Been a rubbish blogger again haven't I. Sorry.
Well, the 40th party was fantastic, seems like ages ago now. Great fun, and so many people made an effort to be there and dress up, it made the whole thing special and full of good memories. Thank you to my wonderful family, and the bestest mates. The biggest has to go to my mum, what a complete star, again without my mum where would I have been.
The dust has settled, and back to work. Got a busy day tomorrow, on at 10am, then it's an hour on, hour off all day almost. Saturday is a morning job, then Sunday I'm off to Alexander palace to demo with creative expressions. Really looking forward to that. From London I trundle up north to demo and do a workshop for inspirations in Preston. Always good up there. So, hopefully I'll see some of you lovely folk.
Okay, bed time, up nice and early to walk the hairy kids!!xx
- Leonie
Lovely to meet you finally, you did a great demo! I forgot my ATC book for you to sign :o{, never mind the hug was great although late.