Sunday, 1 December 2024

Weekly Catch up

Good afternoon crafters. I hope my update finds you in pretty decent spirits. I’m in a grump today!! But I’m attempting to pretend I’m jolly 😂👍. Hoping the pretence rubs off into reality!

It is much harder trying to remember what happened last week with no TV schedule to look back on! I have to rely on my memory which is, at best, appalling. So what has happened?

Last Sundays Facebook live I gave a sneaky peak at the new stencils. I love these stencils, they look so classy and the designs are timeless but definitely have a retro vibe. I do love the work from Khaki Finch and will definitely be bringing more of this to you .

On Monday we had a really exciting day as the whole Craft Colllective descended upon Highlight Crafts and took over. Sarah went first with Funky Fossil and had our Janice presenting. it was then my turn with Art Inspirations, and Miss P presented! Which was really good. Next. I also downed my presenting hat and Erica brought us Stampanory. The time flew by and the team did so well Highlight Crafts are really trying to give us a great platform..

Tuesday was a sorting day and then Wednesday I got back into doing my regular Let Leonie Loose spot at 3pm on Facebook and YouTube.

A lot of people have really appreciated the lives on YouTube as it means they can watch on TV, which is a lot nicer than watching on your phone or computer. Unless you’re trying to watch sneakily whilst at work!!

Thursday and Friday were days in the “office”! It is a lovely spot to work. I’m so lucky I got that when I did. Funny how things happen isn’t it. 

Then Saturday I had a lovely day with some old mates from the original create and craft. We visited the Christmas market at Nottingham - which was marvellous. We did a lot of chatting and maybe a bit of shopping. I was good and only spent money in a card shop. On cards! Haha. I know, I know. What on earth. But funny/rude/insulting cards just make me giggle!!

The White Stuff….and mulled wine 😬😂🤦‍♀️

We were supposed to have our Charlie at the weekend - well, it’s not the weekend to be honest, as he always gets picked up early on Sunday morning. So it’s just a day really…with breakfast. If I was them I’d be making the most out of the ability to have a lie in and a chilled morning. They’re more “morning” people than me I think. Anyway, poor Charlie wasn’t too well, so there was no early game of football to help me wake up!

Righto folks, that’s the week wrapped up nicely. Tonight I’ll nip onto Janice’s live to say hello at 6pm, and then we have our regular live at 7pm. I look forward to seeing you this evening.

Take care folks xxx

My Facebook live will be here:

Or watch it on you tube:

And you can see Janice’s fantastic lives and her interviews, here:

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