Sunday, 15 September 2024

Weekly Catch Up on Create and Craft

Afternoon lovely crafters I am writing this whilst in a field again, and it’s sunshiny! I’m currently baby sitting my friends dog who is such a big softy and scared of most things including lightbulbs! It’s such a shame as he’s a lovely dog.

Anyway, this week. I was in create and Craft on Monday with the fantastic Happy Planner shows. I love those shows and picked my new Planner for next year hurrah.

Tuesday I had the rest of my happy planner shows, then I had another play with the amazing Chameleon pens. I then popped the presenting hat on, and did the late shift.

Wednesday I was up early to walk the gang and then got in to prep my LLL. We had the brand new AALL& Create dies, which are so cool. Loved it. I loved my Marlene shows as well! We had the brand new calendar kit. It’s full of really exciting stuff. Such a good pressie.  I then did the late shift with my presenting hat on.

Thursday I was back in for the wonderful Craft Consortium - really beautiful collections. And then we were into a Stamperia one day special!! 2 nice big collections, which were such a joy to work with.

Friday was the rest of the stamperia hours. I then sat with our lovely buyer to pick Happy Planner goodies. It was the leaving dos of two of our great buying team, but I was so shattered I couldn’t join them. I was gutted. It’s rubbish seeing folk leave, but they’re young and have new adventures ahead!!

The weekend - I’ve not done too much really. I’ve been whacked, so all my stuff on the “to do” list kinda sat there. Annoyingly. Anyway, I’ll be with you this evening for my Facebook live, and I’m going to give you a sneak peak at the brand new stamps we are launching on Create and Craft next week.

I hope you’ve had a lovely week everyone, see you tonight xx


Anonymous said...

A fab week Leonie. Ihave loved everything you have made . l keep spending so much money because I want to try it all! I am new to crafting and been turning my spare room into a craft room so haven’t even been able to start yet. I make space for stuff and then buy another load so have to make more space 😂😂😂 dont know how to stop buying 🤣🤗🤣

Anonymous said...

Oh, you sound like every other crafter I know........ lol. 'tis a trap we all fall into. Lol.

Wendre said...

Fantastic live tonight :) laughter is a great tonic. Super shows last week from a Happy Planner & Stamperia Manic.... but so looking forward to Thursday and your new artist collection which is superb.