The last section was printing and book binding. Loved it. Still have a Bag for Life stuffed with books on making books! Of course I'll get through them all, don't really want to give them back to the library though.
There are so many techniques which are covered in printing which can be combined with card making, workshops here we come! We are planning to do a book of techniques, and obviously bind our own book. My buddy from Uni will be running the workshops with me, Ashley. She is so talented, and comes up with some brilliant idea's. She works mightily quickly though, so if you've ever been to one of Dawn's workshops and thought it was fast, just wait till you meet our Ashley!! I know I've been babbling on about my workshops forever, but we are committed, so it will happen.
Letters to Santa

This is the cover. I downloaded a picture of Santa and printed him onto my cover. The cover was decorated using texturising acrylic mediums mixed with acrylic paint.

When the cover was opened it revealed my paper cutting work. I removed the middle of the pages of the book to give depth, then stuck in the layers of paper cutting. The scene is of Christmas trees, people snowballing, and a snowman. The cottage has a light behind it which gives the glow.

I had a play with embedding a small dictionary in melted wax, but wanted one word to remain. I covered this with acetate so it would be protected, then placed an ice cube over the top whilst I poured in the melted wax. Great fun!

This is amazing, just amazing
Joanne xxx
Awww, thank you Joanne. It looked quite good when the lights were dimmed. Want to do more of these, great fun.
Hi Leonie!
This is gorgeous, love the way you put a light behind the cottage. Great texture too! I've just altered my first book, but haven't tackled the inside yet. I'm going to put quotes and sayings in it.
Happy New Year! (bit late!)
Alison xx
the book is fantastic, I'm lucky enougth to see it in the flesh or should that be paper.
OMG Leonie that is just gorgeous! Ver clever! :)
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