That's more like it eh!
Feel miles better today, work was great - fab job, just love it. The lovely Jo brought me in food (mmmm), handmade pastries. It was great to see everyone, and meet lovely new people as well. See, back to everything being lovely and great. haha!
I'm really looking forward to going home this weekend, just hope the snow doesn't stop us - puh, will it heck, I'll drag my sis to Canterbury if it means I have to dig the car out every mile. Really looking forward to it, and missed home so much.
Has everyone been treating themselves in the sales then? I think I might really, really NEED a Wii, with the fit plus. I need it don't I? I have some Crimbo cash, and need to get it spent before the VAT goes up (the excuses are just piling on in). Anyhow, it's cheaper than signing up for the gym, and sounds miles more fun.
Well, that's my day today. I know, I also really need a camera as well. So much on the list! Oh hum.
Take care y'all. Hope you had a lovely bank holiday if you were off work.
Monday, 28 December 2009
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Well, that's crimbo over for another year eh. It was another one that will be written off - fingers crossed by next year I'll be feeling the Christmas spirit again.
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, or if it's a bad time for you, I hope it tootled along quickly.
I'm only doing a short post I'm afraid, so tired tonight! Going to have a nice bath with the new bath bombs from my mum (mmmm, lush, they are the best) - then hit the sack.
Take care y'all
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, or if it's a bad time for you, I hope it tootled along quickly.
I'm only doing a short post I'm afraid, so tired tonight! Going to have a nice bath with the new bath bombs from my mum (mmmm, lush, they are the best) - then hit the sack.
Take care y'all
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
That's all I've got to say today really. Been in a card shop. Bluuch. My own fault, I know, should be organised and have everything organised by now and hand made - but needed to get last min special cards, never again. I'm sure there were more boyfriend, fiance and other stomach churning slop than ever!
haha, sorry, it's lovely really - but bluuuuch. Came back to my little room and went to bed to sulk! Up again now, will have a nice long bath and shove more sculpting cream on. Just wait - I've hair dye somewhere that I've never got round to using - that's next on the list. MMmmmm, be a giggle for New Year.
I always thought green was my colour.......xx
haha, sorry, it's lovely really - but bluuuuch. Came back to my little room and went to bed to sulk! Up again now, will have a nice long bath and shove more sculpting cream on. Just wait - I've hair dye somewhere that I've never got round to using - that's next on the list. MMmmmm, be a giggle for New Year.
I always thought green was my colour.......xx
Monday, 21 December 2009
You lot!
Oh you lot, your wonderful. Thank you all for your lovely comments, and the emails that have been coming through. As ever, your support is really, really heart warming and very touching.
So, in a bid to think positive, I've been considering the "ups" of splitting up (hell, we have all wasted hours of our life feeling sorry for ourselves when we split up - so time to fish out a few good bits!). Here goes:
*The Diet Begins. Being put off food via sadness brings about a new feeling of unbloatedness and getting into some old jeans! Almost dread feeling okay again! Keep back you evil mince pies with brandy butter
* Plans. These begin in earnest, to fill in the gaps, and some of them even get off the ground. Holiday beckons!
* Cleaning. Yep, the house gets the full treatment with anger being taken out on beating the cushions. Avoid getting them soaked by crying into them!
* The Gym. Okay, gotta get out and meet people and make myself feel better. The Gym. Makes me laugh every time I take this option, as I go to the gym in my headphones, don't make eye contact with anyone cos I feel a fool, and leg it out of there asap! Rubbish way to meet people.
* Dogs love you even more - because they now get away with murder. Settee, bed, treats left, right and centre. And my undivided attention (even though I'm stuck in my hotel and missing them dreadfully)
* Cheaper Christmas. Yep, saving money on the pressie of the year - ha, there goes his kite boarding lessons. Horse riding lessons for me instead I recon
* Work. Love it more than ever! Phew.
* Actually now slapping on the "Sculpting Body Mask" which I have had for about 2 years! I will feel better and attempt to reduce the cellulite!
I'm sure there's more - and of course I'm being abit tongue in cheek. It's all abit pooey - but we have all been there haven't we, and we all get through. Isn't it funny, each time it feels like the first. Whats that about.
I've picked up loads of travel brochures today. To celebrate my new job we were going to book the first holiday we've had for years - so not missing out on that one, my lovely sister is going to come away with me. There's so many places to go! Forgot how big the world was for a moment there. I'm trying to compile a short list - Sri Lanka looks fabulous. Oh my word. I'm trying not to think about boring stuff like extra bills - lets go HOLIDAYING. See, I'm really lucky I have the ability to escape, and someone fun to go away with me.
I read quite a few messages from people who were going through the same thing, had family going through it, and alot worse - my heart goes out to you. It's even more devastating when there are children involved - so I hope you all and your families will be okay and the New Year brings happiness.
I'm off to scrape off my body sculpting cream, and hopefully an inch of cellulite!!
Again, my sincere thank you to all of you who left comments and thoughts, and especially to those in the same boat, or in much more difficult situations, take care
So, in a bid to think positive, I've been considering the "ups" of splitting up (hell, we have all wasted hours of our life feeling sorry for ourselves when we split up - so time to fish out a few good bits!). Here goes:
*The Diet Begins. Being put off food via sadness brings about a new feeling of unbloatedness and getting into some old jeans! Almost dread feeling okay again! Keep back you evil mince pies with brandy butter
* Plans. These begin in earnest, to fill in the gaps, and some of them even get off the ground. Holiday beckons!
* Cleaning. Yep, the house gets the full treatment with anger being taken out on beating the cushions. Avoid getting them soaked by crying into them!
* The Gym. Okay, gotta get out and meet people and make myself feel better. The Gym. Makes me laugh every time I take this option, as I go to the gym in my headphones, don't make eye contact with anyone cos I feel a fool, and leg it out of there asap! Rubbish way to meet people.
* Dogs love you even more - because they now get away with murder. Settee, bed, treats left, right and centre. And my undivided attention (even though I'm stuck in my hotel and missing them dreadfully)
* Cheaper Christmas. Yep, saving money on the pressie of the year - ha, there goes his kite boarding lessons. Horse riding lessons for me instead I recon
* Work. Love it more than ever! Phew.
* Actually now slapping on the "Sculpting Body Mask" which I have had for about 2 years! I will feel better and attempt to reduce the cellulite!
I'm sure there's more - and of course I'm being abit tongue in cheek. It's all abit pooey - but we have all been there haven't we, and we all get through. Isn't it funny, each time it feels like the first. Whats that about.
I've picked up loads of travel brochures today. To celebrate my new job we were going to book the first holiday we've had for years - so not missing out on that one, my lovely sister is going to come away with me. There's so many places to go! Forgot how big the world was for a moment there. I'm trying to compile a short list - Sri Lanka looks fabulous. Oh my word. I'm trying not to think about boring stuff like extra bills - lets go HOLIDAYING. See, I'm really lucky I have the ability to escape, and someone fun to go away with me.
I read quite a few messages from people who were going through the same thing, had family going through it, and alot worse - my heart goes out to you. It's even more devastating when there are children involved - so I hope you all and your families will be okay and the New Year brings happiness.
I'm off to scrape off my body sculpting cream, and hopefully an inch of cellulite!!
Again, my sincere thank you to all of you who left comments and thoughts, and especially to those in the same boat, or in much more difficult situations, take care
Sunday, 20 December 2009
This to will end
Okay, don't really want to do this post, but feel I need to really. Most people who get in touch with me, or have been sending cards, know about my boyfriend Nicky - so I figured it's one of those things I need to share. Feels a bit weird to be honest, but when we lost Jacob I still had people asking me how my baby was for quite some time after, and it's uncomfortable - not just for me but the person who asks, as they feel bad, and I feel bad making them feel bad, if you see what I mean! So, better to get the news out there and try and avoid tricky situations as much as possible.
Enough babble, unfortunately we have split up. Rubbish timing, but they say if you love someone let them go - he's been brave enough to tell me he's not happy, so I need to be strong enough to let him go. Very poo, feel that heavy heart weighing me down again - but it'll be okay. It was actually 3 weeks ago, and work and friends have got me through so far - so glad I've been at work and surrounded by uplifting people - it's a necessity isn't it.
That's my news. I'll be okay, I know I've got through a whole lot worse, but it is, of course, incredibly, horrendously sad.
I know there may be one or two people out there who may cynically think I'm writing this for sympathy - trust me that is certainly not the case.
Hope this now explains my lack of a camera (it was Nicky's), and my trouble with sleep. Buggers those emotions arn't they.
Anyhow, it's work tomorrow, so I'll be back in a happy place, and a New Year will bring another new start (urgh, thought I'd had a big one of them for one year which seemed like quite enough. Oh hum). Sorry to be posting sad news, I'll think of something happy to share with you tomorrow - even if I have to lie!!!
Take care in the horrid (but beautiful) weather - stay safe and warm xx
Enough babble, unfortunately we have split up. Rubbish timing, but they say if you love someone let them go - he's been brave enough to tell me he's not happy, so I need to be strong enough to let him go. Very poo, feel that heavy heart weighing me down again - but it'll be okay. It was actually 3 weeks ago, and work and friends have got me through so far - so glad I've been at work and surrounded by uplifting people - it's a necessity isn't it.
That's my news. I'll be okay, I know I've got through a whole lot worse, but it is, of course, incredibly, horrendously sad.
I know there may be one or two people out there who may cynically think I'm writing this for sympathy - trust me that is certainly not the case.
Hope this now explains my lack of a camera (it was Nicky's), and my trouble with sleep. Buggers those emotions arn't they.
Anyhow, it's work tomorrow, so I'll be back in a happy place, and a New Year will bring another new start (urgh, thought I'd had a big one of them for one year which seemed like quite enough. Oh hum). Sorry to be posting sad news, I'll think of something happy to share with you tomorrow - even if I have to lie!!!
Take care in the horrid (but beautiful) weather - stay safe and warm xx
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
How's everyone doing? I've just got back to my little hotel room, changed into the scruffs and have plans to decorate my Oxfam cards (hehe). Do you know, I was adding my glitter and little gems last night and really enjoyed it. I wanted to write in each card though that I'd at least done that - but realised it could stretch my Crimbo card writting to 5 weeks (I do tend to go on!). I feel much better about it now, all the cards say they are from Oxfam, and 50% recycled (you can hear the guilt ooozzzing out of me can't you, haha).
Anyhow, as usual had a great week so far. Did you see the show yesterday with Robert? Isn't he a star. We had such fun. Forgot about the menu bit at the end of the show that I have to read out - me and Robert are telling each other how wonderful it had gone, when they reminded me the mic's were still live. Don't think anyone heard us squealing - but I was so thrilled. Had a great show. If you didn't see it look out for the repeats, okay no idea how you find out about repeats so I can't help there, but they are called Once Upon a Stamp. Brilliant.
Today was great. Graham and I did the Dufex, then it was madness. Still can't get over the prices. I know I sound cheesy, but it's true. There's so much I want it's silly! Love all the ribbons. Card stock is all essential. HOTP, lovely. I won't go on.
If you fancy your chance to get blog candy, scroll down for my earlier post and pop your name on the list.
Phew, righto, I'm going to glitter owls.....or have a nap!
Anyhow, as usual had a great week so far. Did you see the show yesterday with Robert? Isn't he a star. We had such fun. Forgot about the menu bit at the end of the show that I have to read out - me and Robert are telling each other how wonderful it had gone, when they reminded me the mic's were still live. Don't think anyone heard us squealing - but I was so thrilled. Had a great show. If you didn't see it look out for the repeats, okay no idea how you find out about repeats so I can't help there, but they are called Once Upon a Stamp. Brilliant.
Today was great. Graham and I did the Dufex, then it was madness. Still can't get over the prices. I know I sound cheesy, but it's true. There's so much I want it's silly! Love all the ribbons. Card stock is all essential. HOTP, lovely. I won't go on.
If you fancy your chance to get blog candy, scroll down for my earlier post and pop your name on the list.
Phew, righto, I'm going to glitter owls.....or have a nap!
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Did you.....
nip on for a chance to win the last blog candy? If so are you Pam C (Miles mum, hi!!), or Claire. I've picked you two out of the magic hat, but when I've tried to contact you I can't access your details - so if you could drop me a line with your addy I can get your goodies in the post for you:
Thank you
Thank you
Candy and cheating!
Well at last I have done my blog candy and emailed the lucky winners - thank you for entering. I now have to try and get to the post office, next week is so busy.
I have got another pack of Blog Candy up for grabs - unfortunately I haven't got a camera at the moment, so can't pop on a picture - but there's a nice selection of papers and stickers up for grabs. Respond to this posting if you are interested.
I do want to apologise for the lack of pics recently - it looks boring doesn't it. Hope I'll be able to rectify that soon.
Now, cheating. Your going to shout at me. I have today bought Christmas cards!!! I know, that's very very naughty - comes the reason (excuse), every year I intend to make cards, never get round to it, and then never send any out, so this year I've bought some from Oxfam (see, charity cards, good for Oxfam, especially in a recession), and I choose them with the strict idea of popping on a few embellishments - so I can do that thing that they do in the shops and say hand finished! At least this year I'll actually get some cards sent out, so I won't beat myself up to much. Next year, I'll start making them when everyone else does - January!
I have got another pack of Blog Candy up for grabs - unfortunately I haven't got a camera at the moment, so can't pop on a picture - but there's a nice selection of papers and stickers up for grabs. Respond to this posting if you are interested.
I do want to apologise for the lack of pics recently - it looks boring doesn't it. Hope I'll be able to rectify that soon.
Now, cheating. Your going to shout at me. I have today bought Christmas cards!!! I know, that's very very naughty - comes the reason (excuse), every year I intend to make cards, never get round to it, and then never send any out, so this year I've bought some from Oxfam (see, charity cards, good for Oxfam, especially in a recession), and I choose them with the strict idea of popping on a few embellishments - so I can do that thing that they do in the shops and say hand finished! At least this year I'll actually get some cards sent out, so I won't beat myself up to much. Next year, I'll start making them when everyone else does - January!
Friday, 11 December 2009
isn't easy to do in hotels. It's been a terrible week, sleep wise. I haven't settled. Keep waking up, panicking that I'm late. Hate that. I need to have a real early night tonight - on the hot choc already to help! I've a really busy day tomorrow - well I've only 3 hours live but it's the launch of the Craft Madness event, mega reduced prices. It's just little me at 8am - no guest, so plenty of demoing (I hope), and chatting!
Early night and decent sleep essential - gulp!xx
Early night and decent sleep essential - gulp!xx
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Just a quick post to say hello from my little hotel room. Need to sort out a pad up here, but somewhere I can bring my doggies - not easy is it. Hopefully have something to view this week, fingers crossed.
Had a good day today, our guests just brighten up any cloudy day don't they. Brill. The only thing I was disappointed about was not being on with Bev from Banana Frog, did anyone watch the show? I love Bev's stamps, and all her idea's. Her stuff is so fresh and different - if you haven't seen them then please check them out, they are worth collecting!
Have a look on there for your local stockists. I have some of Bev's stamps actually, when I get home from my shift I'm going to get some posted on here to let you have a look.
Righto, I'm off to go and carry on writting my envelopes out for my ATC club. Seeya later.xx
Had a good day today, our guests just brighten up any cloudy day don't they. Brill. The only thing I was disappointed about was not being on with Bev from Banana Frog, did anyone watch the show? I love Bev's stamps, and all her idea's. Her stuff is so fresh and different - if you haven't seen them then please check them out, they are worth collecting!
Have a look on there for your local stockists. I have some of Bev's stamps actually, when I get home from my shift I'm going to get some posted on here to let you have a look.
Righto, I'm off to go and carry on writting my envelopes out for my ATC club. Seeya later.xx
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
ATC club and Craft club
Hi folks. Well back to work after my 7 days off (7 days, how wonderful). It's a busy run now though, won't have time to think (can be a great thing at times can't it!).
However, just a thought, the ATC club is of course, still up and running. I'm in the process of writting to everyone so they know the change of address, but thought I would just pop a reminder on here:
L Pujol
P O Box 1027
Also, another thought, seeing as our Craft Club was such a success, I thought it may be a great idea if you fancy coming along, but don't have any transport to let us know. I can post this on my blog, and let the ladies know who already attend, to see if we can sort out car shares. Think this could be a great idea, and of course it's very green.
I have one lady who needs to travel from Deal - so if you are in Deal but didn't fancy driving in alone, then let me know, and I can swap your details for you. I'll be announcing the next date soon, just want to work out my work rota.
Bit sleepy tonight, so think I'll be good and turn in early.
Take care folks
However, just a thought, the ATC club is of course, still up and running. I'm in the process of writting to everyone so they know the change of address, but thought I would just pop a reminder on here:
L Pujol
P O Box 1027
Also, another thought, seeing as our Craft Club was such a success, I thought it may be a great idea if you fancy coming along, but don't have any transport to let us know. I can post this on my blog, and let the ladies know who already attend, to see if we can sort out car shares. Think this could be a great idea, and of course it's very green.
I have one lady who needs to travel from Deal - so if you are in Deal but didn't fancy driving in alone, then let me know, and I can swap your details for you. I'll be announcing the next date soon, just want to work out my work rota.
Bit sleepy tonight, so think I'll be good and turn in early.
Take care folks
Monday, 7 December 2009
The First Craft Club......brilliant!!
Had a great evening tonight. Perfect turn out - even in the nasty cold wet weather. How inspired am I! Got so many new idea's, I want to go and craft, but I'm being forced to drink the wine we didn't touch. Oh, the pressure of a crafty life eh. hehe.
I hope I will be able to have a play tomorrow, as I want to share some of the brilliant idea's I have got. But, just in case I don't get chance I'll pop on some inspirational blogs so you can see just a small taste of the fabulous talent in our club (okay, I'm just popping one on tonight, but there will be more).
Check out:
Anyway, I'll show more, and hopefully have a play. Thank you to everyone who came, it was such a good night, roll on January.
I hope I will be able to have a play tomorrow, as I want to share some of the brilliant idea's I have got. But, just in case I don't get chance I'll pop on some inspirational blogs so you can see just a small taste of the fabulous talent in our club (okay, I'm just popping one on tonight, but there will be more).
Check out:
Anyway, I'll show more, and hopefully have a play. Thank you to everyone who came, it was such a good night, roll on January.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Quick reminder
I've been rubbish this week, I had plans here there and everywhere - but the time has flown as ever. I have managed to put up my Christmas decorations though! Hooray. How fabulous. Even got a little tree (Nicky said we wouldn't be able to fit one in the house, thank goodness they do diddy ones these days).
My friend Jenny is on her way down for her first visit, so I need to get some food on, but just wanted to remind everyone about the craft club on Monday. Here's the details:
Jubilee Hall, Cow Lane, Wincheap, Canterbury
7pm - 10pm
EVERYONE welcome - no need to book, or pay a deposit. Please, spread the word, really the more the merrier.
Minimal charge of £3 to cover the cost of the room and refreshments.
Please bring a sample of your work - not necessary, but thought it would be great to see what crafts we are all into, and it's a great ice breaker.
Bring something you want to share, or something you have bought and haven't got a clue about. It helps others learn, or you can pick the brains of other crafty folk.
There will be a Christmassy feel, so bring something Christmassy along, we have home baked mince pies on the list (obviously I'll just be in the corner feeding my face!!).
I'm going to start a stamp library, a minimal charge which will go into the crafty club pot. More idea's and plans are afoot!
Spread the word..........
For those of you to far away - there's always trains, planes and automobiles. Only teasing, I'm thinking of expanding the ATC club, so maybe a general craft club which ties in would be quite nice. That's another one in the "planning" stages.
Hope to see you there.
ps, only just read Blance has passed away from Corrie. I should, of course say the actress who plays Blance. How sad, she was a brilliant character and will be very missed - another one of the old favourites.
My friend Jenny is on her way down for her first visit, so I need to get some food on, but just wanted to remind everyone about the craft club on Monday. Here's the details:
Jubilee Hall, Cow Lane, Wincheap, Canterbury
7pm - 10pm
EVERYONE welcome - no need to book, or pay a deposit. Please, spread the word, really the more the merrier.
Minimal charge of £3 to cover the cost of the room and refreshments.
Please bring a sample of your work - not necessary, but thought it would be great to see what crafts we are all into, and it's a great ice breaker.
Bring something you want to share, or something you have bought and haven't got a clue about. It helps others learn, or you can pick the brains of other crafty folk.
There will be a Christmassy feel, so bring something Christmassy along, we have home baked mince pies on the list (obviously I'll just be in the corner feeding my face!!).
I'm going to start a stamp library, a minimal charge which will go into the crafty club pot. More idea's and plans are afoot!
Spread the word..........
For those of you to far away - there's always trains, planes and automobiles. Only teasing, I'm thinking of expanding the ATC club, so maybe a general craft club which ties in would be quite nice. That's another one in the "planning" stages.
Hope to see you there.
ps, only just read Blance has passed away from Corrie. I should, of course say the actress who plays Blance. How sad, she was a brilliant character and will be very missed - another one of the old favourites.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Thought I'd pop a very quick post on, as a few of you are probably wondering what happened to my Uni course.........well, the day I was supposed to go back to Uni after our summer break was the day when they thought my Gran was going to pass away, so we went to see Gran instead. I didn't go in the week after - as again I wanted to be able to go to Gran if need be.
In between all this I spoke to my friend who told me our course had no funding, a part time tutor, and everyone was being talked into going to Canterbury on a Fine Art course. How annoyings that - after a years worth of work. They were offering us all a place on the Fine Art course, and could join the course into their second year - but I wasn't sure if that was what I actually wanted to do. I hummed and ahhed, but then found out the course leader wasn't very nice - and I doubt he would have understood if I had to have time off because of work, so that was that! They have been rubbish - they never even bothered to contact me to see if I was coming back or what! The Fine Art course actually sounds brilliant - so I'm quite disappointed I decided not to do it, and that it wouldn't really be appropriate now. The Uni looks great, and they are doing some really interesting stuff - oh hum....
So, that's the tale. Funny how things happen isn't it. It's a shame, but I suppose I'm now learning, which I really felt I needed to do, and have something that now gets me out of house and bouncing off the walls! All turned out right in the end eh!
And Uni was great, met some great people who I will definitely stay in touch with
In between all this I spoke to my friend who told me our course had no funding, a part time tutor, and everyone was being talked into going to Canterbury on a Fine Art course. How annoyings that - after a years worth of work. They were offering us all a place on the Fine Art course, and could join the course into their second year - but I wasn't sure if that was what I actually wanted to do. I hummed and ahhed, but then found out the course leader wasn't very nice - and I doubt he would have understood if I had to have time off because of work, so that was that! They have been rubbish - they never even bothered to contact me to see if I was coming back or what! The Fine Art course actually sounds brilliant - so I'm quite disappointed I decided not to do it, and that it wouldn't really be appropriate now. The Uni looks great, and they are doing some really interesting stuff - oh hum....
So, that's the tale. Funny how things happen isn't it. It's a shame, but I suppose I'm now learning, which I really felt I needed to do, and have something that now gets me out of house and bouncing off the walls! All turned out right in the end eh!
And Uni was great, met some great people who I will definitely stay in touch with
Slight panic!!
haha, just read my blog to get my times for tomorrow, and my heart almost stopped! Thought I was supposed to have been on at 7pm tonight - duh, read my own blog wrong. Phew.
Had a great day today, wanted everything Sheena had on. If you haven't tried Alcohol Inks yet, get em! They are fantastic.
And it was great working with Joanna, the samples she does and those done by her design team are fantastic - and I really like her CD roms, the images on them are beautiful. I'll stop gushing about every show soon, promise (as if, I'm a crafter!!).
Just a quick post this evening, need to get on those forums and spread the word about the craft club next week - times flying again. Got a great weekend coming up, my mate Jenny's coming to visit. Hooray.
Had a great day today, wanted everything Sheena had on. If you haven't tried Alcohol Inks yet, get em! They are fantastic.
And it was great working with Joanna, the samples she does and those done by her design team are fantastic - and I really like her CD roms, the images on them are beautiful. I'll stop gushing about every show soon, promise (as if, I'm a crafter!!).
Just a quick post this evening, need to get on those forums and spread the word about the craft club next week - times flying again. Got a great weekend coming up, my mate Jenny's coming to visit. Hooray.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Home for a Day

Just a day off this week, then 3 days on then loads of days off!! How cool. Had another great week. Met more brilliant guests. Hey, I've got pressies!! Yeah. Finally got some Pinflair glue from the lovely Christine - been dying to have a go, everyone raves about it, and they're not wrong, it's great stuff. Also got given a Mandala board and easy score board from, also very lovely, Phyllis. Had to have a go. I'm really into shaped cards at the moment, and as soon as I saw the board I knew it would be great for creating lots of different cards - and easy! Love it. It's a definite for workshops - I'll bring it along to the craft club as well to let you all have a play.
Have to do my blog candy today - so will get round to letting the lucky winners know who they are.
I had training this week with Ellis - did I mention that in a previous post? It's all a blur. The training was great, loads of new stuff to try and remember. The first hour after was quite tricky, my brain seemed to have turned into soup - the second hour was much easier, but I felt bad I hadn't been able to give it my best on the first show - you feel responsible for how the show goes, and want them all to be as good as you can for the guest.
That's always the thing about new jobs isn't it - people can give you an opportunity but it's then down to you to make it work. No one can actually do it for you. Scary, but knowing that means if you do manage to make it work, and do a good job you can feel proud of yourself and your achievement - and of course when you are given a brilliant opportunity you want to make it work and not let anyone down. Don't worry though, I'll always be aware you can't get anywhere in life without the help and support of others - the day I think it's all about me is the day I want to be given a good slap! haha, Nicky wouldn't let my ego take over the house! Anyone who gets to the top only got there with the help of others - think it's important to always remember that - helps you treat people properly as well doesn't it.
I'm not saying it's to stressful at all however, I'm loving it. My favourite thing is most definitely still meeting all the guests. I love the diversity - and each person brings something new, a tip or technique. I don't know about you, but I can get in a bit of a rut with my crafting - and use the same techniques all the time, so it's great seeing how other people do things. And, of course, all those new products! Brill.
Righto, better get my ironing done then hopefully Nicky will be home so we can nip out for the afternoon.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Fabulous Fab
I'm just popping on a quick post today as I'm quite sleepy, so going to jump in the bath and have a relaxing soak before an early night. Before any of that though, I have to say our Fab has done it again! He's a star - a MEGA thank you to Fab for his wonderful review of my book - I'm so chuft! THANK YOU. If you want to read Fab's article then please follow this link:
And if you haven't had a copy of my book then tune into C&C tomorrow morning. This is abit spooky, but I was looking at the books they are showing tomorrow and was saying "oh, I hope they get mine in", and by gum, there it was!! Think I'll have to pop on and say hello won't I! Be rude not to.
Anyway, thank you again Fab, you are so kind and lovely.
And if you haven't had a copy of my book then tune into C&C tomorrow morning. This is abit spooky, but I was looking at the books they are showing tomorrow and was saying "oh, I hope they get mine in", and by gum, there it was!! Think I'll have to pop on and say hello won't I! Be rude not to.
Anyway, thank you again Fab, you are so kind and lovely.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Craft Club update
Okay room booked. The details for the first "club" evening are:
7th December
Doors open 7pm - 10pm
Jubilee Hall
Cow Lane
Planning on the charge being £3 per person
Christmas Party Theme!!!
I'm really excited. For the first night I would like people (if possible) to bring a little sample of their work. Don't feel pressured to do so though, you are welcome empty handed! I thought it would be great if people to be able to have a see what each others up to and into. It will be a great ice breaker, will give us all something to chat about and get inspired.
It would also be great for people to bring something they like, want advice on, new crafty toy they haven't even opened yet etc for us to have a look at or a play with.
We will have an idea's box - it's going to be everyones club, so imput is necessary.
I'll be selling crafty stuff, and will give 10% to the club kitty. The kitty will hopefully build up so we can pay to have guests to come and give talks and demonstrations.
I will try and sort something out by way of storage, so if people want to bring stuff to swap or sell for themselves (with a small donation for the club) then we won't have to lug everything around every week.
I'm also planning to have a stamp library - so we can borrow stamps for a week, again for a small charge which will also go into the kitty.
I think it sounds exciting. I have in mind a treasurer and also a stamp librarian - as there will have to be backup for when I can't make it (and it's nice to have a team).
Again, please spread the word. Jubilee Hall is great, as it has a big room, and smaller rooms as well, so we can spread out. We already have home-made mince pies on the menu - so if you don't come for them your DAFT!! (or to far away of course, in which case, sorry!!).
Righto, I'm going to have my hot chocolate and relax (or spend ages on the computer). I found my hotel after only being lost once for just a few mins. Now that's a result. Looking forward to tomorrow, it feels like it's my first day all over again! Gulp.
nite nite
7th December
Doors open 7pm - 10pm
Jubilee Hall
Cow Lane
Planning on the charge being £3 per person
Christmas Party Theme!!!
I'm really excited. For the first night I would like people (if possible) to bring a little sample of their work. Don't feel pressured to do so though, you are welcome empty handed! I thought it would be great if people to be able to have a see what each others up to and into. It will be a great ice breaker, will give us all something to chat about and get inspired.
It would also be great for people to bring something they like, want advice on, new crafty toy they haven't even opened yet etc for us to have a look at or a play with.
We will have an idea's box - it's going to be everyones club, so imput is necessary.
I'll be selling crafty stuff, and will give 10% to the club kitty. The kitty will hopefully build up so we can pay to have guests to come and give talks and demonstrations.
I will try and sort something out by way of storage, so if people want to bring stuff to swap or sell for themselves (with a small donation for the club) then we won't have to lug everything around every week.
I'm also planning to have a stamp library - so we can borrow stamps for a week, again for a small charge which will also go into the kitty.
I think it sounds exciting. I have in mind a treasurer and also a stamp librarian - as there will have to be backup for when I can't make it (and it's nice to have a team).
Again, please spread the word. Jubilee Hall is great, as it has a big room, and smaller rooms as well, so we can spread out. We already have home-made mince pies on the menu - so if you don't come for them your DAFT!! (or to far away of course, in which case, sorry!!).
Righto, I'm going to have my hot chocolate and relax (or spend ages on the computer). I found my hotel after only being lost once for just a few mins. Now that's a result. Looking forward to tomorrow, it feels like it's my first day all over again! Gulp.
nite nite
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Christmas is coming
I'm feeling Christmassy! Already. This might not be something of a surprise, with it being Christmas around the corner n all, but I haven't been Christmassy for 2 years now - so it's a really nice feeling. Even Nicky's got the bug - started looking at decorations and everything!! Whooooo. We even bought a little bottle of Christmas scent for the house - which I have managed to lose. Can't find it anywhere - how annoying that.
Anyhow, even made a Christmas card today (had a play, have a look on the other blog to see what I was using), inspired by cleaning the kitchen.
Now, the Craft Club, as my work days are supposed to be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I don't want to have the club at the weekend, so I'm thinking the best day is Monday evening. Of course, because of the dark nights I hope this will be okay, and not put people off who will be getting a bus. Hopefully, when we are fully up and running we should be able to sort car shares - and people walking to the bus stop together.
I want the first evening to start with a bang, so it will be a Christmas party evening. It will be all trial and error to begin. I will book the room, so will have to confirm that. We will then work out who will be second in command to book the room etc if I'm not around. Maybe we'll have to find a room that's abit cheaper as well - but that we can play by here. There will only be a minimal charge for the club - which will cover the cost of room hire and coffee etc.
Okay, so the date:
Monday 7th December
How does that sound. I hope people can make it. Again, let me know - even though I will be posting all details on here when I have booked the room. It will be in Canterbury, hopefully Wincheap (I want to use the room I use for the workshop really), and most importantly please spread the word. If you are part of any groups, church, school etc. Maybe pop a little note up in the staff room, or let other people know by word of mouth. The more the merrier.
Anyhow, even made a Christmas card today (had a play, have a look on the other blog to see what I was using), inspired by cleaning the kitchen.
Now, the Craft Club, as my work days are supposed to be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I don't want to have the club at the weekend, so I'm thinking the best day is Monday evening. Of course, because of the dark nights I hope this will be okay, and not put people off who will be getting a bus. Hopefully, when we are fully up and running we should be able to sort car shares - and people walking to the bus stop together.
I want the first evening to start with a bang, so it will be a Christmas party evening. It will be all trial and error to begin. I will book the room, so will have to confirm that. We will then work out who will be second in command to book the room etc if I'm not around. Maybe we'll have to find a room that's abit cheaper as well - but that we can play by here. There will only be a minimal charge for the club - which will cover the cost of room hire and coffee etc.
Okay, so the date:
Monday 7th December
How does that sound. I hope people can make it. Again, let me know - even though I will be posting all details on here when I have booked the room. It will be in Canterbury, hopefully Wincheap (I want to use the room I use for the workshop really), and most importantly please spread the word. If you are part of any groups, church, school etc. Maybe pop a little note up in the staff room, or let other people know by word of mouth. The more the merrier.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Art work
Just a quick little post tonight, the days flown and we've just sat down to watch a film. Wanted to share my step mums web site with you. Elena has set up her web site with her art work and (soon) my Dad's art work as well. Cool! Well done Elena and Dad. She will be giving part of the sale proceeds to Debra (splitting the donation with Children in Need for the rest of November).
Anyhow, it's felt like Saturday all day today - don't feel like I've done much, just catching up with stuff, and having a play with a new crafty toy soon to be on air (not giving anything away) Fun fun fun xxxx
Anyhow, it's felt like Saturday all day today - don't feel like I've done much, just catching up with stuff, and having a play with a new crafty toy soon to be on air (not giving anything away) Fun fun fun xxxx
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
foldings and fluff
Okay, couldn't think of anything to go with folding!! Really good day again - how cheery chappy am I eh! I'm being abit daft actually, got another early show tomorrow so I should be getting my beauty sleep - but needed to do abita bloggin!
I have never seen so many different folds and ways of creating wonderful cards - I'm learning so much more! It's great. Loved the Stamp Addicts show, did you see it? Did you see the magic embossing powder? That stuff is brilliant, I used to use it years ago - and adored it. Need to get that back in stock again. Really felt inspired to get ultra thick embossing again - it's one of my fav things, and Sarah reminded me how fun it is. Can feel a play time coming on. I've got one more day, then 5 days off!! Wow. Then it's well busy though, and the shows are "proper" - so no dresses, no name muddles and lots of ironing (knew there was a down side to this!! Ironing. Had to clean it up after ironing all our spritzed cards at the weekend).
Not going to waffle to much, but I'll be back! With Michelle tomorrow, then the glitter girls!!! Hooray.
I have never seen so many different folds and ways of creating wonderful cards - I'm learning so much more! It's great. Loved the Stamp Addicts show, did you see it? Did you see the magic embossing powder? That stuff is brilliant, I used to use it years ago - and adored it. Need to get that back in stock again. Really felt inspired to get ultra thick embossing again - it's one of my fav things, and Sarah reminded me how fun it is. Can feel a play time coming on. I've got one more day, then 5 days off!! Wow. Then it's well busy though, and the shows are "proper" - so no dresses, no name muddles and lots of ironing (knew there was a down side to this!! Ironing. Had to clean it up after ironing all our spritzed cards at the weekend).
Not going to waffle to much, but I'll be back! With Michelle tomorrow, then the glitter girls!!! Hooray.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Tremendous Tuesday
Well, I'm back in my hotel after a brill day. I really, really enjoyed it. I had the 8am, 10am show with the lovely Debbie, then the 11am with the equally lovely Jo. I then joined all the girls (who are of course lovely as well, but your going to get sick of me saying that!), for the afternoon shows.
It was great. The extravaganza shows had fantastic products - and I genuinally couldn't believe some of the prices! And I loved the designs. The cricut show was great - Jo is so good to work with, and I really really want that machine! It's really bad for me everytime it's on - the temptation! My first pay packet's gone isn't it - we all know it. And of course, the afternoon was a really good laugh, not to mention what a fantastic idea and product the Melt Dust is. So, all in all a great day.
And I did have a giggle, I'll share it with you as it was really funny. Lesson one, don't wear a dress on air!! You have to put the packs for your mic and ear piece somewhere, so this is either your knickers (noooo), or a belt. I went for a belt, which was one of these elesticated breath-you-won't jobbo's. Anyhow, I haven't yet learnt I need to check my packs to make sure the battery is still going strong - so poor Jo had to carry the show when my mic died. And, you've guessed it, to change it meant a proper rummage up my dress! It was hilarious. The poor backstage man had to circumnavigate ultra tight belt and get to my mic, remove one and pop in the new one!!! I was a fantastic shade of cherry red. How funny was that. Poor chap. Poor Jo, she glanced over to see him rumaging up my dress! hahaha. I was dying to laugh. Anyhow, won't be doing that again eh! Thank god it's cold outside and I had on mi big tights........
Well, hope that's given you a giggle! I'm now going to have a relaxing bath and ring my little Grandad to see how he is. Take care everyone, have a lovely evening.
It was great. The extravaganza shows had fantastic products - and I genuinally couldn't believe some of the prices! And I loved the designs. The cricut show was great - Jo is so good to work with, and I really really want that machine! It's really bad for me everytime it's on - the temptation! My first pay packet's gone isn't it - we all know it. And of course, the afternoon was a really good laugh, not to mention what a fantastic idea and product the Melt Dust is. So, all in all a great day.
And I did have a giggle, I'll share it with you as it was really funny. Lesson one, don't wear a dress on air!! You have to put the packs for your mic and ear piece somewhere, so this is either your knickers (noooo), or a belt. I went for a belt, which was one of these elesticated breath-you-won't jobbo's. Anyhow, I haven't yet learnt I need to check my packs to make sure the battery is still going strong - so poor Jo had to carry the show when my mic died. And, you've guessed it, to change it meant a proper rummage up my dress! It was hilarious. The poor backstage man had to circumnavigate ultra tight belt and get to my mic, remove one and pop in the new one!!! I was a fantastic shade of cherry red. How funny was that. Poor chap. Poor Jo, she glanced over to see him rumaging up my dress! hahaha. I was dying to laugh. Anyhow, won't be doing that again eh! Thank god it's cold outside and I had on mi big tights........
Well, hope that's given you a giggle! I'm now going to have a relaxing bath and ring my little Grandad to see how he is. Take care everyone, have a lovely evening.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Corrie and Sundays
Ahh, I love days like today. Corrie omnibus on telly, blue skies, happy doggies. Okay, loads of jobs on the list, but nothing horrible.
We had a great workshop yesterday. Really enjoyed it. I've popped on a few photo's. Thank you to everyone who came. Carley did a lovely lunch for us, so we were fed and watered as well. We were chatting about a longer workshop - a weekend do, everyone's doing it arn't they (didn't realise how many people did crafty weekend retreat things, there's loads I want to go on - especially the Paper Artsy one!). Anyway, thought this would be a great idea, we were coming up with some fun, new idea's - and maybe we could use our contacts to get a brilliant venue as well! It's all an idea at the mo, but got really excited by it.
Anyhow, I've popped the dates of next weeks show on the left, I will keep it updated, and I will also put dates on for the next workshops when we've sorted some dates. Happy Sunday.

We had a great workshop yesterday. Really enjoyed it. I've popped on a few photo's. Thank you to everyone who came. Carley did a lovely lunch for us, so we were fed and watered as well. We were chatting about a longer workshop - a weekend do, everyone's doing it arn't they (didn't realise how many people did crafty weekend retreat things, there's loads I want to go on - especially the Paper Artsy one!). Anyway, thought this would be a great idea, we were coming up with some fun, new idea's - and maybe we could use our contacts to get a brilliant venue as well! It's all an idea at the mo, but got really excited by it.
Anyhow, I've popped the dates of next weeks show on the left, I will keep it updated, and I will also put dates on for the next workshops when we've sorted some dates. Happy Sunday.
Friday, 13 November 2009
Blog Candy
Well, before I get to the goodies, I want to say a big thank you again to everyone who has been getting in contact with me. It's really great having such wonderful, positive feedback. I'll make sure I put all my shows on the left hand side of my blog - I've already had one schedule change (getting me into the swing right away!). Really excited. I have a Cricut hour and a Stamp Addicts hour. I also have two Extravaganza's - which I'll be doing with Jo. Can't wait for the Cricut and Stamp Addicts shows especially. Love the Cricut. Really want one! Have to be so good at the moment - it seems forever until pay day!! Thank goodness for family helping me out - again. Thanks Mum and Neil (just in case you have a nosey at my blog).
Anyhow, the Stamp Addicts will be great, I've always loved their products, really good quality stuff - and I bet their samples will be brilliant. Hopefully I'll get a play as well.
Now then, the lucky winners from last weeks blog candy were Elaine and Jane (I know, there was only one candy really, but it's nice to do surprises, so I popped an extra one in). Sorry to the unlucky ones, however plenty of chances to try again. This time I have some Christmas papers, embellishments, alphabet stickers and chipboard shapes. Add your name to the comments for a chance to be picked out of the hat this week (actually, I wrote the names on pieces of paper and then threw them in the air, the one that landed on my lap was the winner. Nicky thought I'd gone mad, so I let him pick the runner up!).

Anyhow, the Stamp Addicts will be great, I've always loved their products, really good quality stuff - and I bet their samples will be brilliant. Hopefully I'll get a play as well.
Now then, the lucky winners from last weeks blog candy were Elaine and Jane (I know, there was only one candy really, but it's nice to do surprises, so I popped an extra one in). Sorry to the unlucky ones, however plenty of chances to try again. This time I have some Christmas papers, embellishments, alphabet stickers and chipboard shapes. Add your name to the comments for a chance to be picked out of the hat this week (actually, I wrote the names on pieces of paper and then threw them in the air, the one that landed on my lap was the winner. Nicky thought I'd gone mad, so I let him pick the runner up!).
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Did it!!!
Well, first show done and dusted. I'm really glad I was on with Sara, she's so professional and organised, so I had nothing to worry about - well I didn't but I worried a little bit!!! Well, you would wouldn't you, be crazy not to! It was so different from QVC, of course my roll is different, but also the way it's done is very different. It was great though, and I'm really looking forward to my next one. I'm even going to watch today's show to see what I need to be doing different - oh no, saying that Nicky's gone and put it on now - urgh! Noooo, hate watching myself, phew he's turned it off for now. I will watch it, but maybe after 3 (big) glasses of vino.
Anyhow, great day. Met lots more people, didn't get lost (whoopee). It's so funny, I sort of stand in a corridor trying to work out where I am! haha, need a sat nav just to get me round work.
Hey, I've now got a dressing room, wooo. Well, me and Steph are sharing, it's the biggest room (and makes sense keeping us crafty sorts out of everyone's hair with our sticky stuff). Even get a posh car parking space. Fabulous. Anyhow, it's lovely to be home, Nicky had tidied up, then I appeared with more crafty stuff (oh yes, already bringing boxes home). Poor Nicky!
Off to chill out, ttfn xxxx
Anyhow, great day. Met lots more people, didn't get lost (whoopee). It's so funny, I sort of stand in a corridor trying to work out where I am! haha, need a sat nav just to get me round work.
Hey, I've now got a dressing room, wooo. Well, me and Steph are sharing, it's the biggest room (and makes sense keeping us crafty sorts out of everyone's hair with our sticky stuff). Even get a posh car parking space. Fabulous. Anyhow, it's lovely to be home, Nicky had tidied up, then I appeared with more crafty stuff (oh yes, already bringing boxes home). Poor Nicky!
Off to chill out, ttfn xxxx
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
On Air with the ladies
hehe, I did a quick show of my face on air today with the lovely ladies (Jinger, Christie and of course Steph). It went great - even though I did feel my mouth doing something really weird (it decided to take on a wobble). I really enjoyed it, felt excited and couldn't wait to chip in about the Gypsy - really want one. Well, wanted all of it! Noooo, didn't want to start spending this early, only my second day in. I was good, and sat on my hands, but really really want it.
Anyhow, the day was great. Steph has been brill, I've been following her around all day like a little lost sheep, and she's been explaining everything to me. I've met quite a few of the presenters today actually, and they're all really friendly (do I sound abit cheesy and gushy, sorry, excited!). Anyway, fab.
Tomorrow I'm going to have my first show. Dave will be starting us off, then leaving Sara and I to do the hour together. Really looking forward to it. I know Sara knows everything inside out and back to front, and I have already met her, so it'll be great.
Righto, going to catch up on my emails, then get organised for tomorrow, dead early start to make sure I'm really prepared!!
Anyhow, the day was great. Steph has been brill, I've been following her around all day like a little lost sheep, and she's been explaining everything to me. I've met quite a few of the presenters today actually, and they're all really friendly (do I sound abit cheesy and gushy, sorry, excited!). Anyway, fab.
Tomorrow I'm going to have my first show. Dave will be starting us off, then leaving Sara and I to do the hour together. Really looking forward to it. I know Sara knows everything inside out and back to front, and I have already met her, so it'll be great.
Righto, going to catch up on my emails, then get organised for tomorrow, dead early start to make sure I'm really prepared!!
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
First Day!!
Wow, it's years since I had a first day - or first day nerves. Suppose the NEC was my first first day. It was great. Had a slow puncture going to Birmingham (duh), but got there eventually and met some great people. It did make me giggle how many times I heard "what are you doing on this stand" etc. There were alot of surprised faces, but everyone was so happy for me, and positive, it was lovely. The C&C gang were very busy - but very friendly. I didn't get to have much of a nosey round the show (boo), so saved lots of money. I did notice there was a proper food bit, and someone said there was even a stall selling brandy (yes, I went back to the C&C stand, didn't disappear).
My second first day was today, in studio. I got lost trying to find my B&B last night, then again this morning! I'm a liability. Going to get a sat nav, I've resisted for so long, but just getting sick of circles. Anyhow, met loads of people today, lots of teams, and presenters. Jo and I did a piece to camera to introduce me to all the lovely C&C viewers (I was abit nervous!!), then I just watched TV - how cool is that for getting used to a job. Steph was really nice, went through all the doings, and I'm going to be doing a walk on tomorrow at some stage - wow. They are being great, and breaking me in gently. Really excited and wanted to have a go - especially the show with the templates on the CD - the wedding one. Did you see, the samples were amazing.
Anyhow, I'm now back in my room, chilling out. Looking forward to tomorrow!!
My second first day was today, in studio. I got lost trying to find my B&B last night, then again this morning! I'm a liability. Going to get a sat nav, I've resisted for so long, but just getting sick of circles. Anyhow, met loads of people today, lots of teams, and presenters. Jo and I did a piece to camera to introduce me to all the lovely C&C viewers (I was abit nervous!!), then I just watched TV - how cool is that for getting used to a job. Steph was really nice, went through all the doings, and I'm going to be doing a walk on tomorrow at some stage - wow. They are being great, and breaking me in gently. Really excited and wanted to have a go - especially the show with the templates on the CD - the wedding one. Did you see, the samples were amazing.
Anyhow, I'm now back in my room, chilling out. Looking forward to tomorrow!!
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Mad dogs and an English Woman
Wish you could see my daft dog, she's sat next to me on the settee, with a tennis ball in her mouth, her ear turned over like she's starting a new "sweep over" craze watching telly. Really watching it! The other dog is in a daft mood, and keeps trying to get Teela to fight.
Anyhow, that's the Daily Muttley. I've had a lovely day, workshop in the morning, and this new blog header worked a treat. The wonderful Joan brought in a big cake - to share!! Hooray. It's lovely, and I've still some left! That may not last long though - Nicky's home tonight, so bye bye cakey.
I took my camera to my workshop, and as usual forgot to take any photo's! Rubbish arn't I. I'll take my camera with me tomorrow though, and hopefully remember to get it out of the bag to take some snaps. Really looking forward to it, ironing has been done - fringe cut, even got my makeup bag out so I don't have to bend my knees to pick it up in the morning (??). I'm looking forward to meeting loads of people tomorrow - everytime they mention it on C&C I get excited! hehe. Wonder who will be there. I know Steph is there, but she's on her stall I think - maybe flitting inbetween them. Anyhow, I'll try and get some photo's on tomorrow - and let you know how it all goes.
Off to bed, early night just to make sure I'm bright and breezy tomorrow - don't think we need worry about that do we, I'll be buzzin!! xxx
Anyhow, that's the Daily Muttley. I've had a lovely day, workshop in the morning, and this new blog header worked a treat. The wonderful Joan brought in a big cake - to share!! Hooray. It's lovely, and I've still some left! That may not last long though - Nicky's home tonight, so bye bye cakey.
I took my camera to my workshop, and as usual forgot to take any photo's! Rubbish arn't I. I'll take my camera with me tomorrow though, and hopefully remember to get it out of the bag to take some snaps. Really looking forward to it, ironing has been done - fringe cut, even got my makeup bag out so I don't have to bend my knees to pick it up in the morning (??). I'm looking forward to meeting loads of people tomorrow - everytime they mention it on C&C I get excited! hehe. Wonder who will be there. I know Steph is there, but she's on her stall I think - maybe flitting inbetween them. Anyhow, I'll try and get some photo's on tomorrow - and let you know how it all goes.
Off to bed, early night just to make sure I'm bright and breezy tomorrow - don't think we need worry about that do we, I'll be buzzin!! xxx
Now, this is quite amusing. I have managed to load photo's on Photobucket - and haven't a clue how I've done it! Amazing. Anyhow, they are one's I was supposed to put on my blog yonks ago, but never got round to it. They are instructions on working with the brilliant Angelina Fibres - hope you find them helpful. Thing I can do them abit clearer - I'll work on it. Just click on the link on the left!
Unless I can suss how what I did, that might be the last of the photo's on there.
Unless I can suss how what I did, that might be the last of the photo's on there.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Christmas Tree
Whilst out walking the doggies I saw my first "proper" Christmas tree of the year. Not in a shop window, or in a TV studio, but in a field! It really made me smile. In the apple and pear orchard near where a live there's a little caravan - I've always thought of them as eco-warriors, living the off-grid life. However, they have a 4 wheel drive and now an all singing all dancing Christmas Tree. Fully decorated with flashing lights.
It's brilliant. And what a random thing to see in a field. Great, especially now all the apple trees are dying back, it looks quite bare - and then a flash of light(s) twinkling.
I'm going to pop some secret pressie's under the tree - I want a book "1000 things to Do with Apples", and I want to make some apple butter from their windfall apples. Bet they'd appreciate cider more - but not to sure about how I'd do that one!
Have you seen your first "proper" tree - and who out there is already getting the decs out - go one admit it (but change your name!!).
It's brilliant. And what a random thing to see in a field. Great, especially now all the apple trees are dying back, it looks quite bare - and then a flash of light(s) twinkling.
I'm going to pop some secret pressie's under the tree - I want a book "1000 things to Do with Apples", and I want to make some apple butter from their windfall apples. Bet they'd appreciate cider more - but not to sure about how I'd do that one!
Have you seen your first "proper" tree - and who out there is already getting the decs out - go one admit it (but change your name!!).
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Workshop cards
I've been working on cards for this weekends workshops, and next weekends. However, this is what you get for not tidying before you spritz - ink everywhere. Duh. So my Christmas cards have got little splatters of yellowy green. Oh hum!!
Love working with the Craftwork Card stuff - got lots of Banana Frog stamps and papers to play with as well - gorgeous!!!

Love working with the Craftwork Card stuff - got lots of Banana Frog stamps and papers to play with as well - gorgeous!!!

Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Posh new blog
...innit. Looking good. Obviously this is not down to me, but the wonderfully talented Kirsty Wiseman - thank you, thank you. I was really chuft with it.
I've been having a play today - couldn't believe how fast today went, flew by. However I did manage to have a play at spritzing seed heads - I've had them sat there for ages, so it was great to have a go with them - pop onto the other blog for a look at the results.
Also getting really excited about next week. Think I might have to stay in a nice hotel next week, then going to do a house share. There was a brilliant huge farm house - really daft and not even close to work, but it looked amazing! I'll be away from home about 3 nights a week, so want somewhere nice to stay. hehe, getting belly wobbles again thinking about it!!!
Righto, off to look at my emails for the workshops - get organised!!
I've been having a play today - couldn't believe how fast today went, flew by. However I did manage to have a play at spritzing seed heads - I've had them sat there for ages, so it was great to have a go with them - pop onto the other blog for a look at the results.
Also getting really excited about next week. Think I might have to stay in a nice hotel next week, then going to do a house share. There was a brilliant huge farm house - really daft and not even close to work, but it looked amazing! I'll be away from home about 3 nights a week, so want somewhere nice to stay. hehe, getting belly wobbles again thinking about it!!!
Righto, off to look at my emails for the workshops - get organised!!
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Craft Club
Okay, what do you recon, I'm thinking of starting a craft club - once a month, we all chip in for the room. There won't be actual classes, but we would be able to swap idea's - demo stuff, bring stuff we are arn't sure how to use to get other peoples tips and ideas. Well, you know how craft clubs are - lots of chatting and cake really!!
If anyone's interested please drop me a line - either email me re "craft club" to
or pop a message on here and I can get a list together of folk who would be interested so we can arrange details. It would be in Canterbury, but we could decide if weekdays or weekends would be
If anyone's interested please drop me a line - either email me re "craft club" to
or pop a message on here and I can get a list together of folk who would be interested so we can arrange details. It would be in Canterbury, but we could decide if weekdays or weekends would be
Monday, 2 November 2009
Jacob's Place
It was a beautiful day today, I hope it was in your neck of the woods to, where ever you may be. I met up with my friend Karen, and we went to walk the dogs.
We have a special place to go, it's Jacobs place, as we scattered Jacobs ashes there, and the park attendants planted a few willow trees for us. It's a lovely place, there's a pond that's always filled with ducks - pretty, tranquil but still buzzes with movement and life. Today it made me sad though, as our little trees have been removed. They have been up having a tidy, and obviously decided our trees were in the way - or getting taken over by brambles. We always knew if something happened to them it would be one of those things, as it's a public place, but still it made me a little sad and annoyed at myself, why didn't we take a cutting all the times we planned to. Idiots. Oh well, it is still a lovely place. I never wanted cut flowers, and the thought of a tiny coffin went through me - so to visit this place where you can find peace and tranquility - but also happiness and children having fun, is perfect.
Oh hum, the ups and downs of life eh. I was going to do a piece for uni on how we become emotionally attached to what would normally be insignificant objects, dependant on our mental and emotional state - my little willows are now popped in that mental box - puh it's not a box, it's growing into a large trunk!
Still, we have a pretty photo of how it used to be, which I will share
We have a special place to go, it's Jacobs place, as we scattered Jacobs ashes there, and the park attendants planted a few willow trees for us. It's a lovely place, there's a pond that's always filled with ducks - pretty, tranquil but still buzzes with movement and life. Today it made me sad though, as our little trees have been removed. They have been up having a tidy, and obviously decided our trees were in the way - or getting taken over by brambles. We always knew if something happened to them it would be one of those things, as it's a public place, but still it made me a little sad and annoyed at myself, why didn't we take a cutting all the times we planned to. Idiots. Oh well, it is still a lovely place. I never wanted cut flowers, and the thought of a tiny coffin went through me - so to visit this place where you can find peace and tranquility - but also happiness and children having fun, is perfect.
Oh hum, the ups and downs of life eh. I was going to do a piece for uni on how we become emotionally attached to what would normally be insignificant objects, dependant on our mental and emotional state - my little willows are now popped in that mental box - puh it's not a box, it's growing into a large trunk!
Still, we have a pretty photo of how it used to be, which I will share
Sunday, 1 November 2009
New Blog
As promised, the new blog is set up and running. It's called Cutting Corners, and its aim is to gather tips on how you can craft cutting those financial corners - or cutting corners on the time taken on projects. The aim of this blog is to get everyone sharing their best kept secrets and tips, so please visit the blog and get posting, sharing and learning from everyone tips and idea's.
The first card I made was using tea staining, makes a wonderful background to stamp on
The first card I made was using tea staining, makes a wonderful background to stamp on

Saturday, 31 October 2009
Thank you....
to Clare Curd, who made this lovely cracker when she was on air last time - and by gum it had my name on it! Think it's lovely, it'll take pride nestled cosily in my tree this year.
Ta very much Clare luv.
Ta very much Clare luv.

Blog Candy
So, I looked at my room, with it's thin winding path to my overflowing desk - and thought, now to tidy and sort. Bliss. Time to tidy and sort.
I have a little blog candy, little parcels, but hopefully often. If you fancy what you see drop me a reply on my blog, and a name will be picked from the hat. There are some adhesive motifs featuring handbags, a poodle, Creative Imaginations stickers, epoxy stickers and 11 sheets of 12"x12" beautiful floral papers, 3 x HOTP acetate 12"x12" overlays.

Good luck
I have a little blog candy, little parcels, but hopefully often. If you fancy what you see drop me a reply on my blog, and a name will be picked from the hat. There are some adhesive motifs featuring handbags, a poodle, Creative Imaginations stickers, epoxy stickers and 11 sheets of 12"x12" beautiful floral papers, 3 x HOTP acetate 12"x12" overlays.
Good luck
Friday, 30 October 2009
Workshop projects and new date
After a costly visit to the vets today I let Teela have a nosey round the shelves to pick her treat (that's the benefit of having your vet in Pets at Home!). She was so cute - first time she's been in there. I should have taken her round that bit first, maybe then she wouldn't have shed hair everywhere and barked at nothing!
Anyhow, I bought them a bone each. An hour passed and I heard Dylan scratching around upstairs. The guilt was written all over his face (guilty dogs are ace arn't they). Nipped in the bathroom and he had cunningly hid the bone under the bath mat - I don't know how I spotted it!

Dog with a very little brain!!
Anyhow, our last workshop went particularly well - really good fun. We now have more dates. The first is in Wincheap, Canterbury next week on the 7th November, the one after that will be on the 14th in Harlow (see details on the right hand side). I've ordered some lovely bits again - love buying stuff for workshops.
In the last couple of workshops two of the cards we used I have featured here: firstly a Christmas card using a gorgeous Snowbaby stamp by our wonderful Lindsay Mason. We made the card from punched circles, some made from the wonderful whitewash cardstock, then added snowflake peel-offs to finish the card.

For the second card I'm going to share here we did some blending with Distress Inks, and stamping. A cracking tree stamp made the perfect focal image - and the top of the tree also makes a fantastic border. We used a white gel pen to emphasise some of the swirls. If you ink the stamp using two colours of Distress Ink, then Spritz a little water directly onto the stamp it helps to blend the colours, and also enables you to drag out the ink at the base of the trunk to create the ground after stamping (if you catch the ink before it dries). Looks effective, and saves ink! I also picked up the ink still remaining on the stamp to add extra colour to extend my ground (if required). These are the kind of "cutting corners" tips I will be sharing with you - and asking you to send in, in our new blog.

The stamp looks fantastic used with metal flakes. Stamp your image once with Distress Ink, then clean your stamp and sponge glue onto the stamp. Stamp over the top of your first image. Some of the glue will still be wet, and the flakes will stick to this part - I like this technique as you don't get a perfect coverage of flakes, so it adds to the distress look.
I have 3 of the tree stamps priced £8.60, and 4 of the Snowbaby Stamps £8.55, left to sell. If you would like to purchase either stamp, or both, add a message to this posting - it will be on a first come first served basis. I'll only add 75p per stamp for the postage
Anyhow, I bought them a bone each. An hour passed and I heard Dylan scratching around upstairs. The guilt was written all over his face (guilty dogs are ace arn't they). Nipped in the bathroom and he had cunningly hid the bone under the bath mat - I don't know how I spotted it!

Dog with a very little brain!!
Anyhow, our last workshop went particularly well - really good fun. We now have more dates. The first is in Wincheap, Canterbury next week on the 7th November, the one after that will be on the 14th in Harlow (see details on the right hand side). I've ordered some lovely bits again - love buying stuff for workshops.
In the last couple of workshops two of the cards we used I have featured here: firstly a Christmas card using a gorgeous Snowbaby stamp by our wonderful Lindsay Mason. We made the card from punched circles, some made from the wonderful whitewash cardstock, then added snowflake peel-offs to finish the card.

For the second card I'm going to share here we did some blending with Distress Inks, and stamping. A cracking tree stamp made the perfect focal image - and the top of the tree also makes a fantastic border. We used a white gel pen to emphasise some of the swirls. If you ink the stamp using two colours of Distress Ink, then Spritz a little water directly onto the stamp it helps to blend the colours, and also enables you to drag out the ink at the base of the trunk to create the ground after stamping (if you catch the ink before it dries). Looks effective, and saves ink! I also picked up the ink still remaining on the stamp to add extra colour to extend my ground (if required). These are the kind of "cutting corners" tips I will be sharing with you - and asking you to send in, in our new blog.

The stamp looks fantastic used with metal flakes. Stamp your image once with Distress Ink, then clean your stamp and sponge glue onto the stamp. Stamp over the top of your first image. Some of the glue will still be wet, and the flakes will stick to this part - I like this technique as you don't get a perfect coverage of flakes, so it adds to the distress look.
I have 3 of the tree stamps priced £8.60, and 4 of the Snowbaby Stamps £8.55, left to sell. If you would like to purchase either stamp, or both, add a message to this posting - it will be on a first come first served basis. I'll only add 75p per stamp for the postage

Posted by
Leonie pujol
Distress Inks,
Lindsay Mason,

Thursday, 29 October 2009
Your Comments........
are, and have been wonderful. What can I say - a massive thank you. It's so good to have so much support, and each one makes me more excited and inspired by the next chapter of life.
Now, whilst we're on the subject of comments, I want more.....but this time why not tell me what you would love to see more off, less off, which crafts would be great to see, you get the jist. I don't want who you don't want to see - but would love to know who you would like to see (no negativity!! this will be the positive zone haha). Either post on here or drop me an email:
It'd be lovely to know what everyone thinks - after all without the viewers we'd be chatting to ourselves - and we'd be very bored!
I have been making the most of my time off - don't the days fly! I've been attacking the backlog of my ATC club, so have a look at flickr (scroll down the right-hand coloumn for the link) at new club member cards.
Me and Fab are also working on our new Blog - watch this space. I'm saying me and Fab, okay really fab is working on it because he is the wizzard of many things - and this blogging malarky is definitely one of them.
Today though me and my chum are going to one of the Art houses, which are part of the Canterbury Festival. If you haven't had a nosey, and you are in this area, then go. Saturday is your last chance - make the most of having a look at art whilst having a nosey round someones house (haha, love being nosey).
Watching C&C as I type, I've had a play with those crackers - they look great on the table at Christmas, or in the tree with a little pressie in.
Righto, dog walking time in the mist.........woooo
Now, whilst we're on the subject of comments, I want more.....but this time why not tell me what you would love to see more off, less off, which crafts would be great to see, you get the jist. I don't want who you don't want to see - but would love to know who you would like to see (no negativity!! this will be the positive zone haha). Either post on here or drop me an email:
It'd be lovely to know what everyone thinks - after all without the viewers we'd be chatting to ourselves - and we'd be very bored!
I have been making the most of my time off - don't the days fly! I've been attacking the backlog of my ATC club, so have a look at flickr (scroll down the right-hand coloumn for the link) at new club member cards.
Me and Fab are also working on our new Blog - watch this space. I'm saying me and Fab, okay really fab is working on it because he is the wizzard of many things - and this blogging malarky is definitely one of them.
Today though me and my chum are going to one of the Art houses, which are part of the Canterbury Festival. If you haven't had a nosey, and you are in this area, then go. Saturday is your last chance - make the most of having a look at art whilst having a nosey round someones house (haha, love being nosey).
Watching C&C as I type, I've had a play with those crackers - they look great on the table at Christmas, or in the tree with a little pressie in.
Righto, dog walking time in the mist.........woooo
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
I've never had so many posts - ever!! It really suprised me, and really made me happy I have so much support out there. Thank you all, I am really touched by all your messages.
So now I'm chilling out - whoooopeee. I've got loads to do, so I won't have my feet up all the time, promise.
Again, thank you so much, really looking forward to seeing some of you at the NEC, then from the box at C&C!! xxxx
So now I'm chilling out - whoooopeee. I've got loads to do, so I won't have my feet up all the time, promise.
Again, thank you so much, really looking forward to seeing some of you at the NEC, then from the box at C&C!! xxxx
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
I have been very quiet of late - as you know we had the sad news of my Gran passing away, but also I have been making massive, quite frankly life-changing, decisions.
I wanted to put a post on my blog before anything ended up on the forums. I think news is better from the horses mouth.
Well, I am soon to be joining Create and Craft/Ideal World. My start date is the 8th November, I will be on their stand at the NEC in Birmingham, then I will be in studio on the 10th (but hiding behind the scenes to see the goings on before they let me loose!).
They really have offered me a fantastic and exciting opportunity to be a Craft Presenter alongside Stephanie, which will give me lots of new and fabulous challenges.
Of course, anyone who knows me will know my close relationship with Dawn, and trust me this has been an incredibly difficult decision to make. We have not fallen out, I am not leaving because of anything Dawn has done - quite the opposite. I have, and will always, value Dawn's friendship. She is such a talented lady, who I have the utmost respect for and will always be grateful for all her encouragement and praise of my work over the years, and it has been many years, which is why this has been so very difficult and upsetting. It is with great and sincere sadness I leave QVC and Dawn, but with excitement, (and scary wobble belly) that I start the next chapter of my life.
I hope I leave one place, but do not loose those who stay.
I have driven all those near and dear mad over the last few weeks, thank you to everyone who has had me go on, and on and on. Thank you to Dawn and Abbie, who were brilliant and I know you really tried for me. I will miss the customer events, and of course coming up to the demonstrations and seeing all the Topaz Team, who I have always missed being part of. I hope I leave with everyones blessing, and do not loose people who have become an important part of my life.
All this said, I am looking ahead. I am very excited - I have been up to C&C and met lots of great people, and can not wait to start. There's alotta craft out there, so I recon there's plenty of room for two channels to be doing it without having to be bitter rivals, well I really hope that is the case and not my happy clappy version of life. Viva la difference (is that the right expression or have I used it in completely the wrong context?).
Well, that's my newsflash over. I now have time to catch up on all those things on my "to-do" list - and mental space to blog more often! I need to read a dictionary a night in order to improve my vocab though - a presenter!! Not everything can just be "fab" can it. Gulp.
I wanted to put a post on my blog before anything ended up on the forums. I think news is better from the horses mouth.
Well, I am soon to be joining Create and Craft/Ideal World. My start date is the 8th November, I will be on their stand at the NEC in Birmingham, then I will be in studio on the 10th (but hiding behind the scenes to see the goings on before they let me loose!).
They really have offered me a fantastic and exciting opportunity to be a Craft Presenter alongside Stephanie, which will give me lots of new and fabulous challenges.
Of course, anyone who knows me will know my close relationship with Dawn, and trust me this has been an incredibly difficult decision to make. We have not fallen out, I am not leaving because of anything Dawn has done - quite the opposite. I have, and will always, value Dawn's friendship. She is such a talented lady, who I have the utmost respect for and will always be grateful for all her encouragement and praise of my work over the years, and it has been many years, which is why this has been so very difficult and upsetting. It is with great and sincere sadness I leave QVC and Dawn, but with excitement, (and scary wobble belly) that I start the next chapter of my life.
I hope I leave one place, but do not loose those who stay.
I have driven all those near and dear mad over the last few weeks, thank you to everyone who has had me go on, and on and on. Thank you to Dawn and Abbie, who were brilliant and I know you really tried for me. I will miss the customer events, and of course coming up to the demonstrations and seeing all the Topaz Team, who I have always missed being part of. I hope I leave with everyones blessing, and do not loose people who have become an important part of my life.
All this said, I am looking ahead. I am very excited - I have been up to C&C and met lots of great people, and can not wait to start. There's alotta craft out there, so I recon there's plenty of room for two channels to be doing it without having to be bitter rivals, well I really hope that is the case and not my happy clappy version of life. Viva la difference (is that the right expression or have I used it in completely the wrong context?).
Well, that's my newsflash over. I now have time to catch up on all those things on my "to-do" list - and mental space to blog more often! I need to read a dictionary a night in order to improve my vocab though - a presenter!! Not everything can just be "fab" can it. Gulp.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
This is an ungodly hour to be posting on my blog, but I forgot to let everyone know I'm on air this morning at 10am!
Presently having my breakkie. Picked up the wrong box, it was meant to be Crunchy Nut cornflakes, and I've picked ones up with chocolate in. I love my chocolate - but at 5.34am - wrong. It's so disappointing when you do that isn't it, was so excited (I know, I'm sad, excited about Crunchy Nut Cornflakes!).
Oh hum.
Righto, better try and do something with my hair, need to set off in 10 mins - oops.
Presently having my breakkie. Picked up the wrong box, it was meant to be Crunchy Nut cornflakes, and I've picked ones up with chocolate in. I love my chocolate - but at 5.34am - wrong. It's so disappointing when you do that isn't it, was so excited (I know, I'm sad, excited about Crunchy Nut Cornflakes!).
Oh hum.
Righto, better try and do something with my hair, need to set off in 10 mins - oops.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Hello from afar!
Okay, not afar in the miles, but I feel like I've been afar in the way I've deserted my blogging.
This is just a quick post, to say thank you to everyone who left lovely messages for me when my Gran passed away. I really appreciate all your kind words. I'm sorry to those who had booked on the workshop at Topaz - I wanted to go and see my Gran, and wanted to leave the weekend open so I could play everything by ere. Unfortunately I didn't get chance to go down - but at least had a chance to have abit of "me" time.
It was lovely to see everyone last week at the QVC customer event - it was mad busy as ever, and I think everyone had a brilliant time!
Now, I need to go and eat. Been messing about on the comp for ages, need to find my phone (I've used my full months credit in 15 days!!! whats that about), find my new slippers and find some food - got a feeling it's going to be a "make do" meal - it's exciting that way, always a surprise.
Hope all's well out there, will post some pics - honest!!
This is just a quick post, to say thank you to everyone who left lovely messages for me when my Gran passed away. I really appreciate all your kind words. I'm sorry to those who had booked on the workshop at Topaz - I wanted to go and see my Gran, and wanted to leave the weekend open so I could play everything by ere. Unfortunately I didn't get chance to go down - but at least had a chance to have abit of "me" time.
It was lovely to see everyone last week at the QVC customer event - it was mad busy as ever, and I think everyone had a brilliant time!
Now, I need to go and eat. Been messing about on the comp for ages, need to find my phone (I've used my full months credit in 15 days!!! whats that about), find my new slippers and find some food - got a feeling it's going to be a "make do" meal - it's exciting that way, always a surprise.
Hope all's well out there, will post some pics - honest!!
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Sorry not felt like blogging this last week.
My Gran passed away yesterday - thankfully peacefully.
I'm very proud of my Gran, and sad we missed alot of time together following my mum and dads divorce - silly how things work out with families isn't it. Arn't we all very childish and petty! Lessons learnt yet again, but importantly we all made peace last year - and thankfully I saw my Gran when she was alert and chatty, which I think made her happy too.
Anyway, I'll pop on a few cards in the next couple of days to let you know I'm still working (of course!).
In the meantime, this is my Gran, rest in peace:
My Gran passed away yesterday - thankfully peacefully.
I'm very proud of my Gran, and sad we missed alot of time together following my mum and dads divorce - silly how things work out with families isn't it. Arn't we all very childish and petty! Lessons learnt yet again, but importantly we all made peace last year - and thankfully I saw my Gran when she was alert and chatty, which I think made her happy too.
Anyway, I'll pop on a few cards in the next couple of days to let you know I'm still working (of course!).
In the meantime, this is my Gran, rest in peace:
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Thank you.........
to everyone who joined us for our MacMillan evening. We made £215.85 from the raffle, refreshments, card making and massage. A massive thank you to the rest of my little gang, think we did brill - even though I say so myself. Unfortunately there were cakes left over - and the wine didn't even get opened (don't worry, I've managed to give them a good home).
Sorry I haven't been on sooner to upload pictures of the evening, or say thank you. We had to go to Bournmouth the day after, as my Gran is very poorly with Cancer - makes the whole fund raising even more poignant. Thankfully she doesn't seem to be in to much pain, and we hope she can go home or to a hospice to get the care she needs. It's very sad, especially for my Dad, my cousin Louise and auntie Linda who are doing an amazing job of looking after Gran and doing shifts of hospital visits. Just wish I was closer.
Anyhow, not going to babble on, need to work for Tuesday (mmmm, enthusiasms a little tricky for that one!).
I'll be back soon to pop on photo's.
Sorry I haven't been on sooner to upload pictures of the evening, or say thank you. We had to go to Bournmouth the day after, as my Gran is very poorly with Cancer - makes the whole fund raising even more poignant. Thankfully she doesn't seem to be in to much pain, and we hope she can go home or to a hospice to get the care she needs. It's very sad, especially for my Dad, my cousin Louise and auntie Linda who are doing an amazing job of looking after Gran and doing shifts of hospital visits. Just wish I was closer.
Anyhow, not going to babble on, need to work for Tuesday (mmmm, enthusiasms a little tricky for that one!).
I'll be back soon to pop on photo's.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
QVC cards and MacMillan

Well, tonight's the night. Not got a clue how many people will turn up - it could be just me Kathryn, Carley and Viv eating all the cakes (and drinking all the vino). Hope not. Anyhow, got some raffle prizes ready, sorted the make and take cards (hope I remember to pack my Slice, otherwise that could be a dilemma). I just hope we raise more money than we spend, haha.
If you are planning to join us just scroll down to the previous posting for the details.
Had a great evening after the show on Tuesday - had a good show as well, right old laugh with Jules. We met Paula, then her hubby Omar, but got turned away from the BBC Television place. They had issued way to many tickets and had full capacity with 50 already on the waiting list. Isn't that disgusting, why give out so many tickets. So annoying, and so unfair for anyone who had come in especially (like Paula actually). Anyhow, we had food and a chat so still had a lovely evening.
Now, just popping on one card from one of the kits I had on on Tuesday. This one has been made just using circle punches to build up your card. It's nice and easy. Just punch out different size circles and build them up to create your card. It's important you have a good base, so big circles at the bottom.
I used the button kit for my embellishments, and the paper kit. I punched out the circles from the paper and matted them onto card circles to give them weight and stability.
More cards to come throughout the week.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
MacMillan Coffee and Wine evening

As you may have already read on my blog, tomorrow evening we are holding a Coffee and Wine evening - this is in conjunction with the MacMillan Biggest Coffee Morning.
The venue is:
The Church of Redeemer,
Bush Fair,
Essex CM18 6PN
7.30pm - 10pm
We will have a raffle, crafty make and take, coffee, tea, wine, cake, and what-ever else we can dream up to serve!!
We will also be having Indian Head Massage, books and clothes to purchase.
I think we have to have an ATC Trading Post as well - it would be rude not to! I'd love to say I'll be bringing ATC's to trade - but I'm not sure how many I'll manage to make before then - see how it goes. However, that's not to stop everyone else bringing theirs along and trade between each other.
I really hope you can pop along to help up raise money for this fantastic charity, and of course to have a laugh and a chat.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Okay, I'm not going to babble about RAC or VAT - it just fitted in and I got on a role!
Sorry my posts have been quiet, I seem to have been away from home for ages - or at least if I've been here I've been busy with work or family. Busy busy.
Had my workshop on Saturday, really enjoyed it. Everyone was lovely, I could have done a full day - need to do a few of them I think. We did a Christmas card using the lovely Lindsay Mason's Snowbaby stamp - dead cute. We also used the great stamps by the equally lovely Paula Pascual, her sentiment stamps are so handy and look clean and sophisticated when stamped out. We did some blending using Tim Holtz Distress pads and work with gilding flakes.
Booked the next workshop for the 24th October in Wincheap again. Hopefully should have another one in Harlow - I'll confirm that when it's booked though.
Well, I'm almost ready for tomorrow, ironing done and dusted. Nicky has taken photo's of some of the cards I have made for the shows so I can share them with you this week, but the ATC on here tonight is an old one that I did for a workshop. I really liked this one, as I used old watch hands which I bought from Ebay, they are so delicate and detailed. They have been attached to a stamped watch face using glossy accents.
Righto, time for bed. Remember we have our MacMillan Event on Thursday, really looking forward to it (bit of a panic now, loads to do!!).

Sorry my posts have been quiet, I seem to have been away from home for ages - or at least if I've been here I've been busy with work or family. Busy busy.
Had my workshop on Saturday, really enjoyed it. Everyone was lovely, I could have done a full day - need to do a few of them I think. We did a Christmas card using the lovely Lindsay Mason's Snowbaby stamp - dead cute. We also used the great stamps by the equally lovely Paula Pascual, her sentiment stamps are so handy and look clean and sophisticated when stamped out. We did some blending using Tim Holtz Distress pads and work with gilding flakes.
Booked the next workshop for the 24th October in Wincheap again. Hopefully should have another one in Harlow - I'll confirm that when it's booked though.
Well, I'm almost ready for tomorrow, ironing done and dusted. Nicky has taken photo's of some of the cards I have made for the shows so I can share them with you this week, but the ATC on here tonight is an old one that I did for a workshop. I really liked this one, as I used old watch hands which I bought from Ebay, they are so delicate and detailed. They have been attached to a stamped watch face using glossy accents.
Righto, time for bed. Remember we have our MacMillan Event on Thursday, really looking forward to it (bit of a panic now, loads to do!!).
Posted by
Leonie pujol
Distress Inks,
Gilding Flakes,
Lindsay Mason,
Paula Pascual,
Tim Holtz,

Thursday, 10 September 2009
Another Quick Post!
Sorry, another quick post! We have been on a short break. It was fab. Went away in the camper, with the doggies, and ended up on the South Downs. The weather was perfect. Did a huge walk (which still didn't tire out the dogs!! It's not fair), chilled out over looking the fabulous landscape. Went to the beach, Nicky had a swim (fool....), whilst me and the dogs looked on. It confuses Dylan when Nicky is in the sea, he just doesn't get it. Even got a bit of History at Battle.
There are so many wonderful places to visit in this country, and having the freedom of the camper means we could just pitch where ever we fancied, and then set off the following day. We were really lucky with our spots, and what a cheap as chips holiday. Tremendous. I was inspired to do a range of stamps, so need to get sketching (forgot our camera though - duhhhh).
Tomorrow I need to fly round all the art museums for my Uni project, then we are visiting Nicky's nan, so no card making, ATC's or ought! How rude. Sorry. Will definitely be back in full flow, as Dawn has a full trend week - so back to full sticky heaven!
Don't worry, have planned my workshop on the 19th, so I will be organised. Paying the deposit for the hall tomorrow, so we will even have somewhere to work! Hooray.
Also, the plans for the MacMillan Coffee and Wine evening are getting there - Carley has managed to get an ad in the paper, so it should be a good turn out. We are going to organise a raffle as well, so I'll have to get begging folk for prezzies!
Okay, need a shower and pack again! Phew.....xxxx
There are so many wonderful places to visit in this country, and having the freedom of the camper means we could just pitch where ever we fancied, and then set off the following day. We were really lucky with our spots, and what a cheap as chips holiday. Tremendous. I was inspired to do a range of stamps, so need to get sketching (forgot our camera though - duhhhh).
Tomorrow I need to fly round all the art museums for my Uni project, then we are visiting Nicky's nan, so no card making, ATC's or ought! How rude. Sorry. Will definitely be back in full flow, as Dawn has a full trend week - so back to full sticky heaven!
Don't worry, have planned my workshop on the 19th, so I will be organised. Paying the deposit for the hall tomorrow, so we will even have somewhere to work! Hooray.
Also, the plans for the MacMillan Coffee and Wine evening are getting there - Carley has managed to get an ad in the paper, so it should be a good turn out. We are going to organise a raffle as well, so I'll have to get begging folk for prezzies!
Okay, need a shower and pack again! Phew.....xxxx
Saturday, 5 September 2009
MacMillan Coffee and Wine evening
Well gang, after a wonderfully busy week, I'm back down south. I have been up North since craft day working with Dawn and all the gang to get her DVD done and dusted - and by gum we did it! It was good fun, if hectic. Amy and myself even got to have our mugs in it! Wonder if they will be the bits on the editing floor - haha. It was a giggle, we all did some foaming and inking together. Nice and messy, guess who got it in their hair. Obvious that one isn't it!
It rained every single day when I was up there - came back to sunshine. Dawn thinks I am making it all up, so I'll get some sunny photo's and pop them on.
Now, good news, we have the venue booked for our wine and coffee evening. The details are:
The Church of Redeemer,
Bush Fair,
Essex CM18 6PN
24th September
7.30pm - 10pm
Come along for coffee, cake, wine and of course some crafting. We are going to do Make and Takes, have some goody bags, and just a place to have a gossip! I also think it's a damn fine excuse to bring along ATC's for trading.
Pass the word, we want to make lots of money for charity - so the more the merrier. If you are on crafty forums, get chatting about it! We will be flogging lots of stuff and all profits will be going to this extremely good cause.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
It rained every single day when I was up there - came back to sunshine. Dawn thinks I am making it all up, so I'll get some sunny photo's and pop them on.
Now, good news, we have the venue booked for our wine and coffee evening. The details are:
The Church of Redeemer,
Bush Fair,
Essex CM18 6PN
24th September
7.30pm - 10pm
Come along for coffee, cake, wine and of course some crafting. We are going to do Make and Takes, have some goody bags, and just a place to have a gossip! I also think it's a damn fine excuse to bring along ATC's for trading.
Pass the word, we want to make lots of money for charity - so the more the merrier. If you are on crafty forums, get chatting about it! We will be flogging lots of stuff and all profits will be going to this extremely good cause.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Okaydokay, thought I'd pop on a few cards I made for Craft Day, with brief descriptions. Did a few more as well of course, but forgot to take photo's, and then took my camera into studio but didn't really get chance to use the thing! Work and all that jazz.
Had a good day today, great to see all the gang again. Jane and Gill were busy with beautiful cards for the DVD, Rena was busy with everything! Dawn came in and I bet had a late night trying to get everything sorted for tomorrows filming - all go as ever. All this and I'm out tomorrow evening for my Birthday, hooray (Saturdays cards could be funny!! haha, better not celebrate to much eh).
This first one was done using Momentos ink pads, just completely cover gloss card with your ink, blending the ink to lighten the shade. Over stamp with the same ink. The image will bleed a little to give a beautiful background effect. Finished the card with the lovely Woodware Christmas tree stamp.

Another card made using the Momentos, this time using peel off stickers as a mask, apply the ink with a sponge to gloss card covering your peel offs, then remove the stickers to use for another card (never wanting to waste anything eh!!)

For this card I used a few shades of the Momentos ink pads, using the same stamp to overlay the images. This gives depth to the card.

This was my favourite card, using the Design Objectives stamps, Momentos ink pads, and Brilliance ink pads. I used the little tree, stamping a couple of times with one ink, without re-inking so I obtained different shades. I added colour round the edges of the card using a sponge, to blend the colours in, leaving a clear part which I could add my main focal image to (this highlights your main image). I stamped the reindeer, cut it out and added it to my card using 3D foam. Simple matting and layering finished with a ribbon.

Didn't get as much chance to play as I would have liked, but this was my first attempt at using the Tim Holtz crackle paint, and it's FAB. Loved it. For this one I have simply made a background, and overlayed my main focal image. The new distress stickles glue are also tremendous. Want them all...nope, need them all!

Liked this card as well, and easy to do. Using a circle punch, created my background sky, which I inked around the edges and stamped using a snowflake. Stamped my little Christmas village, coloured it and cut it out then matted it over my circle sky. Popped it onto my card which I framed with my ink pads.

Had a good day today, great to see all the gang again. Jane and Gill were busy with beautiful cards for the DVD, Rena was busy with everything! Dawn came in and I bet had a late night trying to get everything sorted for tomorrows filming - all go as ever. All this and I'm out tomorrow evening for my Birthday, hooray (Saturdays cards could be funny!! haha, better not celebrate to much eh).
This first one was done using Momentos ink pads, just completely cover gloss card with your ink, blending the ink to lighten the shade. Over stamp with the same ink. The image will bleed a little to give a beautiful background effect. Finished the card with the lovely Woodware Christmas tree stamp.
Another card made using the Momentos, this time using peel off stickers as a mask, apply the ink with a sponge to gloss card covering your peel offs, then remove the stickers to use for another card (never wanting to waste anything eh!!)
For this card I used a few shades of the Momentos ink pads, using the same stamp to overlay the images. This gives depth to the card.
This was my favourite card, using the Design Objectives stamps, Momentos ink pads, and Brilliance ink pads. I used the little tree, stamping a couple of times with one ink, without re-inking so I obtained different shades. I added colour round the edges of the card using a sponge, to blend the colours in, leaving a clear part which I could add my main focal image to (this highlights your main image). I stamped the reindeer, cut it out and added it to my card using 3D foam. Simple matting and layering finished with a ribbon.
Didn't get as much chance to play as I would have liked, but this was my first attempt at using the Tim Holtz crackle paint, and it's FAB. Loved it. For this one I have simply made a background, and overlayed my main focal image. The new distress stickles glue are also tremendous. Want them all...nope, need them all!
Liked this card as well, and easy to do. Using a circle punch, created my background sky, which I inked around the edges and stamped using a snowflake. Stamped my little Christmas village, coloured it and cut it out then matted it over my circle sky. Popped it onto my card which I framed with my ink pads.
Posted by
Leonie pujol
Brilliance pads,
Crackle Paint,
Craft Day,
Design Objectives,
Peel off stickers,
Tim Holtz

Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Craft Day - done and dusted
Phew, what a day! another speedy post I'm afraid, as I drove up North today, which seemed to sap the last available ounce of energy out of me...get out the violins. Craft Day was good. Great to see Amy, and loved Dawn's crimbo get up! Very jazzy. Had a laugh with our Claire, dying to know how the protesting went (ask Claire), didn't see the other crafters though - we were on different floors so you never bump into folk.
I was feeling abit mad yesterday actually - bit giddy. It's that Amy, leads me astray!!
I was feeling abit mad yesterday actually - bit giddy. It's that Amy, leads me astray!!
Monday, 24 August 2009
Busy busy
Craft day tomorrow - I'm ready(ish). Hope I can sleep, always have trouble when it's an early morning (haha, saying that I overslept last time didn't I!).
Thank you to the ladies who came to the workshop, it was lovely to see you, and I'm really looking forward to the next one.
This is going to be a very quick post, as I need to hit the sack or else!!
Seeya tomoz gang
Thank you to the ladies who came to the workshop, it was lovely to see you, and I'm really looking forward to the next one.
This is going to be a very quick post, as I need to hit the sack or else!!
Seeya tomoz gang
Friday, 21 August 2009
jeepers creepers
Okay, not had time to do any postings - sorry! I'm organised for my workshop tomorrow - even have everything packed. I then have to keep unpacking to find things to work with (lethal, just know I'll forget to repack something).
I am also working on cards for next week, Craft Day! Whoo hoo. Loads to do, and a great TSV, so cracking on - not even been able to get to the allotment or do my ATC club (I was actually getting up to date as well, grrr). And Uni work - puh, I am so behind.
Righto, thought I'd check in before cracking on with Crimbo cards (no, snowy scenes when its sunny, wrong).
ps I will be putting more details of our MacMillan Coffee Evening, still waiting for confirmation of the venue.
I am also working on cards for next week, Craft Day! Whoo hoo. Loads to do, and a great TSV, so cracking on - not even been able to get to the allotment or do my ATC club (I was actually getting up to date as well, grrr). And Uni work - puh, I am so behind.
Righto, thought I'd check in before cracking on with Crimbo cards (no, snowy scenes when its sunny, wrong).
ps I will be putting more details of our MacMillan Coffee Evening, still waiting for confirmation of the venue.
Monday, 17 August 2009
Princess Lottie
Well I got to the party - just!! Talk about cutting it fine, me and Kathryn had to get ready in the loo's!
It was a lovely party, Carly made a brilliant fairy castle cake, and Lottie was wonderful as ever. She is such a beautiful little girl - she makes everyone feel special and important.
Anyhow, I'll share a few photo's but then I have to go, I'm so sleepy today, don't know what's wrong with me - feel like the plugs been whipped out and the energy batteries leaked. Got loads to do as well....oh hum.
Princess Lottie and her mummy Carly

Grown up Princess's!!

Princess Lottie with a choice of Princes! Lucky girl.....
It was a lovely party, Carly made a brilliant fairy castle cake, and Lottie was wonderful as ever. She is such a beautiful little girl - she makes everyone feel special and important.
Anyhow, I'll share a few photo's but then I have to go, I'm so sleepy today, don't know what's wrong with me - feel like the plugs been whipped out and the energy batteries leaked. Got loads to do as well....oh hum.
Princess Lottie and her mummy Carly
Grown up Princess's!!
Princess Lottie with a choice of Princes! Lucky girl.....
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Princess party
Well, I got lost in the woods this morning - I do that so much, and what bad timing, got so much to do. We are going to Lotties party and have to dress up as a Princess! Got some material, not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. Might put on pics after so you can have a laugh!!
Yesterday was a bad day, so very unproductive. Wanted to get all my ATC's sorted, and finish my workshop organising, but all plans went to the wall I'm afraid. Oh Hum.xx
Yesterday was a bad day, so very unproductive. Wanted to get all my ATC's sorted, and finish my workshop organising, but all plans went to the wall I'm afraid. Oh Hum.xx
Thursday, 13 August 2009
I know, I shouldn't swear - jogging for goodness sake. This is it though, another attempt at being healthy. Get this for a good start to the and the doggies, grass still slightly wet from the evenings rain, but the sun raising its head and warming the air. A slight jog, then a moment to recover from the shock! A few blackberries, sweet, fat and juicy. Even a few tiny beautiful sweet little plums picked straight from the tree, then another longer jog. Home to 15 mins of abs work out - then porridge. mmmmmm. Isn't that a good morning. I think the fruit gives me the inspiration to do the last jog - Teela loves the blackberries and plums! Dylan just kinda swills them around abit then spits them out - he just doesn't get it!
Anyhow, need to crack
Anyhow, need to crack
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Wine dilemma
I had to turn off the comp last night earlier than expected, cos I spilt red wine down my computer!!! Whoops. The screen went blank and I thought that was that, but thankfully it's dried out and back up and running! Can't say how relieved I am!
And it's meant I can read my brilliant messages - have you seen the fab cake receipe from Claire for my courgettes! Coffee evening cakes are sorted - thank you so much Claire - and hows Australia (lucky thing you!).
And it's meant I can read my brilliant messages - have you seen the fab cake receipe from Claire for my courgettes! Coffee evening cakes are sorted - thank you so much Claire - and hows Australia (lucky thing you!).
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
MacMillan Coffee Morning
Kathryn, Carley and me have decided to be part of the MacMillan Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning, which is a fabulous way of raising money for MacMillan, having a good get together and an excuse to get crafty!! Oh yes, crafty crafty crafty.
We have yet to confirm the venue, but that will be done by the end of the week. Now, although its called a coffee morning, we will actually have to have a coffee evening! I know, breaking the rules already, rebels. The date will be the 24th September, we will be serving coffee, tea, a cheeky wine or two (rude not to), cake, maybe home-made chutney (you might be saved from that one though), courgette soup (haha, can tell who's got courgette plants on their allotment, glut or what) - wonder if I can make courgette cake!! I'm also thinking selling crafty goodie bags, doing make and takes, and should we throw in a party game as well - damn fine idea for pass the parcel, you are never to old for that. Musical statues!!! Yeh, from coffee morning to kids party in the flash of an eye.
Anyhow, enough of my waffle, that's the plan so far. How exciting. Obviously all proceeds will go to MacMillan. Recon it's a good idea to bring along your ATC's to trade as well. Party!!! xxxx
We have yet to confirm the venue, but that will be done by the end of the week. Now, although its called a coffee morning, we will actually have to have a coffee evening! I know, breaking the rules already, rebels. The date will be the 24th September, we will be serving coffee, tea, a cheeky wine or two (rude not to), cake, maybe home-made chutney (you might be saved from that one though), courgette soup (haha, can tell who's got courgette plants on their allotment, glut or what) - wonder if I can make courgette cake!! I'm also thinking selling crafty goodie bags, doing make and takes, and should we throw in a party game as well - damn fine idea for pass the parcel, you are never to old for that. Musical statues!!! Yeh, from coffee morning to kids party in the flash of an eye.
Anyhow, enough of my waffle, that's the plan so far. How exciting. Obviously all proceeds will go to MacMillan. Recon it's a good idea to bring along your ATC's to trade as well. Party!!! xxxx
Now, those of you who know me, may know I'm not a mega decoupage fan (it's the cutting out - can get right on my nerves!). However, had a kit to do that was on today, and thought I would share a couple of photo's. The sheets came with matching cards. For a change I cut the centre out of a couple of these cards. The first I attached a piece of acetate behind the aperture. I attached backing paper inside the card, and the first piece of decoupage onto this, so it is in the centre of the aperture. I then built the rest of the decoupage on top of this, but on the front of the acetate.
The second card I cut the frame closer to the picture border, tied a ribbon onto the right of the frame. The decoupage this time was placed onto a mat, and then built in the centre of the frame.
Hope you like them. Tomorrow I am planning my workshops. There are still a few places available, so if you would like to book please get in contact for more details.

The second card I cut the frame closer to the picture border, tied a ribbon onto the right of the frame. The decoupage this time was placed onto a mat, and then built in the centre of the frame.
Hope you like them. Tomorrow I am planning my workshops. There are still a few places available, so if you would like to book please get in contact for more details.
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Dawn Bibby's Design Studio
Thought I'd pop in the full title, as I don't write it often as I always presume everyone knows our Dawn - so therefore I don't need to add a title - but as promised I'll pop on some photo's from my demo at Dawn Bibby's Design Studio last weekend, and a little waffle on how I achieved the results. Phew, isn't it warm - been baking in my room today (I'm not complaining!!).
Okaydokay, photo's:

This first card has been made using the Smooch inks for the background as well as directly on the stamp. Now the backgrounds are really easy to achieve, and fun (not to mention messy if your like me!). First take a piece of non-coated card stock, the Smooch do not dry on coated card. Spritz the card with water, completely soaking it. Take a sponge (any old sponge, preferably not with bits of soap still in it however) and apply some of the Smooch ink to the sponge. If you wish to create a frame then simply lightly place one finger in the centre of the card, then dab the ink around the edges of the wet card, you will see the inks spread and flow beautifully towards the centre of the card. When the ink becomes lighter, re-apply more Smooch ink to the sponge, and continue until your happy with the colours. You can add different colours, or more water if you want the ink to spread more. I like to leave mine to dry naturally, as this will capture some of the movement of the ink - but you can dry it with a heat gun if you are in a rush.
To stamp with the Smooch ink, simply apply the inks directly from the bottle using the lovely directional tip, to the stamp. Apply a couple of colours, I'm rather hap-hazard with this technique, and stamp. Some stamps will suit this technique more than others - try more solid stamps as opposed to outline images. If your a tight crafter like me, then you can try to very lightly spritz the stamp before cleaning off the ink, and stamping again. As the Smooch is water soluble it will water down and you may get another image!

For this card I used the same technique to get the background, but rather than creating a frame, I covered the whole card. When it was dry, I overstamped using Vivid Ink Pads, which give a strong colour. Finish using the Smooch inks to paint with, as this will give a more intense colour, and show the wonderful pearlescent sheen of the paints.

Again, working the inks to create frames, then overstamping with the Vivid Ink Pads. The bird has then been coloured with the purple smooch. I like being able to use the inks as a background and then to highlight and colour my focal feature, this ties in the colours and gives you more options with your ink.

Unfortunately I didn't take any photo's of a solid background which can be achieved with the Smooch inks. Take a re-inker for your embossing pad, and smear a little of the fluid over your un-coated card stock. This will allow the inks to glide over the card stock. Pick up some of the Smooch ink with your finger and glide it over the card. Again mix and match your colours. If you want a smooth surface, gently brush over with a sponge or brush. I obviously recommend doing it with your finger as it will add texture and depth (and it's more fun!).
Well, I thought I'd got more photo's than that - next time!
Okaydokay, photo's:
This first card has been made using the Smooch inks for the background as well as directly on the stamp. Now the backgrounds are really easy to achieve, and fun (not to mention messy if your like me!). First take a piece of non-coated card stock, the Smooch do not dry on coated card. Spritz the card with water, completely soaking it. Take a sponge (any old sponge, preferably not with bits of soap still in it however) and apply some of the Smooch ink to the sponge. If you wish to create a frame then simply lightly place one finger in the centre of the card, then dab the ink around the edges of the wet card, you will see the inks spread and flow beautifully towards the centre of the card. When the ink becomes lighter, re-apply more Smooch ink to the sponge, and continue until your happy with the colours. You can add different colours, or more water if you want the ink to spread more. I like to leave mine to dry naturally, as this will capture some of the movement of the ink - but you can dry it with a heat gun if you are in a rush.
To stamp with the Smooch ink, simply apply the inks directly from the bottle using the lovely directional tip, to the stamp. Apply a couple of colours, I'm rather hap-hazard with this technique, and stamp. Some stamps will suit this technique more than others - try more solid stamps as opposed to outline images. If your a tight crafter like me, then you can try to very lightly spritz the stamp before cleaning off the ink, and stamping again. As the Smooch is water soluble it will water down and you may get another image!
For this card I used the same technique to get the background, but rather than creating a frame, I covered the whole card. When it was dry, I overstamped using Vivid Ink Pads, which give a strong colour. Finish using the Smooch inks to paint with, as this will give a more intense colour, and show the wonderful pearlescent sheen of the paints.
Again, working the inks to create frames, then overstamping with the Vivid Ink Pads. The bird has then been coloured with the purple smooch. I like being able to use the inks as a background and then to highlight and colour my focal feature, this ties in the colours and gives you more options with your ink.
Unfortunately I didn't take any photo's of a solid background which can be achieved with the Smooch inks. Take a re-inker for your embossing pad, and smear a little of the fluid over your un-coated card stock. This will allow the inks to glide over the card stock. Pick up some of the Smooch ink with your finger and glide it over the card. Again mix and match your colours. If you want a smooth surface, gently brush over with a sponge or brush. I obviously recommend doing it with your finger as it will add texture and depth (and it's more fun!).
Well, I thought I'd got more photo's than that - next time!
Posted by
Leonie pujol
Dawn Bibby,
Dawn's Design Studio,
Smooch Inks,
Vivid Inks

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