Thursday, 23 July 2009

Sale day ahead

Had a great day today, replanted my tommies, basil and peppers. Went to the allotment and sowed beetroot, carrot, lettuce and rocket - and worked! Getting ready for next week - think I announced the wrong day on QVC on Tuesday - the launch of the TSV is actually on Tuesday night (midnight so really it's Wednesday - but my head can't get round that one!), then - get this - I'm on 12pm and 1am then during the day on Wednesday Amy's doing 9am, 11am and 1pm, and I'm doing 10am, 12pm and 2pm!! Blimey o riley eh. Busy little bumble bees we're going to be. Rena is coming to come down and help us, we'll need it. It's going to be a mammoth sale day - so many bargins to be had.

We've just had the most fattening and wonderful hot choccy - brilliant! Enough of waffle though, getting on with some ATC's before the power of hot choc gets me and I fall into a ............zzzzzzzzzzzzz


  1. Hey there - I'll help. Oh! just remembered I've got a physio appointment, but I shall watch all I can and record the rest. Went to Dawn's yesterday and saw Amy flat out at the computer. Cost me squids too!!! Love it when you are on QVC. We get loads of laughs which make the shows even more enjoyable. Away on the demo weekend so wish you well for that. Take care lovely. xxxx

  2. I'm going to try and stay up for midnight to watch you! I'm preparing my credit card!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

  3. Hi Ladies,

    Glad you'll be tuning in - I'll try and stay wide awake!! (plenty of coffee I recon). It's a shame you won't be coming up for the demo weekend Joanne, but have a lovely time away.
