Saturday, 25 April 2009


Inbetween my cross stitching (in the sun, whoopee), i've been digging and planting again, and came across this fab little site, which if there are any fellow veg/herb or fruit growers out there may be interested in. It's:

And (as the name suggests), you can swap any surplus fruit, veg or jam you've made or grown. Dead handy, even though we've only just started we have tonns of rhubarb, so I'm on the list.

Managed to crack on with my ATC club last night - I know I have been really lapse with it of late, so it felt good to be getting on with it again. Bit cheesed off that I've not got a decent camera at the mo - some lovely trades coming in as usual. I'll still load some photo's on, but the quality won't be that cracking.

Righto, better get on. tata for now xx


  1. Hi Chickie Hope your carrotts are `growing` !!!!
    Hope you can get your camera sorted ..would love to see your Glasenbury piccies!!!
    Well the new look van!!!
    (only joking)...rofl..
    Mind you dont get stuck in one of those fields with the sheep in!!!rofl......
    Have a great weekend Leonie:)♥

  2. Hi Leonie! Just found your blog- a local carfter? Whoopee- haven't found many Kent craft bloggers. How nice.
