Saturday, 23 May 2009


was a good day - a short TSV day (hooray), all up for more of those! It was good to see Dawn and JJ, they were looking well and rested after their hols. The suns a good tonic isn't it - it must be the vitamin A (or is it D), well I dunno, but it just makes you feel better.

Anyhow, we had a good catch up, and good crafty shows. And just to make all you crafty chaps and chapess jealous, I get to keep my slice - hooray! Nicky recons I'll pop it somewhere safe and forget I've got it (he has the inside information relating to the state of my craft room). Actually, this one will stay close at hand, I like the fact it's nice and small so easy to just grab when you need it. I was double handed cutting in studio - with JJ trying to put a camera up my nose which lead directly to a monitor - urgh!!!

We had a look for cars today - we're mighty taken by the little C1's by Citroen, they are so diddy you can just pop them in your pocket. I'm really looking forward to a car that I can park dead easy, and will only cost me £7 to get into work!!! Can you believe it.........they're so cheap, and Eco friendly (will that off-set the uneconomical and earth polluting camper van??).

Was going to pop on a few photo's, but I'm really sleepy, so just going to finish watching my programme (Big Art, anyone been watching it - it's great), then off to bed for me - maybe tomorrow.

Night allxxxxxxx


  1. Hi Leonie
    Glad you enjoyed the TSV day and lucky you and your Slice. A few friends of mine have C1s and love them. you are right they are really cute. Deb x

  2. Hi Leonne

    Ordered the Slice for myself so looking forward to getting it. Hope you enjoy your new car, whichever one you get!
    Cherry x

  3. Hi Leonie....
    Hope your well my lovely
    and enjoying your Bh weekend..
    lotsa loves:) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
