Monday, 14 March 2016

Promo day and nature pics

My job is unusual.

Good's not every day you are requested to go to bed and chill out as part of your working day. 

That's got to be a good day by anyone's standards. 

I'm now covered in glue getting ready for Wednesday's show. Unfortunately my prep time has been reduced to 6 hours!! Eeekk....I think I'm already close to that and I've not actually finished one sample....but the paints I have picked are beautiful. So thick and rich. And the stencils :) joy.

As I've no crafty make to share with you yet, instead I'll share the photos we have been popping on fb. For those of you who don't use Facebook, there's a little challenge being passed around, where people have to share a photo of nature, each day for 7 days. I was nominated by the lovely Natasha, she knows I'm out walking my dogs every day. And I've been known to be late for work just because I've seen a kingfisher - so it's safe to say I'm a nature enthusiast.

So far, I've collected these:

Peterborough flooded again, but beautiful in a strange light and a misty morning. No filter.

Haha, this is my weird one. Mud. Crafters will get this...probably. I love the way it moves when disturbed :)

This is an oldish one - but a slight obsession of mine. I love the way grasses glow in the sun. 

And today:

A blue sky and a white blossom.

Life's too short for shoe gazing....
sometimes we worry so much about the next step we are going to take, we forget to look up and just get lost in the clouds :)



  1. Great nature pics x

  2. Lovely pics Made a note of your schedule

  3. Beautiful pictures,mind you wouldn't expect anything else from you!
    Like your words of wisdom at the end,are they your own or a quote from someone??
    Anyway so true of me and I would like to "borrow" them if I may?

  4. Hi Leonie.
    Thank you the photos are lovely.
    We love cloud watching to, The sky is fascinating.
    so are creepy crawly's
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  5. Lovely soulful pictures Leoni. I really love the shoe grazing sentiment and words. That's so me and i will try to remember these wise words. Thanks x

  6. Hi Leonie, fab. pictures I'm terrible never take photos.
    Nancyd xx


  7. Hi Leonie, lovely pictures, I'm loving your shows, especially the one with Sheena.
    Keep up the good work, Hochanda is getting better by the day, great work.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  8. Beautiful pictures Leonie, I love the countryside,
    Hugs Julie xxx

  9. Loving the photo challenge, The pictures are super. Great to see them.

  10. I can see the "mud" photo being used as inspiration for one of your art works, Leonie. Lovely photos.

    Anne (Northampton)

  11. Morning Leonie, Very atmospheric piccies.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  12. Gorgeous pics, love the grasses in the sunlight, some so serene about this. Creative Blessings, Tracy x


  13. Hi Leonie

    Fabulous pics We miss so much sometimes rushing here and there and not stopping

    to stare.

    Luv your job relaxing in bed but where is the chocolate and a hot cuppa????? he he:-)

    Hugs Annxx

  14. Great pictures Leonie especially like the last one. Jackie xx

  15. Wonderful photographs Leonie, isn't nature wonderful?
    Linda xxx
