Friday, 27 June 2008

Houses and the world

Well, today's house hunting was rather exciting, we have found the perfect house. It is absolutely gorgeous. It is in Harbledown which is a beautiful village on the way to Canterbury (we are moving away from London!). It has a wonderful garden, a green house, sheds, and is just perfect for long walks with the dogs. I'm really excited, I just hope we get it. Dawn is always saying to think positive, so we are going to get it!! There are already other people interested, so it's fingers crossed. Knowing we are moving somewhere like that will help with the move, as it's going to be really sad leaving our little home, but we felt we needed a fresh start with the past year being such a struggle after loosing Jacob. It could be cardmaking on the lawn Ladies!! How divine. Cream tea's anyone?

Now my other waffle, on the stats thing that you can do for your blogging, it tells you the various contries people have visited your blog from. It's brilliant, there are people from America, Austria, Greece - all over the world. If you are one of these people I would love you to pop on and say hello, and let me know how you came across my blog. I think it's facinating. I'd love to know if you craft in Austria.

Anyway, enough babble, I'm all excited about the house. I really want to start packing, but need to crack on with the decoupage.....


  1. Hi Leonie. I've been a fan of your work for many years having seen you work on QVC with Dawn. I live about 25 minutes away from Canterbury but have many times been to Harbledown and yes it's a beautiful place. I really do hope you get to move down this way. It's a really different way of life, laid back and peaceful, but not too far from London.from I used to live near London and moved down this way 23 years ago. I have never regretted it. I wish you and Nick and your doggies all the best. Love Annette (Walmer nr. Deal). P.S. You must come and visit Deal its a lovely seaside town.

  2. Yippee!! I'm so excited for you......fingers and everything else crossed that it all works out and you get what sounds like 'The House of your Dreams'..... tea and crafting on the lawn sounds great !
    You deserve something nice happening to you!
    Lots of love Mary x

  3. It sounds lovely Leonie. I hope you get it. Keep us posted. Crafting on the lawn sounds good - I'll bring the scones!
    Sending positive thoughts your way!

  4. fingers crossed for the house, sounds totally idyllic!

  5. Good luck with the house Leonie. I am sure it will be yours as it sounds perfect! I love crafting in my garden (when it is not too windy) :)

    A fresh start for a bright future sounds wonderful.

  6. Hey Leonie - fingers crossed for the house, it sounds fabulous and so idyllic (hey that's a difficult word to spell) and hey sign me up for the crafting on the lawn.
    Will keep viewing your blog for the good news.

  7. Sending you positive thoughts and keeping my fingers crossed for you Leonie. Deb x

  8. Hi Leonie

    I hope everything goes well with the house for you .... can you go to the party now? Hope so....


  9. Getting the house would be "Awwflee nice for one, what what". Croquet anybody? Got my fingers crossed for you. As you know I'm off to Ireland on Monday to our dream house, and I do have enough garden for a croquet lawn with space for afternoon tea...better get perfecting my scone recipe....where did I pack the flour?......

  10. The house in Kent sounds perfect Leonie! I hope and pray that you get it and all goes smoothly - you and Nicky deserve it!
    love n hugs, Alison xx

  11. how lovely 5mins away from me and |i do have the veggies and the chickens you wanted . its a lovely place to live really hope you get it

  12. I'll keep my fingers crossed and anything else I can cross for you. It sounds lovely. xxx

  13. Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts and crossed bits!! I'll definately keep everyone posted. I'm all nervous and excited at the same time. I'll pop on a proper posting on my blog, but wanted to thank you xxxxx
    ps, good luck with the move Wendy, it will be fantastic xxxx

  14. Hi Leonie,
    I am wishing really hard that you get this house. I just wish I had squids and squids of money so I could buy one for you. We've moved from Poole now and are in Devon. I met the friend I have made through your ATC club and we had a lovely afternoon together. Will both let you know more later. See you at Topaz on 3 August when I will bring my friends ATC swaps for your latest challenges.
    Luv Joanne xxx
