Friday, 26 April 2013

Dipping technique using the Melt Pot

This is a technique I love - but I can get wrong rather easily!!  Do check the video on You Tube to see the demo (which I actually did correct!!).  

I used (click the here for the link to the web site):

Gilding wax HERE
Gilding Flakes HERE
Melt Pot HERE
Heat resistant craft sheet HERE

Pop a little of the gilding wax on the twiddlybitz tag, this acts as a background.  Using a pair of tweezers, dip the tag into the clear melted UTEE, take it out allowing any excess drips to melt back into the pot.  Now dip into the flakes, allow to cool then using a texture sponge take off the excess flakes, then dip into the pot again. You will get air bubbles, which you can pop - some of them however, look brilliant left as they really add texture. This time I added a heart.  Keep dipping until you are happy with the layers created, and the depth - adding embellishments with each dip.  Use the edge of the melt pot to take off excess UTEE.  


  1. this is great but had to laugh at the process. sound like you dipping food. unto the flour into the beaten egg into the breadcrumbs lol.
    love it tho x

  2. Thanks for the great video, love the effect and guess what I'm going to playing with today! Just been looking through my shapes and found some 'scrapfx' shoes which I got free and thought I'd never use but think dipped shoes may look fantastic.

  3. How cool is this Leonie!! Gotta have a go this weekend. Hugs, Jenny x

  4. It's such a good technique, try it will glitter, the frantage flakes...just experiment. I would love to see your results ladies!!xx

  5. Loving these demo's, really inspiring. Thankyou x

  6. Hi Leonie.
    Love this technique. Used it this morning on a heart for my son and daughter-in-law's wedding anniversary card. Turned out brill. Thanks.
    I also love the UTube videos. They are really clear. Thanks must also go to your boyfriend. Great camera work.
    However, I have a question about FLEX. Ranger seem to think that this is not necessary any more as they have changed the 'recipe' for UTEE. I disagree and think, like oyu, that for jewellery items (like charms) UTEE on its own is too brittle. I have, therefore, tried to purchase FLEX, but none is avilable either in the US or in the UK. Have you any comment or suggestions please?
    Do keep providing us with great info and inspiration.
    Kind Regards
