorted. The other good news is I have finally been able to get my Newsletter and the Welcome letter for my new members printed professionally, so that will really speed things up (no more swearing at the printer for me!), and the quality is superior to my little printer.
Thank you to my members who have already responded to the Newsletter, and started sending in their Themed trades, especially the ones for Postpals, it really is worth it and is really appreciated by the children and the parents.
Hope you have a lovely time Leonie, you work so hard! x