Thursday, 4 February 2016

13 days to go chums :)

That's it - less than 2 weeks.  There's so much to do as well - I can't wait until I can tell everyone more....what am I saying.  I can wait, in fact now it's going a bit fast. There's just no pleasing some folk is there.

Okay, I've got a new obsession.  Yesterday's little adventure has set off a new passion. I love the altered art look - and it just allows you to use literally anything.  I've also always, ever since being a kid, loved cutting up magazines.  Over the years I've cut out and saved song lyrics, pictures of bands, recipes (never cooked any of them), quite shocking animal rights stuff (it used to scare my little sister a bit - it was rather hard-hitting, and I had it plastered all over my bedroom door); words; and now I'm back cutting up magazines - and loving it!!

Okay, so this is where it started. I started layering paper, embossed card, and a metal frame

I then added embellishments to my frame

I then gave it a few coats of gesso.  This will build up slowly, which is perfect, as you may wish to leave some of the images so you can just see them, like the music paper

I then added glue.  This is really old actually, is Plexi glue from Jones Tones. I remember Dawn doing this technique - or very similar, on QVC years ago.  I also remember her producer being really really rude in Dawn's ear :)
Anyway, slap the glue on.  It can be as thick as you wish, as we are aiming to create texture

I then dried it with the heat gun.  I mainly use the gentle hairdryer style heat gun - I do prefer this one, as it's so gentle

I then cover the plexi glue with the gesso, this brings it all together, and the glue really does give a stunning textural effect.  Love it.

Next, I literally just spritzed - once.  Literally once.  I angled the bottle, so it hit the left side of the image.  I didn't want to add anymore colour, as I was really happy with the minimal look.

I wanted to add just a little more colour to the little bird and the heart, so I used the same spritzer to add extra colour

I then added a bit of colour to the background board, using the same ink.

I mat and layered my "canvas" (I don't know, what do you call it, my art work?...thingy.  The thingy) onto a number of layers of white card, and then onto the big background

You can see here, the bird and heart deepening in colour.  Just add a little ink at a time, and dry.

To finish, I added paper strips to the base card, and then, cut out of my lovely magazine, Sweet Dreams.  I added a bit of ink to these so they didn't look too white against the background

It's actually really tricky to photograph, this doesn't really do it any justice...I'll try again


  1. just loving the ideas, which i'd found your blog sooner


  2. I'm now seeing magazines in a different light! Another beautiful project I keep adding things to my wish list

  3. Great project Leoni and another idea to add to the list for trying. Sorry


  4. Fabulous ideas, just need time to play, will you be doing these things in your new role ? Hope so would be great to see you demo them on TV.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  5. Gorgeous! Love this, must try it, I hope we are going to see more of you and your creativity in your new role, I still don't know where you are off too lol! I have a hunch but not sure, I have pinned this to my Pinterest tutorials and Pinterest want to create my own boards, thanks for the awesome inspiration Karen x

  6. dazpopjen@hotmail.com5 February 2016 at 05:52

    Love this Leonie, hope you're finding your inner peace. Wish I could take 6months off!! See you on tv soon, or around the pboro.

  7. Hi Leonie.
    Thank you another great project.
    have fun kitty.

  8. Really love this. Wasn't sure to start with but when you added that splash of colour,wow!. Is it me,my old eyes or computer but the bottle said lilac and it looks turquoise blue to me?

  9. Wow was a bit unsure about what it was going to look like at the beginning but it is another work of art Leonie. Love it. Xxx

  10. Wow was a bit unsure about what it was going to look like at the beginning but it is another work of art Leonie. Love it. Xxx

  11. A fellow hoarder .....but there are far too many pretty papers, bits, buttons, threads, broken stuff!?!? To throw away, they just have to be saved, and your project showcases this sort of stuff fantastically. Love that you stopped with just one colour, it just accents all the things perfectly. More fab inspiration thank you Leonie! X

  12. At first I though Mm, not sure about ths one, but it turned out gorgeous, xxx

  13. Fabulous creation as always Leonie,, times going quickly now can't wait for your big news.
    Hugs Julie xxx

  14. Thank you Leonie for all these wonderful posts. Have missed you and this is a good second best.

  15. Love it, the hardest thing with this sort of composition is knowing when to stop, love the controlled use of a single colour, I love to do that.

  16. Hi Leonie, This looks gorgeous !! It would look gorgeous on a canvas and mounted on a wall too.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  17. Hi Leonie what a lovely playtime you have had! Best wishes Jackie x

  18. This is wonderful Leonie, I remember as a child cutting up my Mum's magazines and making pictures with them, using flour and water to make paste and making mud pies( my favourite thing to do), oh those were the days any way I digress, have loved following your blog and can't wait to hear what you will be doing in 2 weeks time :))


  19. Mm before regularly reading your blog, Leonie (extenuating circumstances kept me away) I bought a tub of gesso. I just need some spritzers - or to make some up in the squirty bottles I've had for ages) and I'll be able to get all arty.

    You have no idea how inspiring you are! Lovely stuff.

  20. Fabulous Leonie, there is nothing better than playing around with bits of magazines etc to create something unique! I love this!
    Linda xxx

  21. Very arty love your art work

  22. Love this style, still don't know when you stop adding stuff though.You are a fabulous teacher. Time is really speeding for you.

  23. Thank you again for all your wonderful comments. I am pleased to say I will be able to demonstrate in my new role - that was just one of the reasons I felt the move was right. Haha, it's going to be so manic!!! Exciting though :) xx

  24. Love, love, love. Creative Blessings, Tracy x
