Friday 11 October 2024

Lamali Journals and life!

 Hi there folks. I generally do my weekly catch up at the weekend, but I thought I’d pop a little note on here, as I missed last week.

First, I’m going to start with my pooches. The weather has been lovely. Chilly and full of autumn colours. And the girls are most definitely loving the fact I’ve been at home more. As I type they’re bookending me - it’s cuddles galore. So at least they’re happy.

The change of events has also made me use my planner more than ever. I didn’t think that was possible. I didn’t want to sit around and do nothing. After all, I’m self employed and a freelancer. As such I know being out of the office means no wage - so I can’t take the risk of seeing what happens. I need to make things happen. And they are. Which is actually really exciting. Life is about change, growth, new challenges. And I quite like that. Granted, there are better ways to kickstart a major life shake up - but there’s no way I’m sitting around feeling like this is a holiday. So, the planners looking just peachy.

And then of course, the journals! Oww, these are a thing of beauty. Most definitely one of the most popular things we bring you here at Art Inspirations - they fly off the shelves. Which makes me think of Harry Potter. They look like they belong in a wizarding classroom. Anyway, we launched them this week on what would normally be a Let Leonie Loose show. I say normally. Currently create and craft isn’t broadcasting live. We’re stood down just waiting to see what happens. Apparently there are investors interested - so we’re all standing by to see the next chapter of this story. In the meantime I wanted to just touch base with my lovely customers and do some crafting. Which was great actually. For my pages I used loads of goodies. Ink from Hero Arts, the stunning Art Inspirations Nikolas Tower stamps, sticker from The Happy Planner, one of our Art Inspiration stencils from the new Rodrigo Assi collection, lovely waxes from Pink Ink, and cool rub one from Funky Fossil. I’m so pleased with the results. If you do want to see the demo, you can find it here

As I said, I’ve not sat around just eating and drinking…..granted I’ve done some of that. But I’ve also been chatting to folk, making plans. Lovely Paula did some new photos for me as well, which i just might need for a cheeky announcement at the weekend…….😃🤗😚

Sunday 6 October 2024

Weekly catch up

Hi there lovely crafters

Well, what a week. I’m not going to do my usual, as everything seems to have become about one thing. What’s happening at create and craft.

In truth, we have to wait and see. As far as we know someone is interested in investing so the dots have been closed over the weekend so they can do due diligence. 

Shows have been planned for next week - in fact I’ve been booked to do an Art Inspirations show on Tuesday at 5pm. So as far as we’re concerned at the moment, that’s still going ahead.

As a company, Art Inspirations will honour all orders made at a cost to ourselves. We don’t want to let our customers down. And of course we want to help the business wheels keep turning. 

We have been overwhelmed by all the support we have received online - so a massive thank you. It is truly a wonderful community. 

And it’s most definitely a time for all the different companies to work together and support each other - so our Craft Collective is working hard to come up with ideas and inspiration going forward. Which is all super exciting.

I know this isn’t the normal post - but hey…normal seems to be over rated!!

I hope everyone is well, and although I’m not planning on doing a live this evening (as I was supposed to be in Malta) please keep an eye out, as we may try and pop on this week! It all depends what happens. But we’ll keep you updated.

Onwards and upwards gang. We love a spanner chucked in the works as it means we have to wake up and start to dream up new ways of working - and who knows what exciting collaborations will evolve xxx


Sunday 22 September 2024

Weekly Catch Up

 Hello, the crafters how is everybody? I hope our email finds you well.

Well, let’s see, what’s been happening this week…

First, dog sitting duties! I’ve been looking after my friends dog, who is just gorgeous. He’s such a big softy, and often gets told off by Lola! I dont blame her, he does have a tendency to stomp on her paws - and his feet are big.

I was in the Create And Craft studios on Monday with the Carabelle shows. Poor Louise the buyer had to put the show together really quickly as the product didn’t actually arrive until a few hours before the live show! She did a fabulous job. It still breaks my heart that Carabelle shut their doors a little while ago, they were such a fantastic company. We had some brilliant deals and some really cool stuff to play with.

Tuesday. we did a Facebook live with some Lavinia goodies - another brand I absolutely adore. What a pleasure to do one of their shows.

Wednesday, I was back in the studio with my let Leonie loose. What a cracking line up. Two of mixed media greats, Dyan and Dina on one show!! Marvellous. We also squeezed in a cheeky Stamperia sale show, which was rather nice.

Thursday saw the launch of myself and Mandy’s company - Art Inspirations - brand new stamps. We were thrilled to introduce a brand new artist to our company, Rodrigo Assi. I absolutely love his work. He has a cool, sketchy style. And the stamps turned out spot on. As usual, our design team went above and beyond. Their samples were incredible. I also had a Chameleon pens show. I do love their pens, and they looked great on my ghost stamp!!

Friday….a day off. I caught up on jobs and then went to visit the lovely Sarah Milsop - we had a lovely evening catching up, and planning!!

I’m now back up north. Today I’m meeting up with Half Rice (haha) - Lou Withers. She’s showing me the venue she uses in Manchester to see if it’ll be good for our workshops. Fingers crossed. We have a couple of venues planned already - they’re coming together nicely. We’ll announce them soon and release the tickets. I’m so excited about getting them underway. 

And then of course, I’ll be popping onto Facebook at 7pm, for our live. I have a plan….so I hope to see you there xxx


Sunday 15 September 2024

Weekly Catch Up on Create and Craft

Afternoon lovely crafters I am writing this whilst in a field again, and it’s sunshiny! I’m currently baby sitting my friends dog who is such a big softy and scared of most things including lightbulbs! It’s such a shame as he’s a lovely dog.

Anyway, this week. I was in create and Craft on Monday with the fantastic Happy Planner shows. I love those shows and picked my new Planner for next year hurrah.

Tuesday I had the rest of my happy planner shows, then I had another play with the amazing Chameleon pens. I then popped the presenting hat on, and did the late shift.

Wednesday I was up early to walk the gang and then got in to prep my LLL. We had the brand new AALL& Create dies, which are so cool. Loved it. I loved my Marlene shows as well! We had the brand new calendar kit. It’s full of really exciting stuff. Such a good pressie.  I then did the late shift with my presenting hat on.

Thursday I was back in for the wonderful Craft Consortium - really beautiful collections. And then we were into a Stamperia one day special!! 2 nice big collections, which were such a joy to work with.

Friday was the rest of the stamperia hours. I then sat with our lovely buyer to pick Happy Planner goodies. It was the leaving dos of two of our great buying team, but I was so shattered I couldn’t join them. I was gutted. It’s rubbish seeing folk leave, but they’re young and have new adventures ahead!!

The weekend - I’ve not done too much really. I’ve been whacked, so all my stuff on the “to do” list kinda sat there. Annoyingly. Anyway, I’ll be with you this evening for my Facebook live, and I’m going to give you a sneak peak at the brand new stamps we are launching on Create and Craft next week.

I hope you’ve had a lovely week everyone, see you tonight xx

Monday 26 August 2024

Catch Up

 Hi there,crafters happy bank holiday Monday. I hope you’ve had a lovely week.

Well, what did last week bring to that Crafty table? We had a really successful launch of our brand-new Art Inspirations fabric panels on our Facebook live (thank you so much). It’s so exciting to see what people are making with them. Unfortunately Mandy has declined to wear monster patches on her jeans. Rude. 😂😂

Monday was back on the road after seeing my mum and stepdad following their lovely holiday to Wales. Tuesday we had another brilliant dream day at Create and Craft which was really fun. Sadly the product didn’t arrive for the one-day special that evening so everything had to be changed , but it did mean I didn’t have to work till 10 pm which was result!

I did have a busy day on Wednesday however with the one day special then my Let loose shows featuring brand new Lesia Zgharda Stamps. I also had brand-new Stamps from our Erica, aka Stampanory. Absolutely adorable dogs. She captures the expressions perfectly!

Thursday was a day off but I did have one show where we launched the Reeves brand on Create And Craft - really good value for money paints..

Friday I was presenting. I’m really enjoyed it. I think I must be drinking enough water at the moment because I’ve actually got some energy! I’m putting it down to water! Who knows. But I hope it’s that cos it’s cheap.

And then Saturday -  party, it was such a lovely day with the girls. We went to field day in London and saw quite a few live bands, including Romy justice who were amazing! I maximised the food options and had a drink or two. Danced with lots of happy people and had thoroughly good time.

I’ve got tons of prep to do today for next week and of course our Facebook live this evening, which is currently as much a surprise to me as it is to you! But I’ll see you later 7 pm

If you’d like to join me on the Facebook lives, please pop over to my page
