Friday, 24 October 2008


Sorry about last nights post, I obviously decided to do it just as blogger were having their scheduled outage (off on a tangent, but isn't it funny what you decide what something reads when actually it reads something completely different - I always thought blogger had scheduled "outrages" - lots of angry folk at blogger so they had to turn the system off). Anyhow, it cut me short and made me sound quite ratty I thought. After 3 attempts I gave up - outraged!! Obviously.

Anyhow, Uni was great. I made some leaves. How lovely, spending the day playing on a fab embossing sewing machine making leaves. Smashing. I need to finish them off with some stitching, but loved it.

I've also updated ebay with yet more stuff, doing well, getting through everything. People are getting some cracking bargins, so it's worth having a look. I've been abit daft, didn't think about the postage which is going directly to the charity - good for them of course, but bit costly for ole quick thinker here. What am I. At least I've realised now, so hopefully I'll be able to work it out. Duh.

The link for the new ebay stuff is:

Thanks for all you supporting, keep having a nosey, as the photo's and card will be auctioned from my blog, not ebay.



  1. HI Leonie thanks for stoppping by to see me, Glad you are enjoying Uni, I am having loads of fun with my soldering Iron, you have definatley got to try it!!!
    HUgs Sarah x

  2. welcome to Kent ! ... glad to hear you are enjoying Uni.. love your blog... ratty or not LOL xx

  3. Hi Sarah and Jackie,
    Thank you Jackie, loving Kent, and all the brilliant farmers markets, good weather and lovely places to visit.

    I'll have to get soldering when I've finished exploring!!

  4. Hi Leonie - the things you are describing at Uni sound so interesting and lots of fun too - how great to have some time to do things for YOU for a change! Lindsay x
