Sunday, 19 April 2015

CHA Creative exchanges - part 2

I survived my first ever "keynote speaker" gig!! Whoop whoop. I was so nervous I thought I was going to cry. But I didn't. I think my lucky mascot helped me through, here's a pic:

Thank goodness for poldark!! 

I had a really really good day. I learnt new hints and tips from the seminars, saw lots of crafty friends, and made new ones. And was reminded, yet again, why I love this industry. I love the diversity, passion and energy. I'm so glad i eventually joined the CHA, and hope to be much more involved in future.

I based my talk on how I believe craft gives us freedom and escape, and how lucky we are as teachers and demonstrators to have that skill that we can pass on. I also babbled about how I came to find myself chatting away on tv.
I hope it went well. I didn't faint/cry/run or even have a made flush - so that's a winner.

I'll share a few photos of some of the lovely people I bumped into:

The lovely, and very talented Sara Naumann

Jenniffer Taylor - THE dress. Jenniffers first sewing project - her own wedding dress!! With hand made lace. Amazing.

Jenniffer Taylor her very self :)

Okay, I'm going to keep saying talented!! Of course everyone is - it was a CHA meet up :) Sarah Hurley is talented and funny. Great seminar. Craig de Souza was brilliant as ever. 

Hehe, Suzie Candlin - making sure she kept hold of her fabulous coat when I was around!! Caught busy ironing the onesies 

#sewingrevolution Jenniffer Taylor spreading the word

The lovely Linda (congratulations again Linda) 

And last, but absolutely no means least, the wonderful Fiona :)


  1. Well done! Very impressed. Can't imagine how you managed to talk for forty minutes!! But I bet you were fab. Here's to the next one.

  2. Brilliant keynote speech and you didn't need Poldark once! ;-)xx

  3. Morning Leonie, it was lovely to see you again. Your speech was fabulous and so inspirational. Loved the picture of Poldark too. See you again soon.
    Linda xxx

  4. Poldark LOL, think you sent all the flushes my way, have two lovely episodes to catch up on after I got home from this fab weekend.
    Great to meet you, and everyone. All so talented and lovely, I came home (back to Ireland) with loads of ideas x
