I had a lovely DO Forever Friends kit to work on, with the embossed cards - really like those, very effective. Anyhow, decided to go along the circle with a gel pen, which obviously smudged. However, trusty water pen at hand, dragged the ink along and hey presto, mended! Never a mistake in crafting eh chums!
This one I was alot more careful with, and managed to go round the stitch embossed detail and wording with a steadier hand.
I used gel pens again, dragging some of the ink with the waterbrush to get a lighter effect in places. You can see the glitter still sparkling through from some of the inks. Sakura are definitely the best I've used to date.
I highlighted the stars with glitter glue for this one, subtle but effective.
If your gentle you can highlight embossed elements by dragging an ink pad over the card, the ink catches the detail.
Chalk, always handy to add easy colour to your embossed card.
Lovely card and stickers, takes me back to buying all those Forever Friends cards and goodies many moons ago.
Fabulous array of cards Leonie..I *love*
`Happy` accidents...
Enjoy your weekend :) x
Thanks for showing us your cards Leonie. I bought the Forever Friends auto-delivery TSV and have made a few up myself but it is lovely to see what an expert does with them and you have inspired me to do more with mine than what I already have.
Love Happy Accidents - I usually manage to hide anything that goes wrong too.
Have a great weekend.
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