Friday, 20 November 2009

Art work

Just a quick little post tonight, the days flown and we've just sat down to watch a film. Wanted to share my step mums web site with you. Elena has set up her web site with her art work and (soon) my Dad's art work as well. Cool! Well done Elena and Dad. She will be giving part of the sale proceeds to Debra (splitting the donation with Children in Need for the rest of November).

Anyhow, it's felt like Saturday all day today - don't feel like I've done much, just catching up with stuff, and having a play with a new crafty toy soon to be on air (not giving anything away) Fun fun fun xxxx


  1. Would love to look at Elena's site but for some reason, all the links you post don't respond. xx

  2. Hope your enjoying your weekend eonie....

  3. Just to say how much I enjoy seeing more often and you are so very natural. I love seeing all the new things and you are much too talented to be behind the scenes. I am sure that you are going to be responsible for me buying too many lovely crafty bits!!! I hope you don't become too over-excited like some of the other as this can be too off-putting and I then usually switch channels... Have a great weekend and break. Love Jacky xx

  4. It is fab seeing you on C&C. I thought you were on Friday, so I was disappointed. The story with your dress and the mike made me smile.When will your photo be added to the presenters on the website? And, more importantly, when will you be "doing" some crafting.
    Cally x

  5. Hi again

    Hope you're having a bit of a break now you have a few days off. Like another person commented, please don't go too over the top and spend the whole show laughing and giggling over silly things, it can get quite annoying.

    Your link worked fine for me, I managed to look at some of the paintings which are great, but then the site stopped responding. I just copied the link then pasted it in my bar at the top of the page.

    Thanks for posting about this wonderful site. You are very talented family obviously.

  6. Hi there, I think there may be a few cliches on the web site as yet - I know she has been spending ages trying to get it up and running - these things are so time consuming arn't they (urgh, computers). Keep trying though, I think Elena is putting my Dads pics on as well this weekend, so there will be alot more to see.

    haha, I'll try and not get to full of the giggles - if I can still talk about the cricut after a chap has been rummaging up my dress without histerics, I think I should be okay!! Is that how you spell histeriecs? Anyway, I'm into the craft, so a giggles okay - but I'll be wanting to see what wonderful creations are guests have brought in!
