Friday, 26 February 2016

Today's auction for SANDS

Hello there crafters, today's auction is already going amazingly well - we are already up to £100!!! 

Thank you. I'm so pleased and excited to have such an incredible response and to be able to do something positive.

I'll keep you updated as to any more bids - but better rush off to prep the next show!!



  1. Dear Leonie

    This is such a fantastic thing you are doing and my heart goes out to you and everyone who has lost a child, I cannot begin to imagine that pain , bless you all. Unfortunately I am not working right now so am unable to bid on your fantastic art work but I wish you well with your fundraising

    Much love to you and everyone else who has suffered this unimaginable heartbreak

    Pam xx

  2. Hi Leonie. I can't believe it's 9 years since you lost your treasured son. I lost my twin girls at 22 weeks, Christmas 1990 and you never forget. I often wonder what life would be like if they had lived. I have 2 beautiful girls in their 20's who i wouldn't change for the world and they both knew about their sisters from a young age. Reading all the comments from yesterday brought all the memories flooding back. I'm afraid at this time I'm not in a position to bid , but I wish all the bidders good luck. Love Kath xx

  3. Hi Leonie
    So pleased your auction is going well. Your work is worth every penny and I would love to be able to donate some money for Joseph, is there a way I can send you a donation to add to the pot. My daughter was older when I lost her and I had the support of a different group, these charities are amazing so it would be my pleasure to support you X x
