Sunday, 11 October 2009

Hello from afar!

Okay, not afar in the miles, but I feel like I've been afar in the way I've deserted my blogging.

This is just a quick post, to say thank you to everyone who left lovely messages for me when my Gran passed away. I really appreciate all your kind words. I'm sorry to those who had booked on the workshop at Topaz - I wanted to go and see my Gran, and wanted to leave the weekend open so I could play everything by ere. Unfortunately I didn't get chance to go down - but at least had a chance to have abit of "me" time.

It was lovely to see everyone last week at the QVC customer event - it was mad busy as ever, and I think everyone had a brilliant time!

Now, I need to go and eat. Been messing about on the comp for ages, need to find my phone (I've used my full months credit in 15 days!!! whats that about), find my new slippers and find some food - got a feeling it's going to be a "make do" meal - it's exciting that way, always a surprise.

Hope all's well out there, will post some pics - honest!!


  1. Missed you but glad you're back. xx

  2. Perfectly understandable Leonie! Everyone needs 'me time' at some point. You give out so much on air and, I'm sure, in person. The energy batteries and spiritual resources have to be recharged. Just you take care now.

  3. Thank you ladies, your lovely
