Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Cardmaking and Papercrafts Magazine...prepping

Every month I do a project for the mag and thought id share my card before it goes in the post.

I love the silhouette figures we have in stock, they are really dramatic, and look brilliant teamed up with acetate.

Acetate only needs a little to make it look good, stamping with white staz-on is the perfect finishing touch. Of course I have all that new ribbon in stock so it means I have to use it on ALL my projects doesn't it!! mmmmm, ribbon......


  1. OOhh I love it, the colours are fantastic. What issue will it be in, mine will be in issue 105. Im doing six ideas with one punch.

  2. Oh and the next edition of Create and Craft Magazine :)

  3. Leonie your card is stunning l love your silhouette figures brought some from your shop after seeing one of your lovely cards using a silhouette lady on and you kindly send me the card so had real thing to copy from and love bride silhouette got lot weddings this year and they going make lovely wedding cards something different. l have cardmaking and paper crafts on subscription so will never miss it . Thank you for sharing your ideas . x

  4. A lovely card x I've just made one with a silhouette too - must be the thing right now!

  5. Hi Ladies, thank you for your comments, glad your liking the card, I love those silhouette figures (which I will one day be able to spell without spell check!!).

    Hi Sharon, it's in the next that April/May. I get really confused! I'll look out for your cards in the mags as well - it's cool seeing them in print isn't it!! xxx
