Thursday, 18 February 2016

Hochanda - 2nd day!!


Second day in work!! Whoop whoop. 

My hours today are:
9am with Sue and the imagination crafts one day special
12pm with Lisa with imagination crafts; 5pm Cathy with pink ink designs
and last chance at 7pm with Sue. 

Really looking forward to the day. I'll share some photos throughout the day :) xx


  1. Cuppa coffee ready and waiting

  2. Have a good day Leonie enjoyed your shows yesterday.
    Hugs Julie xxx

  3. Hi Lovely Never watched Hochanda much before but I'm sat with laptop ready with anticipation for your show. Sorry I missed yesterday but hey ho. Can I email into show or not and how much is P+P Xx

  4. Hi Leonie, You were great yesterday!! It's lovely having you back on the TV :) xx

  5. great video yesterday Leonie enjoy your day I'm sure I will watching Hochanda all day god bless

  6. Hi Leonie,just flicking through and found you,what a lovely suprise so nice to see you back on tv.

  7. Good luck in your new job. Will keep an eye open on your Internet for your progress and your product releases. Sorry I'm in the minority of your followers whom dislikes Hochanda but am so pleased for yourself and the creativity your now able to have. Good luck, though I know you don't need it!

  8. Welcome back to our screens leonie, it's always great fun when you are on you are such a breath of fresh air! Good luck with all you do. Crafty hugs, Theresa

  9. I missed yesterday I obviously channel hopped at the wrong times and in the office this am so missed ur early shows But all set to watch 5pm and 7pm

  10. Hi Leonie, it's lovely to see you back on our screens and hochanda are going to benefit from all your sparkle, have a lovely day at haha

    Happy Crafting
    Pam :) x

  11. hi Leonie, I enjoyed watching one of your shows with Sarah yesterday and pleased you feel at home already. I'm not a fan of Hochanda but will dip in and out if something interests me and this will no doubt increase when you are on so thanks for your itinery. Best wishes Jackie x

  12. Great to have to back on the TV Leonie. Hochanda is improving all the time and with you there it will be even better.

  13. I'm so pleased for you Leonie. At first I was confused as to why you weren't joining Dawn on The Craft Channel, but the more I thought about it, this is a better move for you. Having said that I'm afraid I won't buy products from Hochanda because of the very high cost of postage. I love the idea that you will have a regular 2 hour slot though and have more of a say in the products you use. I'm also pleased that you are going to be able to work outside your contract and well see you at the various shows again. I really wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you back on the screen.

  14. Hi Leonie great to see you back on our screens, am looking forward to all your upcoming shows. My only bug bear is that the camera people do not always get such good angles to show what the crafters are doing in their demos, perhaps you could have a word!!

    Really looking forward to getting some good ideas and inspiration from you. Do Hochanda do catch up shows in case I miss you live as I watch online.

  15. Loved your shows yesterday and today. Glad you are feeling at home.
    Don't mind Hochanda,they have improved a lot from when they started and hopefully this will continue.

  16. Hi Leonie, Lovely to see you back, loved your shows yesterday, haven't had chance to watch any today sadly.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  17. Hi Leoni. So pleased it's going well for you. Haven't been able to see much TV because the grandchildren are here for the week! Will catch up next week. Looking forward to your own shows. X

  18. Hi Leoni. So pleased it's going well for you. Haven't been able to see much TV because the grandchildren are here for the week! Will catch up next week. Looking forward to your own shows. X

  19. Hi Leonie. Yippeeeee. Your back in my craft room making me laugh whilst I'm trying to work and I have a smile from ear to ear. Missed you greatly. You look so relaxed and settled in just a few hours. Thrilled it was Hochanda after much speculation. Cant wait to see you let loose again. Happy crafting. Hugs Sue H

  20. Hooray! I had a day off and managed to get to see most of shows .....and I couldn't have enoyed them more! An absolute treat, lots of fantastic products and you were the perfect presenter to help showcase them. Keep up the good work....looking forward to lots more fun (and blue painted fingers!!!).

  21. Watched some of the shows and recorded the rest. It's a real treat to see you and enjoy your enthusiasm for crafting. Looking forward to more. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  22. Hello Leonie,
    You were great!! In fact, you made me want to buy. I have to tell you that it definitely showed that you knew what you were talking about, and it made such a difference in that the shows were interesting and informative. You seemed to bring out another side to the guests as well. Looking forward to seeing you more, and especially your own 2 hour show.
    love Maureen xxx

  23. Hello Leonie,
    I've been out all day so missed the shows but yesterday's were really great!
    As my learned friend above said you made me want to buy too. I thought you really helped your guest.
    All the very best! Xxxx

  24. Hi Leonie.
    I only managed to catch one show yesterday.
    It was brilliant. Thank you .
    Have fun and take care Kitty.

  25. Hi Leoni really great shows yesterday and your enthusiasm shines through. It's been worth the wait for you and us x

  26. You really appear so much more confident and comfortable. Loving your work

  27. Hi Leonie, it's good to see you back on our screens again, watched your show with Sue yesterday and really enjoyed it, your professionalism shows through, even Sue was more relaxed and joined in the fun, her products are brilliant.
    The good thing about Hochanda is getting to see the whole demonstration without much interruption from the presenters, it's the demonstration of the products the does the selling! To many presenters taking over the show detracting from the crafting ( another channel )

    Loved the weekend take over of Creative Expressions, that was a wonderful idea and hope to see it again. Hochanda need to get more company's on board, too many repeats at the moment, but I am sure it will happen eventually. The postage is an issue, far too expensive so I don't buy the products even joining the club doesn't work for me as it is.
    Welcome back Leonie, looking forward to your shows.
    Regards Liz.

  28. Hi Leonie, I am so pleased to see you on Hochanda. It is great to have you back on tv. I love Creative Expressions, Barbara Gray and many more on the channel and look forward to seeing you working with them and doing your own demos too. Love Sarah P.S. Hope to see you at Stitches if you are going x

  29. So good to see you back on the tele Leonie!! You've been missed by so many crafty folk. Hope we are going to see much more of you on Hochanda x

  30. Great shows again today Leonie - looking forward to your 'own' shows and hope you'll be bringing your range of products to the channel in the not too distant future! Re the 'postage' charges.. really wish this could be referred to as 'delivery' or 'shipping' which may help viewers to relate more to the fact that orders are couriered by DPD who are an absolutely fab service and totally reliable (in my personal experience). I've actually received an order from Hochanda the day after I'd placed it.... need I say more?!

  31. Oops... meant to say that I wouldn't pay £3.95 for delivery of the rice paper either, nor would I pay £2.99 from the 'other channel', just as I wouldn't be paying bus fare or petrol/parking for one item so totally understand people's reasoning. However it would be worth £1 to add to another item, or joining 'Freedom' if I felt I'd make further orders over a month. Obviously this is just my personal view and is not meant in any way to cause offence.

  32. Hi Leonie, I really enjoyed your shows. So relaxed, knowledgeable and professional. I joined the Freedom Club during the first week and the delivery service is great.Looking forward to LLL...

  33. Hi Leonie. Have watched a couple of your shows and I must say it's like you've never been off our screens. It's great to see you looking so chilled and it's like you've been there forever and not a newbie. Keep up the good work. x

  34. Hi Leonie, was thrilled when checking out Honchanda to see you appear thought it would this side but then I came across the other channel
    with Dawn and thought maybe this one but just glad to see again have ordered from Hochanda and the service is fantastic couldn't believe how quick it was used to wait sometimes over a week from C&C thought it was because I am in Scotland but just outside Glasgow so not away up north. I don't watch a lot of Hochanda although they are getting better but record quite a few shows to see who is appearing was really happy to see Hailey as she is a crafter she is fantastic you know she knows what she is talking about so very glad see you appear too as I know it must be hard but some of the guys just seem so awkward it puts me off. So looking forward to your own releases wish you well and will be watching closely for your shows.
    Nancyd xx

  35. Wish you were back on c&c Leonie shame you had to leave, don't watch much Hochanda the prices and p&p are to high I will try and catch some of your shows as I am A big fan and love the work you do. Anyway good luck in your new job.xxxxxxx
