Friday, 17 April 2009


No I'm not skiving - honest!! I'm not in QVC tomorrow with Dawn and the gang, it's Friday so got lots of other stuff to do I'm afraid. Sitting here having a nosey at them on telly instead. I recon I could do with about 20 sets of the storage boxes- love storage, they are fab.

Anyhow, it's been ages since I've written. Had a great time at Dawn's demo weekend, saw loads of familiar faces - I really do enjoy visiting the Studio. We were actually at the Mill, awww, old days. Seemed strange not having the shop to nip to, and didn't even manage to visit the studio!! We were all busy bee's. A big hello and thank you to everyone who came and said hello - especially Joanne, you lovely lady, and her hubby of course. Already planted some of my carrots - they are starting to raise their little heads! Awww.

What else has been going on - man I can't even remember. Had a realllllly good hot chocolate today - there has been more, but it was a particularly good hot choc! We stayed in Brighton last night - we bought a cheap camper van (its hilarious - massive! It takes me two hands to try and heave the stearing wheel to get round a corner, mmmmmm no driving for me then - shame!!). It was good fun, and it's great having room in the van rather than falling over each other and making a nasty mess whilst chopping the onions.

Did I tell you when I was driving into QVC on Tuesday - I realised I hadn't packed my trolley (with all the craft stuff in it!!). So had to turn around and drive home! How sick was I, I'd actually got up and set off on time, even taken getting petrol into account in my schedule! Plus, it was an early 6am start, so I was amazed I got out of bed. Anyhow, drove home, opened the boot, and there were my bags!! No way. Nicky had packed the car for me. I was really happy with him for that, just wish I'd checked before I left the house.

There has to be a whoops moment now and again eh. Hey, Sarah's kits on telly, I worked on this one! Hooray. It's still funny watching your cards on telly - I'm going to have to watch this one eh!

Drove home with 10 bags of manure in the van today - this must mean we are true allotmenters now eh.

Angelina is really easy to punch with (Dawn's showing it now, just in case you don't know what I'm talking about), first time I'd tried it. Make a thicker sheet than normal, and thats it! Punch through. Looks great. Also enjoyed using it with the melting pot to make necklaces. Dawn hasn't showed my favourite one - never enough time to show everything is there. Well done Sarah, really easy to follow DVD with some nice new idea's.

Right, seen a couple of my cards so off to bed!! Haha, only joking I wasn't stopping up just to watch my own cards. Happy Birthday to JJ by the way - in case you pop on here!

Night night everyone, enjoy your crafting


  1. Hi Leonie! Sorry haven't visited for ages, thought I'd pop on and see what you've been up to. The camper van sounds fab, not sure I'd want to be in it after the manure tho! Sounds like you're enjoying country life with your allotment. Hope you enjoyed a rest today, I'm off to investigate twitter now, my vicar goes on that!!
    Hugs, Alison xx

  2. Hello! I too haven't been around for a while - lot's of illness in the house but I think we are now germ free! I think we need to see a picture of your camper van Leonie it sounds great! I have been steering clear of twitter as I've just discovered facebook. There is a group on there called 'Dawn Bibby is my hero!' Leonie I think you should start one - how about 'Leonie's Ladies!' LOL!

  3. I've always wanted a camper van!!!! If I'd known you were in my neck of the woods... you could have come round for hot chocolate at mine. (I could have shown you my QVC stash mountain...tee hee)
    Sandra x

  4. Hooray! Leonie is now a mobile camping crafter, just like me. Can't go anywhere without my craty bits and bobs. Maybe we will bump into each other at some campsite somewhere and have a lovely natter while the boys enjoy their toys and natters???!!! Hope your veg grows well, enjoy. xxxxxxxxx
