Sunday, 29 June 2008

Flickr, House hunt update

I have popped a few more club member cards on Flickr (click on the link in the right hand colomn). It's taken ages to update the photo's, hate it when the computer runs slowly, so not going to pop anymore photo's on for this evening as I need to go and make ATC's.

Quick house hunt update, we went to the Estate Agents, there are already 10 people waiting to view "Dream House", and they aren't doing viewings yet!! Argh! What now, do we wait, and take the chance that we might, but might not, get it. Do we take one of the other houses that will "do", but definately don't come close!!! Bearing in mind I'm now working solid for 7 days so won't get chance to go and view anything this week, and we have to move out on the 18th July.'s never simple is it. Not feeling that stressed though, considering. It'll be right.

Don't forget to join in with the Fab Friday Challenge, scroll down to see what's the theme for this week.


  1. Leonie.......I'm sure all your crafty friends are sending you and Nicky a combinded "good luck" wish for your success in getting your dream house! The powers that be don@t want to answer to us lot if they let someone else get it!!
    Love Hils in Fair Oak xx

  2. fingers crossed for you both

  3. `Good Lucik` with the house whatever you decide to do Leonie...
    Go forward and be `Happy`
