Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Create and Craft

We have had a few days off and had a trip to Bath. We had a lovely couple of days away (well, by the time I finished faffing we obviously set off 3 hours behind schedule!!). Oh hum. Anyhow, it was really good. Bath is a beautiful place and I wanted to stay a few more days to really explore. The only thing that bugged me - the natural hot spring, used and loved (if not worshipped and feared) for hundreds of years by people, for free, you now have to pay to see and can't even touch. How annoying. Bloody Romans (sorry, I know, I'm swearing, but I recon it's called for). If they hadn't gone and built their fancy bath house there, us mere mortals might still be able to actually enjoy the wonderful natural spring. It's great to see their architecture and how they made the most of such a fantastic natural occurrence - it's just a sickner all we can do now is look at it! (I'll admit, I did have a little feel - who can ignore the temptation to see how warm it actually is!!). I'm saying this all tongue in cheek of course - but I bet we'd all like a dip now wouldn't we!! When in Rome n all that............

Anyway, after a great visit, and what feels like ages away from work, I'm back on air tomorrow. These are the times I will be on your screens:

Wednesday: 12pm - My Craft Studio, 1pm - Pinflair, 5pm - Art
Thursday: 8am - Papercraft; 10am - Sewing; 12pm - Debbie Moore; 3pm - Sewing
Friday: 9am - Specialist; 1pm - Hunkydoray; 4pm - Tool Box; 5pm - Hunkydoray
Saturday; 1pm - Pick of the Week; 4pm - Papercraft; 5pm - Papercraft; 7pm - Papercraft

Looking forward to seeing what goodies are in store for us all.

Right, on that note, I'd best be getting to bed hadn't I - or else!!

Night all xx

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