They have beaten me! I've been wrapping for hours I tell you...but there's more. Is this because I have bought the contents of John lewis (my lottery winning dream), or could it be that I faff. You know it....
It means of course my cards are not done. I made 3. 3 more than last year, granted, but how very pathetic. And I haven't managed to get the 3 I made posted. I drive myself mad.
However, on a very big happy note, after being skint for many many years, now being able to buy pressies for my nearest and dearest is lovely. I've really been able to treat my little sister which is brilliant, and I'm really looking forward to spending a lovely Christmas with my wee family.
I'm in work before then, and will definitely share some photo's of some crafty moments :) and maybe the production crew in jim jams!!
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Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Christmas swag
Mega tired, promised myself bed by 9, but started pratting about with my stash of fabulous pine cones and my dried oranges. Why!!! Looks good, and smells even, time for bed :)

Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Goodbye Sarah
Well, I did want to blog about our fantastic GOSH day, and the wonderful Flora, I will do as it was so very inspiring (and my word, gives you a wake up call, anyone complaining about an ache or a pain - shut up!!!)....I wanted to before today, but haven't and now it's today.
Today we said our farewell to our lovely friend Sarah. Her casket was beautiful. It was wicker and cascaded with flowers, which emanated an array of wonderful colour, with which we all remembered Sarah. Colourful and a lover of colour.
It was a lovely service, with Liz reading a piece telling us about Sarah's life. It's with immense sadness we see her depart, but great gratitude we knew her and are still surrounded by her work and inspiration. Last time I visited Sarah and David she gave me a bag of toothbrushes - she'd been given boxes and figured one day they'd come in handy! I found them last week and had a little cry - over a bag of toothbrushes. Who'd have thought. Now, my challenge is do something with them!! Thanks Sarah. If only she'd been given lots of watch parts or something.
It was lovely remembering Sarah, we smiled and laughed, which is how it should be - and now our heart goes out to her family who are very much in our thoughts x
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Today we said our farewell to our lovely friend Sarah. Her casket was beautiful. It was wicker and cascaded with flowers, which emanated an array of wonderful colour, with which we all remembered Sarah. Colourful and a lover of colour.
It was a lovely service, with Liz reading a piece telling us about Sarah's life. It's with immense sadness we see her depart, but great gratitude we knew her and are still surrounded by her work and inspiration. Last time I visited Sarah and David she gave me a bag of toothbrushes - she'd been given boxes and figured one day they'd come in handy! I found them last week and had a little cry - over a bag of toothbrushes. Who'd have thought. Now, my challenge is do something with them!! Thanks Sarah. If only she'd been given lots of watch parts or something.
It was lovely remembering Sarah, we smiled and laughed, which is how it should be - and now our heart goes out to her family who are very much in our thoughts x
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Great ormond street hospital
Last week we had the wonderful privilege of visiting great ormond street hospital, and having just a quick look at the brilliant work they do, as well as meeting just a few of the kids.
I'll be honest, I wasn't feeling my best after the shocking news about Sarah, so I was worried id let the side down and end up being an emotional mess - but great ormond street had the opposite effect. It was wonderful to see such a clean and vibrant hospital. To know there is somewhere for the most complex cases, for those children and of course, their families to go for help and support. Obviously we only had a short time, so saw only a little of the hospital, but what we did see was uplifting. Their work and dedication is amazing.
Our fundraising campaign has started with our Christmas single, with lots more ways to help raise money to be announced. We launch the event on Sunday night and continue through Monday, so please tune in. Great ormond street are trying to raise money for a neurosensory laboratory. This will concentrate on studying pain, the effects of pain killers and trying to find ways to lessen pain and therefore reducing the suffering of children. The results of these studies will be a benefit to children worldwide.
The hospital still has old parts which need investment and modernisation, so fundraising will always be a part of the life of great ormond street, but this will be done with enthusiasm by all those touched by the hospital and it's work. Thank you to everyone who supports our campaign and more importantly, great ormond street. I wanted to stay crafting with the kids all day - they made our day an absolute pleasure.
I hope it won't be my first and last visit, but I know it'll be the start of more fundraising! Watch this space....!
I'll be honest, I wasn't feeling my best after the shocking news about Sarah, so I was worried id let the side down and end up being an emotional mess - but great ormond street had the opposite effect. It was wonderful to see such a clean and vibrant hospital. To know there is somewhere for the most complex cases, for those children and of course, their families to go for help and support. Obviously we only had a short time, so saw only a little of the hospital, but what we did see was uplifting. Their work and dedication is amazing.
Our fundraising campaign has started with our Christmas single, with lots more ways to help raise money to be announced. We launch the event on Sunday night and continue through Monday, so please tune in. Great ormond street are trying to raise money for a neurosensory laboratory. This will concentrate on studying pain, the effects of pain killers and trying to find ways to lessen pain and therefore reducing the suffering of children. The results of these studies will be a benefit to children worldwide.
The hospital still has old parts which need investment and modernisation, so fundraising will always be a part of the life of great ormond street, but this will be done with enthusiasm by all those touched by the hospital and it's work. Thank you to everyone who supports our campaign and more importantly, great ormond street. I wanted to stay crafting with the kids all day - they made our day an absolute pleasure.
I hope it won't be my first and last visit, but I know it'll be the start of more fundraising! Watch this space....!
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
I could not do a blog post without saying a few words about the terrible loss of my friend Sarah. I can't believe she's gone and I'll never see her again. Sarah was a wonderful, genuine and generous person. Her talent was immense. I loved visiting her shop, her work was everywhere, and then you could really appreciate Sarah's imagination and talent. She played, experimented. Created. She truly was an artist.
I feel so desperately for the family she leaves behind. I was made so welcome, going to see Sarah and David was home from home, they even welcomed the dogs with open arms. I never went on one of Sarah's classes, I know it would have been fantastic and a pure inspiration. That I regret, but I am happy my life has been richer having Sarah as a friend.
How can such energy and inspiration just disappear.
I don't know how to end this post, it feels no words can...So simply, I miss you Sarah. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.
- Leonie
I feel so desperately for the family she leaves behind. I was made so welcome, going to see Sarah and David was home from home, they even welcomed the dogs with open arms. I never went on one of Sarah's classes, I know it would have been fantastic and a pure inspiration. That I regret, but I am happy my life has been richer having Sarah as a friend.
How can such energy and inspiration just disappear.
I don't know how to end this post, it feels no words can...So simply, I miss you Sarah. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.
- Leonie
Monday, 5 December 2011
Crafty mums
Just had to do a sneaky post, my mums crimbo cards are looking great, thought id share

Well done mum, please can you start on mine :) xxx
Well done mum, please can you start on mine :) xxx
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Learning something new
That's what I love about my job, there's always something new to learn. Today was a brilliant day, I spent and hour with Gina who makes the most fantastic buttons. Buttons, who considers the work that can go into them, and how fabulous they can look. Such an interesting show. Okay, I need practice, but this is mine!:

It is really relaxing, and they actually take shape pretty quickly so you can achieve your finished result in no time (I say this, I'm pretty sure some of the creations Gina brought in weren't knocked up in 10mins!).
And then to something completely different. An hour with Barbara in her classroom. I can no tell you how jealous I've been of everyone who has got Barbara's shows, so I was made up when I got a chance to play. You have to go on Barbara's workshops, she's an excellent teacher. I love stamping, but love learning new techniques and ways of looking at a stamp. I was always one for playing, but this has made me even more experimental. I even got to play a little after the class - happy with these!

Never will a corner stamp look the same again.
Righto, better get to bed. Early morning tomorrow, a long over due trip up north to see friends and family. Unfortunately it's being cut short, but it's all good - ill tell you all about it.
Night all xx
It is really relaxing, and they actually take shape pretty quickly so you can achieve your finished result in no time (I say this, I'm pretty sure some of the creations Gina brought in weren't knocked up in 10mins!).
And then to something completely different. An hour with Barbara in her classroom. I can no tell you how jealous I've been of everyone who has got Barbara's shows, so I was made up when I got a chance to play. You have to go on Barbara's workshops, she's an excellent teacher. I love stamping, but love learning new techniques and ways of looking at a stamp. I was always one for playing, but this has made me even more experimental. I even got to play a little after the class - happy with these!
Never will a corner stamp look the same again.
Righto, better get to bed. Early morning tomorrow, a long over due trip up north to see friends and family. Unfortunately it's being cut short, but it's all good - ill tell you all about it.
Night all xx
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Christmas lights
Thank you to everyone who sent me get well messages. I did indeed return to full health - it was only a cold but the sore throat was a pain! To celebrate:

Yep, I can eat again. Great.
With my return to health came a obsession to get a Christmas tree - NOW!!
So we did, and it's beautiful. We had a lovely Christmas dinner on Monday, courtesy of Adam, and we all helped decorate the tree.

Real tree! Love it.
Then the oranges began to dry on the radiators and fire:

And look at the fir cone stash I've managed to find, and they're big. They are sticky with sap that smells lovely, but is incredibly sticky - definite contender to beat pinflair!!

Crafting is great at Christmas isn't it. I'm going to make wreaths with the holly and fir tree. Add cinnamon to everything - especially the oranges whilst they're drying, smells divine. I even want to do some sewing. We'll see how all that goes.
Okay, back to slicing oranges before Anne Marie calls and we can go and feed.
Yep, I can eat again. Great.
With my return to health came a obsession to get a Christmas tree - NOW!!
So we did, and it's beautiful. We had a lovely Christmas dinner on Monday, courtesy of Adam, and we all helped decorate the tree.
Real tree! Love it.
Then the oranges began to dry on the radiators and fire:
And look at the fir cone stash I've managed to find, and they're big. They are sticky with sap that smells lovely, but is incredibly sticky - definite contender to beat pinflair!!
Crafting is great at Christmas isn't it. I'm going to make wreaths with the holly and fir tree. Add cinnamon to everything - especially the oranges whilst they're drying, smells divine. I even want to do some sewing. We'll see how all that goes.
Okay, back to slicing oranges before Anne Marie calls and we can go and feed.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
.......owww, almost too late!! Okay, what is Movember. Well, work has been over run with blokes and tashes. Loads of, well, hair! This is all in aid of charity to raise awareness and money for prostate and testicular cancer. The blokes at work have been doing a great job of fundraising, and of course, the girls have to help when we can - so we tashed up, and did our bit for the boys!

Please, if you haven't already donated to this important cause, then visit Dan's page, here's the link:
Movember Dan's Tash!!
Thank you so much, and here's the man himself sporting a damn fine tash (and Mr Frisby, mmmm, that's not real now is it Mr Fris!! Tut tut).

Please, if you haven't already donated to this important cause, then visit Dan's page, here's the link:
Movember Dan's Tash!!
Thank you so much, and here's the man himself sporting a damn fine tash (and Mr Frisby, mmmm, that's not real now is it Mr Fris!! Tut tut).

Saturday, 26 November 2011
The lurgy got me
So, a couple of weeks ago this was me "manuka honey is amazing. Everyone's had a cold and I'm fine. I never catch colds, look at me, miss vitamin c...yadda yadda", so I suppose I deserve it. The nose of rudolf, and a throat that feels like I've eaten a course of cheese graters. I thought, cool, good for the diet. Nope, all I've been able to drink and eat are milkshakes, eggs or pasta.
No more manuka honey, but would I have got a cold sooner! Would it have been worse!! Dont you just hate it when you buy into the hype and can't get out of it.
Anyhow, the snuffles are retreating but my throat is awful. Joanne said the only answer is to gargle with tcp. Tomorrow that may be my last resort.....urgh.
It's a sickner as not only have I not been able to go to work, but I'm missing going to Jo Channons shop tomorrow. I was really looking forward to demonstrating. I'll get there, eventually. Anyone going have a brilliant time, if you don't know about it yet then go down, the wonderful Sheena Douglas is there tomorrow (sob, would have been such a good day). Here's Jo's address:
Hopefully it'll be business as usual next week and I'll be chatting everyone's ears off.
Keep away from germy folk xxx
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No more manuka honey, but would I have got a cold sooner! Would it have been worse!! Dont you just hate it when you buy into the hype and can't get out of it.
Anyhow, the snuffles are retreating but my throat is awful. Joanne said the only answer is to gargle with tcp. Tomorrow that may be my last resort.....urgh.
It's a sickner as not only have I not been able to go to work, but I'm missing going to Jo Channons shop tomorrow. I was really looking forward to demonstrating. I'll get there, eventually. Anyone going have a brilliant time, if you don't know about it yet then go down, the wonderful Sheena Douglas is there tomorrow (sob, would have been such a good day). Here's Jo's address:
Hopefully it'll be business as usual next week and I'll be chatting everyone's ears off.
Keep away from germy folk xxx
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Had a fast old show today with the hunkydoray blockbuster. The first one was with Ruth, but she hit the road so the second was just little me and the team. Had a craft of course:

This is my fav colour selection, backing those shaped cards with holographic paper makes it shine even more!

And the flower is a touch of luxury!

Love working with acetate, so this mixed with papers and toppers made a quick card that looks anything but...can you spot magic hands?:

Haha, here they are, our Howard and Andrea

Good day today, off to celebrate my Pete passing his driving test first time. Hooray!!!xx
This is my fav colour selection, backing those shaped cards with holographic paper makes it shine even more!
And the flower is a touch of luxury!
Love working with acetate, so this mixed with papers and toppers made a quick card that looks anything but...can you spot magic hands?:
Haha, here they are, our Howard and Andrea
Good day today, off to celebrate my Pete passing his driving test first time. Hooray!!!xx
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Spellbinders..and now to play!!
Well I wanted to use our new stamps, and had a magazine article to write, so thought I would dig out the brand new (to my web site anyhow) Spellbinders. I love these, and they allow you to really play.
First I stamped and coloured our new stamp. The detail on these is really incredible. I really like them (I can say that as Sandy drew them!). I coloured the image using Spectrum Noirs.

For the background I used one of the embossing folders, I think this one was the Walrus and the Carpenter, and then set to cutting. I used the Parisian Accents, the border I cut twice from coredinations card, and interlocked the borders together. This is easy to do, but gives the border a completely different look.

I then cut two of the smaller accents, these are incredibly versatile. Again I interlocked them, and tucked one piece behind my main image to again transform the look of the die cut.

Dont throw away your scraps!! For those who like to fiddle and mess, I used the waste to add an embellishment to the left and right hand side of the card, finishing with a little drop of the white enamel accents.

No card is complete without a touch of ribbon, and I love the crinkle edge ribbon. A bow looked to much for my delicate image, so I opted to use just a knot, which I think is the perfect finishing touch.
Altogether a fun card to make, especially combining the wonderful Spellbinders with our new stamps.
You can purchase the new and exclusive stamps, embossing folders, spellbinders and ribbon from our website, by just clicking
First I stamped and coloured our new stamp. The detail on these is really incredible. I really like them (I can say that as Sandy drew them!). I coloured the image using Spectrum Noirs.

For the background I used one of the embossing folders, I think this one was the Walrus and the Carpenter, and then set to cutting. I used the Parisian Accents, the border I cut twice from coredinations card, and interlocked the borders together. This is easy to do, but gives the border a completely different look.

I then cut two of the smaller accents, these are incredibly versatile. Again I interlocked them, and tucked one piece behind my main image to again transform the look of the die cut.

Dont throw away your scraps!! For those who like to fiddle and mess, I used the waste to add an embellishment to the left and right hand side of the card, finishing with a little drop of the white enamel accents.

No card is complete without a touch of ribbon, and I love the crinkle edge ribbon. A bow looked to much for my delicate image, so I opted to use just a knot, which I think is the perfect finishing touch.
Altogether a fun card to make, especially combining the wonderful Spellbinders with our new stamps.
You can purchase the new and exclusive stamps, embossing folders, spellbinders and ribbon from our website, by just clicking
Monday, 21 November 2011
New stamps....sneaky peak!!
We have them in our sticky mitts (very sticky, but that's down to the grapefruit and honey!). Sticky phone as well now....anyway, the first set has arrived. I'm working on them today, but wanted to show you the atc's that have gone out with the last orders...hope you like (will be appearing on the web site today

- used the new distress inks as well, of course! New toy!! :)
- used the new distress inks as well, of course! New toy!! :)
Sue Wilson and her magical spellbinders
What a glorious POW we have this week. Spellbinders are amazing arnt they. And Sue creates such fabulous designs with them. As usual I wanted the lot. Id love to have one of those mega deals arriving just for me! How cool would that be.
I took a few photos of some of my favourite cards that Sue had brought in, difficult, there's not a dodgy one amongst them!

Then of course, had to have one of me and Sue

Sue will be on our screens this week, don't miss out. And of course, make sure you visit Sue's blog if you haven't already:
I took a few photos of some of my favourite cards that Sue had brought in, difficult, there's not a dodgy one amongst them!
Then of course, had to have one of me and Sue
Sue will be on our screens this week, don't miss out. And of course, make sure you visit Sue's blog if you haven't already:
Friday, 18 November 2011
Air Dry Clay and Gleams
I thought I had better try and finish one small project from my air dry clay, and I wanted to use the lovely Gleams. These are a new gilding wax which look fantastic on a range of different surfaces. Apply with either a soft cloth or fingertip onto raised surfaces such as dimensional paste, embossed images, polymer clay etc. for that extra added wow! Buff to provide a delicate lustre.
Wait until your clay has dried (I left over night, due to the fact I worked until late!!). Then just take a little wax on your finger and gently rub into the clay. Don't rub to hard, you only need a slight application. I then embossed a piece of card and repeated with the same set of Gleams. They look fantastic, and don't need any sealant.

You can see the before and after on both the black clay and the plain card, it makes such a difference. Check them out on my website by clicking HERE
Wait until your clay has dried (I left over night, due to the fact I worked until late!!). Then just take a little wax on your finger and gently rub into the clay. Don't rub to hard, you only need a slight application. I then embossed a piece of card and repeated with the same set of Gleams. They look fantastic, and don't need any sealant.

You can see the before and after on both the black clay and the plain card, it makes such a difference. Check them out on my website by clicking HERE
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Air dry clay - play!
Okay, thought I'd better post this as I know it's gonna be a long one!
Air dry paper clay. Lightweight. Versatile. Cool.
First I rolled it flat:

Folded it over and rolled again, to sandwich together and get a thicker piece. Cut down to neaten it up, if you wish:

Colour tinting is great. You can do this whilst its wet or dry. You can use a variety if different mediums. Play. I used my new winter distress inks and a stippling sponge to give texture and an uneven look:

Ink up your stamp, and gently push into the clay. Because the clay is fine it will grab the detail of your stamp, so you can go for something quite delicate:

It's a thick piece of clay to remember to colour the edges with matching ink:

Make a smaller embellishment, using the same process:

Remove dog hair!!!

Haha. Okay, you can pick up your ink from your craft mat and paint your clay as you would with paper:

And now assemble. I've added an extra white piece of clay, to break up the pattern so I can effectively mat and layer my pieces. Before gently squishing your pieces together play around with composition:

Toppers! Lightweight for cards or jewellery. Ready to be varnished and glazed!

Use your clay with stamps, moulds, masks and stencils.

Brilliant for beads. I've rolled it with bits of metal leaf, a plastic bag - even burnt it!!

I'm good at burning things, something I manage most evenings when cooking. With this however, much more fun!
You can also sculpt some fabulous flowers, again it dries incredibly lightweight, so large embellishments don't have to weight a tonn (this looked better before I attacked it with the lighter):

I was going to make some finished pieces, but that may have to be tomorrow - bedtime. Have fun with your clay.
Clay, inks and metal flake available on my web site:
Air dry paper clay. Lightweight. Versatile. Cool.
First I rolled it flat:
Folded it over and rolled again, to sandwich together and get a thicker piece. Cut down to neaten it up, if you wish:
Colour tinting is great. You can do this whilst its wet or dry. You can use a variety if different mediums. Play. I used my new winter distress inks and a stippling sponge to give texture and an uneven look:
Ink up your stamp, and gently push into the clay. Because the clay is fine it will grab the detail of your stamp, so you can go for something quite delicate:
It's a thick piece of clay to remember to colour the edges with matching ink:
Make a smaller embellishment, using the same process:
Remove dog hair!!!
Haha. Okay, you can pick up your ink from your craft mat and paint your clay as you would with paper:
And now assemble. I've added an extra white piece of clay, to break up the pattern so I can effectively mat and layer my pieces. Before gently squishing your pieces together play around with composition:
Toppers! Lightweight for cards or jewellery. Ready to be varnished and glazed!
Use your clay with stamps, moulds, masks and stencils.
Brilliant for beads. I've rolled it with bits of metal leaf, a plastic bag - even burnt it!!
I'm good at burning things, something I manage most evenings when cooking. With this however, much more fun!
You can also sculpt some fabulous flowers, again it dries incredibly lightweight, so large embellishments don't have to weight a tonn (this looked better before I attacked it with the lighter):
I was going to make some finished pieces, but that may have to be tomorrow - bedtime. Have fun with your clay.
Clay, inks and metal flake available on my web site:
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