Sunday, 26 October 2008

More Charity news

Hi folks, more stuff added to ebay. I love watching the bidding. If I'm bidding for an item I get completely obsessed, and have to check it every 5 mins, then end up paying way to much (obviously not something you can do with my items - obviously!!).

Here's the latest link:

I've been cracking on with my Uni project today. I've been using wire and plaster strips. My hands feel like I've been playing with pins, and the plaster took longer than anticipated, but I've got the first bit done. I have to get the other 4 bits done tomorrow to give it time to dry then I can paint it. I also tried latex on leaves - how fab. It picks up every detail. I want to latex everything.

Hope everyone had a good lie in today with the clocks going back (yeah, we remembered).

1 comment:

  1. thanks for stopping by my blog - good luck with your auction ! lovely cards Leonie ! x
