Sunday, 2 November 2008

Update, and more Charity stuff

I wanted to get lots more stuff on ebay this weekend, but as usual time's beaten me -the rotter. I have managed to get some new things on, so have a look:

Also I have a new kit to sell for the Prince's Trust - again there are a limited number so please email me if you would like to place an order, the kits will be sent out on a first come basis ( The kits are £2.50 each, plus 75p for postage (will combine postage if you order more than one). Each kit has enough product to make 3 cards. The images are stamped, but not coloured in - you will have to do that bit. There are full instructions and tips. To overcome my previous boo boo with the postage, I have set up a PO address, so this time payment will be accepted by cheque or postal order, but I'll give you the details when you place an order.

I'll have some more cards to put on may blog later this week, I've been busy doing some for QVC - I'm on tomorrow at 1am!! Urgh, hows that for a nasty old time of day. At least I get a nosey at the TSV, and the roads will be quiet! Got some nice kits actually, but obviously sworn to secrecy.

We finished our first assignment at Uni! Had to do a presentation. Now is this me or what - bad morning got wet through walking dogs then realised (once in Uni), that I hadn't saved my presentation on my memory stick, but on the computer - duh again!!! Luckily Nicky was at home so could come to my rescue.

It went well, but I was so nervous....funny I'd have thought I'd be over that by now - but nope! It was good though, everyone made excellent stuff. Brilliant..

Well, I hope you are still with me on the charity thing, it's coming to an end in a couple of weeks, so I'll be auctioning the photo's and card - possibly next week I recon. Whoo

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